Information [2/8/19] Awakening - Directive [7:30PM BST]

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Premium Member
Mar 7, 2019
everybody laughing until the bird does this


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Apr 26, 2016
Right, I give my criticism as an ELA Commander regarding this event, note I am not a CP, I was on at the beginning, left after a few hours and came back the next day to play a bit.

To start the start of the event was rather boring, ELA got their own start by going via Vikey's boat(@PRICE 's event char) and we got shown around. We never got told why we are really here, we just made up that we are here to scout the union black site and that's it cause we were never given a reason why we are even in that location. Moving on, the ghost thing was rather strange and random, I was fine with it and found it something better but I feel like it didn't really help out as it was just a thing that happened for a few minutes and disappeared. After a while, I asked Quill to make a small civi expo, and thank you for doing that but I feel that if I didn't do it, nothing would have come.

Moving on, day two, ELA decided to bomb the union using Qasam rockets but we did it cause nothing was happening and we decided to add stuff, sure players accumulated to it but then like most things, it calmed down, and the union got its ''Quick Fix'' RP(When our plan was to send spys inside due to the broken gate but guess we can fix it in 2 minutes right cause CWU) out and everything is back to normal. Yet as said, nothing was happening besides @PRICE and @Gary trying to do small mini-events at about 11PM. Problem is, you put an admin and an event manager for the entire resistance, clearly, they can not have done a lot from their limited power.

But lets leave the rebel side behind and go to the union side. This was given to me by a CP player, a respected one at that who asked not to be named:
"This event from a Union perspective is brilliant - we're constantly being given tasks: searching for supplies, reinforcing our base, and hunting unique artifacts that may assist us in restoring the power relay. We've been given special mini-events with ghosts - quantal imprints - and we have a clear set objective. Aaron Leonard is literally dropping APC's for us with supplies, and building towers. It's nothing short of excellent, with constant entertaining roleplay. But, here's the issue - the resistance have received basically no attention in comparison. From my perspective, I've noticed an absence of progression on their side, there's fuck all to do, and the reason we're here in the first place, the power relay, can't even be touched by them. They can't contest anything, or have any say on the course of the event. There's no interaction between the two sides, apart from when rebels finally grow the balls to encroach on an enormous fortress protected by OTA. They're isolated and feel like 'side characters,' who won't actually have any significant impact on the whole thing. The event is basically just providing them a new environment to passive RP in."

Clearly, this shows the union had more to it than us from my perspective.

If anything, this event is a disappointment. Clearly, this event was made for the union side so I will say I am only disappointed the rebel side was left out for the union one, not to mention no Cell leader to my knowledge was even informed about what will happen in this event so we were just sent to just being there for the sake of being there. I suggest either say ''Rebel players this event isn't for you, better play on the union side'' or follow this:

Learning from it is possible from previous events, take for example Bitter Lake, an event Dallas made in CW which was brilliant in any shape or form and the main points that made it great:
  • Every camp had its own SA for making events and can be co-ordinated to allow more stuff to come in.
  • Give Camps their own personal objectives, each camp had its own special idea and reason, nothing was felt like it was left out, everything felt like it was you working for something
  • Co-Ordination with the rest of the camps is optional but it provided good roleplay

Side note: I feel Depot was better then this, due to the fact Zak and other Staff members managed events for both sides, making it so you had things to do, and if anything a simple PM with a planner could be done or a chat in TS cause Zak sometimes went on TS and talked to the people about the event. Depot for me was memorable cause Cells had their own events and objectives, Conscript Convoy Ambush, our communications hack.

Leaving this here for reference to what the union side had, can't even compare this to the rebel side due to us not having anything to do. Clearly a union event fellas.
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Needs a new profile picture
Jun 12, 2016
Yeah uh, Gaben summed it up pretty well. Us resistance boys have had next to nothing to do other than stand around and passive RP in our assigned areas. And speaking as someone that isn't a part of the ELA, we've had even less to do. We had some special shit to do with some crystals on the first day, but since then it's just been me and my friends running around exploring shit we've already explored five times out of pure boredom. The people i'm with don't have the resources to do much against the union, so we try and do other things but all we get is the occasional Antlion attack at the base, we kill the Antlions, then we go back to sitting around passive RP'ing for the rest of the day.
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Jan 9, 2018
Yeah we've literally had nothing to do and no reason as to why we are here either as resistance members, exploring shit all day where you know that you find nothing is only "fun" a few times soo yeah, boring event so far.
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Apr 26, 2016
Simply put: Either allow cells leaders and SAs to work together to make events for the resistance or just write in bold "Resistance, this event is not for you."
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Apr 26, 2016
I don't have anything special to say anything about the event. It's the same old stuff you can expect from a 110 slotter helix event.


barbecue chips aint shit
Aug 26, 2016
"This event from a Union perspective is brilliant - we're constantly being given tasks: searching for supplies, reinforcing our base, and hunting unique artifacts that may assist us in restoring the power relay. We've been given special mini-events with ghosts - quantal imprints - and we have a clear set objective. Aaron Leonard is literally dropping APC's for us with supplies, and building towers. It's nothing short of excellent, with constant entertaining roleplay. But, here's the issue - the resistance have received basically no attention in comparison. From my perspective, I've noticed an absence of progression on their side, there's fuck all to do, and the reason we're here in the first place, the power relay, can't even be touched by them. They can't contest anything, or have any say on the course of the event. There's no interaction between the two sides, apart from when rebels finally grow the balls to encroach on an enormous fortress protected by OTA. They're isolated and feel like 'side characters,' who won't actually have any significant impact on the whole thing. The event is basically just providing them a new environment to passive RP in."
so its basically just a repeat of that pipeline event? rebel :heyzeus: on suicide watch
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Apr 26, 2016
so its basically just a repeat of that pipeline event? rebel :heyzeus: on suicide watch
Its really not that hard to allow resistance people to do stuff, Bitter lake explains it well:

  • Cell leaders make events with co-oridnation of one or two SAs who are put in for the Cell.
  • Give Camps their own personal objectives, each camp had its own special idea and reason, nothing was felt like it was left out, everything felt like it was you working for something
  • Co-Ordination with the rest of the camps is optional but it provided good roleplay

It's not so hard to do really. All it needs is for head staff and event managers to acknowledge that Cell leaders are there and offer them a spot in the event leadership. Simple.
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Happy dude from around the clinic! :D
Apr 22, 2017
Moving on, day two, ELA decided to bomb the union using Qasam rockets but we did it cause nothing was happening and we decided to add stuff, sure players accumulated to it but then like most things, it calmed down, and the union got its ''Quick Fix'' RP(When our plan was to send spys inside due to the broken gate but guess we can fix it in 2 minutes right cause CWU) out and everything is back to normal.
You fuckers blasted my CP! :D Thanks :D
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Apr 26, 2016
Part of the issue of yesterday compared to the first night @Gaben was the majority of help and other SA's didn't bother getting on until stupidly late which left BQ, Jaggles and one or two others trying to juggle stuff for both sides and trying to get the "meat" of the event for both sides done.

Unfortunately this meant that they had to do one over the other due to the flat-out lack of people who got on to help in a timely manner. I put ideas into this event and it absolutely wasn't/isn't just a Union only event, but they had more to do that could be easily done by one person.


Apr 26, 2016
Part of the issue of yesterday compared to the first night @Gaben was the majority of help and other SA's didn't bother getting on until stupidly late which left BQ, Jaggles and one or two others trying to juggle stuff for both sides and trying to get the "meat" of the event for both sides done.

Unfortunately this meant that they had to do one over the other due to the flat-out lack of people who got on to help in a timely manner. I put ideas into this event and it absolutely wasn't/isn't just a Union only event, but they had more to do that could be easily done by one person.
Then that shows problems with the staff team, a thing that should have been addressed before the event even began. I personally think that delaying this event could have been the better call since it would have:
  • Given time to set up event planners and events for the resistance with set objectives.
  • Maybe consider putting up cell leaders up and talking to them about making their cells participate in the event
  • Map Bug problem would probably be fixed and allowed more people to join
  • Sort out the staff team and SA team.

After all, what do you really want, a bad event due to the short time frame? Or a good event but it'll take a bit longer and people will need to wait for it?
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Apr 26, 2016
Then that shows problems with the staff team, a thing that should have been addressed before the event even began.
I mean you can't really plan for everyone showing up on the first night and things going well only for most of them to not get on until much later the second, y'know? It isn't like nobody was joining either when Day 1 had 90-105 for the entire night p.much.

What this event does show though is that focused events can provide fantastic roleplay even when it is a 100 slotter with a large number of people. The issue is always going to be about including both sides (as most people don't have characters on one side or another) and having the numbers to focus on both.

But given this was a three-day long event I'd wager a lot of good has come from this, even if not in ways people may think. Its proven you can still get fantastic experiences on such a short time scale, just needs fine-tuning.


Apr 26, 2016
I mean you can't really plan for everyone showing up on the first night and things going well only for most of them to not get on until much later the second
I disagree, other 110 events were way better in this and the SA team and most staff team was in those events from the very beginning. The idea is to plan it properly. Depot was way better than this. I feel this project was rushed.
Its proven you can still get fantastic experiences on such a short time scale, just needs fine-tuning.
For the union players, I agree. For the rebel players, not so much.
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Apr 26, 2016
I disagree, other 110 events were way better in this and the SA team and most staff team was in those events from the very beginning. The idea is to plan it properly. Depot was way better than this. I feel this project was rushed.
Other 110 slotters were almost always a week, to be fair, and dragged out their fun-factor other than people dicking about after a few days with one or two exceptions. This was designed as a more condensed experience and the rebel side would have been better had more of the staff team simply gotten on in Day 2.

At the end of the day there needs to be a good middle ground in event length, and I do have something in the works just for rebels only which'll be multi-day.

Deleted member 1048

I disagree, other 110 events were way better in this and the SA team and most staff team was in those events from the very beginning. The idea is to plan it properly. Depot was way better than this. I feel this project was rushed.

For the union players, I agree. For the rebel players, not so much.
I've barely seen you on, or any ELA in that case, after the bombing pretty much the entire group flagged off.
Like if there was genuinely nothing to do I'd understand your complaint, but if you don't play then you can't expect us to cater an event for a non-flagged rebel group.
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Sep 2, 2016
I've barely seen you on, or any ELA in that case, after the bombing pretty much the entire group flagged off.
Like if there was genuinely nothing to do I'd understand your complaint, but if you don't play then you can't expect us to cater an event for a non-flagged rebel group.
pretty simple, just make a post on forum

"Event on at 3pm for rebels, flag up and you'll get to experience it" then you have people getting on to join in with the event

if you chain enough good events in succession the rebel side is satisfied, its really not a hard group to please tbh, just give rebs SOME overarching goal with ways they can individually pursue it, and be rewarded for doing so, its literally all they need
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Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
I'm sorry but I've literally given anyone on the event team and staff team power to do stuff for the rebels and even encouraged them to do so; I went out of my way to make sure each cell had their own area to themselves so they could run their own operations, recruit new members etc. I've provided several mini-events for those outside of the blacksite across the two days, one of which I even set up for you @Gaben - You asked me to set something up and I did.
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