Recent content by Merlinsclaw

  1. Merlinsclaw

    Serious HL2RP - Moving Forward

    he's a troll on god
  2. Merlinsclaw

    Serious HL2RP - Moving Forward

    Hard occupation city rp will work this time I swear guys.
  3. Merlinsclaw

    Serious HL2RP - Moving Forward

    So you've said a few things about hl2rp^2 that I disagree with. Alot of this is going to be my personal opinion so take it with a grain of salt. You said that hl2rp^2 only thrived because it was more lax, less serious, etc. I wholeheartedly disagree with that. HL2rp^2 was a serious server and...
  4. Merlinsclaw

    Serious HL2RP - Moving Forward

    Despite Willard's title of an "HL2RPG", it's literally just HL2RP with some development features. It's nothing special and gets a lot of things wrong. Source: (also was staff) Spot on but I think it goes a bit deeper than just doing the same shit again and again. I'd like to make two points...
  5. Merlinsclaw

    Serious HL2RP - Moving Forward

    The literal only thing I could see working is a multi-month (probably like 6 months) shutdown to develop a new server (HL2RP or a new setting). This probably won't happen due to legal issues around premium iirc. Even then, idk where the money would come from to develop this stuff. Even ignoring...
  6. Merlinsclaw

    Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread

  7. Merlinsclaw

    how i dream of the summer theme

    how i dream of the summer theme
  8. Merlinsclaw

    Fallout The Show

    finished it. it's really good
  9. Merlinsclaw

    Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread

    I have bad news.
  10. Merlinsclaw

    invincible (spoilers) (mark is thinking)

    necropost. season 2 came out and its goated.
  11. Merlinsclaw

    Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread

    re: anyone enjoying spring break rn
  12. Merlinsclaw

    Garrison 3.1.4 - Super Events and Endings

    my helldivers destroyer is called the prophet of peace (union-3 reference)
  13. Merlinsclaw

    Garrison 3.1.4 - Super Events and Endings

    peace, mercy, euphoria
  14. Merlinsclaw

    Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread

    bro gave his steam id and everything to get punished haha