Accepted Lewis Application²

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Sep 12, 2018
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:86019378

Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions: I have played Vortigaunt this iteration but I died
One of my two primary characters and my secondary character on the last iteration of Helix were a Biotic and Free Vort respectively. I mainly played Biotic.

Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?: Yes

Character Name: "Stray" This is not their actual name, just what's required for the scoreboard. I hope to earn a name/title organically through IC actions.

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?: My Vortigaunt has suffered a similar temporal phenomenon which afflicted Alyx and Gordon during their teleport from Nova Prospekt. Two decades ago Stray stepped through one of the rifts generated by the Black Mesa incident as nothing more than a solder of the Nihilanth, their goal of the course to conquer the Earth as a further escape from the Combine, only to have caught in the void between the border and our universe, arriving at their destination twenty years later with no knowledge of humanity, the Combines presence or the state of modern Vortigaunts. As far as they are concerned, they entered this portal with a controller's voice polluting its mind, and when they arrived it was simply gone. They were free.

My character will obviously have no knowledge of human language or customs and will be hostile to begin with, their introduction will essentially be an event and it would take a moment for them to realise they are free of the Nihalanth's influence, and even longer not to see humans as a threat unless a fellow Vortigaunt can calm them down.

My intention with this character is to organically develop an understanding of the Half-Life lore through IC interaction alone, they will have much to learn including the actual English language which I will make a long process to increase the effort required for communication. They are essentially a blank slate when it comes to human interaction and will be like no other Vortigaunt as far as human characters are concerned.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify: No
Reactions: List
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