Jomie Rookwood


Mar 12, 2021

The Current Tale of Jomie Rookwood.​

Jomie Rookwood's journey through the Half-Life universe is a tale of resilience, sacrifice, and unwavering determination, but also death and despair. Born in the mid-1980s in the heartland of America, Jomie grew up with a strong sense of community and an unyielding work ethic. Known as the man you could rely on, he learned various trades, acquiring a diverse set of skills that would later prove invaluable.

At the age of 18, Jomie joined the Army, enlisting as a 1st Calvary Division Ranger. Recognizing the potential for a fulfilling career, he decided to stay in the military. Little did he know that his path would lead him to the cataclysmic events of the 7-hour war in New York, where humanity valiantly fought until their surrender to the Combine forces.

Fifteen years later, an aging Jomie found himself in City 17, where he became a loyalist to the Combine out of fear for his own life. However, his loyalty was tested when he began experiencing strange seizures and memory loss. It was during this troubling time that he received the devastating news of a brain tumor.

Feeling that he had nothing left to live for, Jomie attempted suicide by leaping off a building. Miraculously, he survived the fall but was subsequently transported to a hospital. In a twist of fate, City 17 fell while he was in a year-long coma, and he was eventually evacuated to a resistance base known as the "bunker" in the Swiss Alps, near Geneva.

Waking up in the resistance base, Jomie decided to stay and join the fight against the Combine. Determined to make a difference, he immersed himself in the ways of the resistance, gradually earning respect and recognition as a leader and a dependable individual in both missions and firefights.

The rebel cells orchestrated a daring mission to take down the nearby Citadel, but a traitor within their ranks caused a catastrophic error. The Citadel was catapulted through an inter-dimensional rift, landing in the wrong coordinates. In the aftermath, Jomie and the majority of his rebel cell were ordered to relocate to Agora, a town in Romania that required protection.

Following his example, Jomie and his comrades set up camp in Agora, but their presence drew the attention of Combine units. Forced to flee, Jomie scrambled to find shelter, eventually discovering a mansion that had previously been cleared out. He rallied his fellow rebels to take refuge there and worked tirelessly to fortify the mansion, organizing the resistance base into a defensible stronghold.

However, the peace was short-lived as hunters were dispatched to track down the rebels. During a fierce confrontation, Jomie courageously defended his friends, but a devastating blow from one of the hunters' exploding flechettes left his lower left leg irreparably damaged. Though his life hung in the balance, Jomie's indomitable spirit persevered, and he survived with the help of medical intervention. From that point on, he relied on a peg leg, reminiscent of a pirate's, as a symbol of his resilience.

Despite his physical limitations, Jomie continued to contribute to the rebellion as a guide and mentor to other rebel cells. His wealth of experience and wisdom became instrumental in the ongoing fight against the remaining forces of the oppressive Combine.

As a middle-aged man, Jomie's determination and unwavering spirit helped the rebellion hold its ground and resist the oppressive rule of the Combine. With his guidance, the rebels fought valiantly, ensuring that hope remained alive in a world overshadowed by darkness. Jomie Rookwood's journey is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of unwavering resolve in the face of unimaginable odds.

Before joining the Army, Jomie Rookwood had a humble upbringing in the Midwest of America. Raised in a small farming community, he learned the value of hard work and self-reliance from an early age. As a child, he would spend hours helping his family tend to their crops and livestock, developing a deep connection to the land.

Jomie's thirst for knowledge and curiosity led him to explore various trades as he grew older. He dabbled in carpentry, tinkering with machines, and even studied basic medicine, becoming the go-to person in his community whenever someone needed help or repairs. This reputation as a reliable and resourceful individual would follow him throughout his life.

Enlisting in the Army at 18, Jomie joined the prestigious 1st Calvary Division Rangers, drawn to the sense of duty and adventure that military life offered. He quickly excelled in his training, demonstrating exceptional physical prowess, sharp instincts, and a natural leadership ability.

During his years of service, Jomie participated in several overseas deployments, gaining firsthand experience in combat zones. He became well-versed in tactics, survival skills, and the art of teamwork. These experiences molded him into a disciplined and capable soldier, respected by his comrades and superiors alike.

The devastating 7-hour war that unfolded on Earth was a turning point in Jomie's life. Stationed in New York, he witnessed the overwhelming power of the Combine as they unleashed their forces upon humanity. Despite the odds stacked against them, Jomie and his fellow soldiers fought valiantly, determined to defend their city until the bitter end.

The surrender of humanity marked a profound shift in Jomie's outlook. Fearful for his own life and those of his loved ones, he reluctantly chose to align with the Combine as a loyalist, hoping to ensure his survival in a world now under their control. However, his decision weighed heavily on his conscience, and he grappled with inner turmoil, plagued by guilt and uncertainty.

The strange seizures and memory loss that plagued Jomie in City 17 were a result of the Combine's influence on his physiology. Their invasive technology had unforeseen effects on his brain, causing debilitating episodes and eroding his sense of self. It was during one of these seizures that he received the devastating diagnosis of a brain tumor, further compounding his despair.

After his failed suicide attempt and subsequent evacuation from City 17, Jomie awoke from his coma in the Swiss Alps at the resistance base known as the "bunker." As he adjusted to his new surroundings, he discovered a community of like-minded individuals who shared his unwavering determination to fight against the Combine's oppression.

Jomie's peg leg, crafted from salvaged materials in the resistance base, became a symbol of his resilience and a constant reminder of the sacrifices he had made. Despite the physical hardship, he adapted to his new limb and utilized it as a tool of defiance, never allowing his injury to dampen his spirit or commitment to the cause.

In his role as a guide and mentor to other rebel cells, Jomie drew upon his extensive military training and experiences. His tactical acumen, combined with his compassionate nature, earned him the respect and trust of his comrades. He was a steady presence amidst the chaos, leading by example and imparting his wisdom to the younger generation of fighters.

Jomie's unwavering loyalty to his comrades and his unyielding commitment to the cause helped the rebellion survive and thrive in the face of the remnants of the Combine. His unwavering resolve inspired those around him, and he became a symbol of hope and resilience in a world torn apart by oppression and despair.

As Jomie's reputation grew within the resistance, whispers of his past accomplishments and unwavering determination spread among the ranks. His fellow rebels admired his unwavering resolve and his willingness to put himself in harm's way for the greater good.

In the depths of the resistance base, Jomie took it upon himself to train and mentor the recruits, instilling in them the values of courage, teamwork, and perseverance. He shared his knowledge of guerrilla warfare, honed through years of military service, and taught them the art of strategy and survival in the face of overwhelming odds.

Beyond his military expertise, Jomie possessed a compassionate side that endeared him to his comrades. He took the time to listen to their fears, hopes, and dreams, offering words of encouragement and comfort. His empathy and genuine concern for others forged strong bonds within the resistance, fostering a sense of camaraderie and family among the fighters.

In the aftermath of the failed Citadel mission and the subsequent relocation to Agora, Jomie's resourcefulness became a valuable asset. He utilized his skills as a problem solver and organizer to ensure that the new resistance base in Romania was not just a makeshift refuge but a formidable stronghold. Under his guidance, the base became a beacon of resistance, a place where survivors found solace, purpose, and renewed determination.

Despite the physical and emotional toll of his injuries, Jomie refused to let his disability define him. With his peg leg and a steely determination, he led by example on the front lines of battle, showing his comrades that one's limitations can be overcome through sheer willpower and adaptability. His actions inspired others to push beyond their own perceived limitations and fight with unwavering resolve.

Throughout his journey, Jomie encountered various allies and enemies, forming intricate alliances and navigating treacherous territories. His experiences further shaped his understanding of the complex web of resistance movements across the globe, and he became a key figure in fostering collaboration and unity among disparate rebel cells.

Jomie Rookwood's journey in the Half-Life universe was one of personal growth, sacrifice, and unyielding determination. From his humble beginnings in the Midwest to his role as a guide within the resistance, he embodied the spirit of resilience in the face of overwhelming odds. His unwavering commitment to justice and his comrades made him a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness, leaving an indelible mark on the fight against the Combine.

As Jomie Rookwood navigated the treacherous path of resistance, an undercurrent of faith ran deep within his heart. He believed in the ancient prophecy known as the "Homeworld Prophecy," a long-held belief that spoke of a time when a federation of humans from across the multiverse would unite to aid their oppressed brethren. This alliance, known as the "Federation of Sunrise," was said to possess immense power and knowledge, capable of turning the tide against the Combine.

Jomie's adherence to the Homeworld Prophecy infused his actions with divine purpose. He saw himself not just as a soldier fighting for freedom but as a chosen instrument fulfilling a higher calling. This unwavering belief fueled his determination and gave him solace in the darkest moments of the rebellion.

Through prayer and introspection, Jomie sought guidance from the divine forces he believed in. In the quiet moments before a mission or in the aftermath of a grueling battle, he would find solace in communing with a higher power, drawing strength and resilience from his spiritual connection.

His faith in the Homeworld Prophecy also inspired others within the resistance. Jomie became a beacon of hope, sharing the ancient lore and spreading the belief that salvation was not beyond their grasp. He reminded his comrades that they were part of a grand narrative, and their struggle was integral to the cosmic puzzle of liberation.

Despite the skepticism and doubts that surrounded the Home-world Prophecy, Jomie's unwavering conviction and unwavering belief in a greater purpose kept the flames of hope burning brightly. He believed that the Federation of Sunrise would one day come to their aid, bringing with them the means to vanquish the Combine and restore balance to the multiverse.

As the resistance battled on, Jomie remained steadfast in his faith, never wavering in his devotion to the Homeworld Prophecy. His unwavering belief in the Federation of Sunrise became a source of inspiration for all those who fought by his side. Though the prophecies seemed distant and enigmatic, Jomie's unyielding conviction kept the embers of hope alive, reminding his comrades that they were part of a larger cosmic tapestry.

In the darkest hours, when all seemed lost, Jomie would gather his fellow rebels, leading them in prayers and invocations, reaffirming their faith in the resistance. It was during these sacred moments that the resistance found solace and strength, uniting their spirits in a shared belief that they were not alone in their struggle.

Jomie Rookwood's religious devotion intertwined with his role as a leader, shaping his actions and giving him the strength to persevere. Whether in the heat of battle or the quiet solitude of reflection, his faith burned like an eternal flame, guiding him and his fellow rebels toward a future where liberation and salvation awaited.

But... through time, less and less of him was seen, until he completely was lost. Only now to be rediscovered, both afraid and changed....​
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*sigh* ud know this if u read the silmarillion...
Feb 28, 2018
Very cool character.


and thrive in the face of the remnants of the Universal Union.


Remnants of the what now?
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