Accepted Cake's Application

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Apr 30, 2016
Steam name: STUCK IN A CAKE
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:86755999

Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:

You of all people should already know that I've played vortigaunt on and off for years at this point, and I thought I was done with it, but I had a funny idea that was worth a shot.

Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?:
I have

Character Name: No Real Vortigaunt Name, but goes by the moniker 'Spices' or 'Spice Rack'.

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:

Food as well as the preparation of it will be of upmost importance to this vortigaunt. They bask in its wondrous smell, are actively curious about new flavors and seek new ingredients. Their vortal powers developing a unique keenness to aid them in this process. My general idea is that they will have a little more unique creativeness and harbor their skills to feed others.

Brief Backstory:

Starting with their life upon the Xenian Border world, the young nameless vortigaunt would aid in the hunting and gathering of food to ensure their Clusters longevity. It wasn't glamorous but it taught 'Spices' the ins and out of most xenian creatures they happened upon, learning to butcher and prepare the meat. Cooking as well as general hunting skills which fine tuned their vortal powers.

The Earth "invasion" was rather uneventful to 'Spices', since most of the damage was directly done before they even got to the human home world - but due to the unfortunate events that transpired, it caused 'Spices' to fall into the clutches of the Combine, thanks to the fact they are now stranded on Earth with little company. Captivity clearly starved and weakened the young Vortigaunt but their spirit held firm, sensing through their vortal connection of other kindred, as well as news of a growing resistance movement. It wouldn't take long before they were broken free from their shackles, by their fellow vorts just before inhibitors to were implemented.

Despite their escape, their life was still not easy. They began helping their kin who were in contact with Lambda's supply routes. Walking through damp and destroyed sewer systems and over barren wastelands where there were once oceans. These so called 'Lambda Logistic' lines was where 'Spices' found their main source of work, helping the movement of larger resistance cells and their equipment through a sophisticated underground system. They aided where they could with heavy lifting, camp preparations and with the general day-to-day life of supply routes before ending up on a more 'Front-line' endeavor.

Closer to the fight with the Combine filled 'Spices' with a sense of being, they felt they needed to be here, acting in the now as apposed to withering away in the background. Be it technical working, hunting the local xenian wildlife or maintaining a soup kitchen, 'Spices' seems to be getting their hands (Or Claws rather) stuck in. Having tasted the fate of defeat fills them with the drive to free the others, their mutual hate for the Combine will ensure their undying loyalty with the Humans in whom they put their trust in.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:

Probably more with Humans due to their backstory. Since Vortal clusters tend to be rather self sufficient in their own regards. 'Spices' would rather give the Humans the edge they need over the Combine.

I've personally not really read much into the Human groups that have already been created because quite frankly I don't care, because I'd rather see what they do in game than what they say they will do on the forums.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:

"Vortessense Assisted Preparation"

With a deeper connection to the Culture of the Feast, and the Hunt that it required, the Cluster in which 'Spices' originated from developed a style of Vortal Manipulation to aid in the Tracking of Xenian Wildlife as well as the Preparation of it. From Headcrabs, Antlions up to Bullsquids. The Vortigaunt has an easier time to discover the nests and locations of a given creature and are more efficient when gathering meat from their carcass.

(The idea is not to give me Aimbot or 'Radar' for Xenian creatures, nor should it be implied as such, but more like a 'Ranger' from d&d, they just seem to be more efficient with the task of tracking and butchering, as if they're naturarly proficient. When it comes to Roleplay, I can specify that they seem to be pretty damn good at it - even if on a whole they're fairly average)
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May 18, 2016

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:

"Vortessense Assisted Preparation"

With a deeper connection to the Culture of the Feast, and the Hunt that it required, the Cluster in which 'Spices' originated from developed a style of Vortal Manipulation to aid in the Tracking of Xenian Wildlife as well as the Preparation of it. From Headcrabs, Antlions up to Bullsquids. The Vortigaunt has an easier time to discover the nests and locations of a given creature and are more efficient when gathering meat from their carcass.

(The idea is not to give me Aimbot or 'Radar' for Xenian creatures, nor should it be implied as such, but more like a 'Ranger' from d&d, they just seem to be more efficient with the task of tracking and butchering, as if they're naturarly proficient. When it comes to Roleplay, I can specify that they seem to be pretty damn good at it - even if on a whole they're fairly average)

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