Accepted Dr0pex's Vortigaunt application

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Mar 28, 2019
Steam name: Dr0pex
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:51264732
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions: I have played as a freed and enslaved Vortigaunt previously in other servers. Every one of them had their particularities lore-wise so I have no problems on adapting to the current situation.
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?: Yes I have
Character Name: S-7985

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:

I'm planning to portray a Vortigaunt who went from being part of the highest echelons of Nihilanth's society to find itself involved in an all out war in a world it doesn't understand against the empire who almost get its species extincted. S-7985 will act as if the Nihilanth and/or Xenian army (if we can use those terms) still existed and this was the war it was supposed to be fought, even though its war ended when the Combine established itself in the planet Earth.

S-7985 will act as a leader, as if nothing ever changed while at the same time it will discover what has happened all the time it was "in extasis" using its vortal connection with his fellow kin as well as overcoming the conflicting information and feelings regarding the Nihilanth that it receives from other Vortigaunts. This will allow the opportunity to an interesting character development which will be enriched by the ongoing Vortigaunt plot regarding the interpretation of the future of the species when the Combine is long gone.

Brief Backstory:

S-7985 was the denomination given to this Vortigaunt when it was born in the Xenian factories years prior to the Black Mesa Incident. Since it was a young Vortigaunt, S-7985 excelled in his leadership skills. A devotee of Nihilanth, S-7985 would soon find his way to the upper echelons of the Xenian society thanks to his ability of commanding the workshifts performed within the Borderworld's factories.

S-7985 always wore its greenish shackles with proud as a symbol of serving the ulterior entity who managed to prevent its species from extinction sheltering them in Xen, far from the Combine's grip... at least until the untinhkable happened. S-7985 wasn't the best warrior but was a good strategist and due to his social status he was granted with the ability of commanding a small group of Vortigaunts. Life in Xen went smooth, S-7985 went from factory logistic to military exercises, it could led some expeditions to remote parts of Xen where Nihilanth's authority was challenged by local species which opposed the impering refugee-led regime, these 'conquests' as S-7985 liked to call them granted it some prestige among the warrior caste in Xen.

When the Black Mesa Incident happened, S-7985 received the telepathic message to invade the Earth. It was going to meet the Nihilanth in his chamber when suddenly a portal appeared from nowhere and swallowed it and few of his soldiers. What happened between that moment and when it spawned remains unknown, what it was certain is that S-7985 at the very first moment it stepped out of that portal it found itself within a new world controlled by those who almost drive its species towards the extinction which were clashing with a local intelligent specie known as 'humans'.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?: I will probably start my own cluster or join with others which align with my Vortigaunt's intentions/interpretations.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations): I haven't thought about anything special (is it possible to request it in the future?)
May 18, 2016
I like this. I like this a lot. We've had similar concepts of HL1-era vorts trying to adapt to the new world before. I'm especially excited to see you attempt to start a cluster, since their potential has been severely untapped ever since the server launched.

My one reservation is that you're a new player on the forums & presumably on the server. I haven't seen enough of you to trust that you'll roleplay this with nuance and quality, and I'm willing to bet you'll experience a culture shock in what we find acceptable in VortRP vs elsewhere - but I'm more than willing to give you a shot. Expect me to have something to say regardless if I find something is lacking in your roleplay, but this is mainly in the interest of helping you get your bearings in the server.

Beyond that, I have a nitpick with the naming choice. I'm going to need you to send me a 'nickname' either via Discord or a forum PM. You may continue to refer to yourself as 'S-7895' and/or ask the characters around you to call you this, but your 'nickname' will be the one that shows up on the scoreboard.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations): I haven't thought about anything special (is it possible to request it in the future?)


Accepted on trial.
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