Accepted Blitz's Vortigaunt Application

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Mar 13, 2023
Steam name: Blitz0012
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:79277566
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:
None on Nebulous. Done a ton of Vort RP on Semi-Serious servers, but most importantly I RP'd consistently as Vortigaunts over the course of about two years of Taco N Banana HL2RP. I think I played more Vort than Citizen on TNB.
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?

Character Name:

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:
Brian would be a relatively basic Vort character, although his interests lie more in Philosophy and Culture, having tired of the constant clashing with the Combine.

Brief Backstory:
A relatively veteran Vortigaunt, Brian was fortunate to have been freed from his binds early on in the Combine's regime, a small group of early rebels had supported his escape, it was this same group that gave him his, some would say bland, nickname. Soon enough, those rebels found themselves dispersed, and Brian moved to wander, interacting with various groups, although humans had yet to truly trust the aliens, and he was often met with distrust or disdain. Brian watched as the Combine's grip tightened on the planet, he did his best to help refugees as he came across in the wilds, doing his best to teach humanity to cope with the growing presence of Xen.

Brian found himself becoming a wandering skald of sorts, doing his best to recount the stories of those he'd met and sharing old Vortal tales and proverbs. When the Resistance entered full swing, Brian became much less inclined to travel and chose to follow a small set of Rebel groups, so as to document to fall of the Combine as best he could.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:
Not sure yet, ideally all of them eventually.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):
Nothing special, at least not yet.

Note: I don't necessarily mind RPing as a free or enslaved Vort. I'd add to the backstory that Brian was recaptured by the Combine a few months prior, I'd prefer a free Vort, however. If there's a specific lack of enslaved Vorts that needs filling, I can do that.
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