Denied candle's pre-emptive application

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buzz buzz
Aug 3, 2017
Steam name:

Steam ID:

Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:
Small experience in clockwork, closer to the end. Heavily involved early-helix- I had two Vortigaunts at that time. Galih'halla and Turr-nuy.

Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?
I have, and am glad to see the 'elder' stigma have been done away with.
This seems largely much more open-form, which I am incredibly hopeful for.

Character Name:
Ley'Kallah - 'Burdened by Body'
Nickname as of yet unknown, would attempt to find one organically in-game.

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:
Largely secular, this body has been severed from the wider Vortessence for years- even before the resonance cascade. Unable to generate this connection on its own, it would require the power of others- by kindness, or force- to make use of its latent abilities.
They do not seek hostilities. In a perfect world, their kind would welcome them back with open arms,
offering what was available to them as they themselves are so accustomed to.
They understand, however, that desperate times call for desperate measures.

Brief Backstory:
One of millions indebted to service under the Nihilanth, Ley'Kallah was, in due part to their 'disability,' enforced to stay back and continue with upkeep and growth of the 'grunt' army. The destruction of the facility- as well as the death of the Nihilanth, had caused a massive shockwave to ripple and spread across what remained of their cluster of islands. Their kin, freed from bondage, attempted to draw on the last remaining energy tying Xen to earth- and as the Nihilanth died, they were transported, along with thousands of their kin- peppered across the new world. Ley'Kallah was not as lucky.

Unconnected to the Vortessence, they were effectively in a 'blind spot' to their kin- and with no tethers to grab, were left behind on a crumbling wasteland. Such continued for months- hunting what little of the wildlife was with them on their newly-shattered island. Shortly, relief- or for others, a new thing to fear- the portal storms. A massive, whirling cloud of iridescent light, dragging any and all matter closer and deeper into its eye. No calm awaited them, there. Drawn into the eye of the storm by cosmic winds, millions of metric tons of Xenian Rock began to crash down from the clouds of Earth, across what was the continental United States. Alone- unintentionally abandoned by their kin- trapped to wander the ruins of North America, for years.

The arrival of the Combine, and the subsequent absolute takeover of the human race- had proven a quiet reminder to the remaining population of Vortigaunts- something will always be waiting to control others. Years continued to pass. Vortigaunts taken and subjected to even worse fates than those the Nihilanth commanded. Many were forced to hide, or forced back into servitude under a new ruler. As infrastructure and new routes of travel began to emerge- all developed and maintained by the Combine- many found travel by train tenable, should one be able to 'hitch' a ride without suffering the consequences of capture.

It was there Ley'Kallah had first rediscovered their own kind. Essence removed- vacant of body and mind. They would not know of the term- not yet, but would look back and know them as 'batteries.' Vortessence drawn out and utilized for power, sustainable so long as his kind were kept alive. It was sickening, but- intrusive thoughts, with noone to balance them with- are dangerous things. Desperation, added to that? Even more so. Palms laid across the pod, they felt a jolt. Briefly, the two were connected again. Connected to the whole, as the other was. In moments, they had learned of the events of the past- their freedom, their salvation-- their subsequent recapture. Faces of humans flashed in their vision, their stories, their efforts.

Then, their own kind. They sensed their trials, tribulations. ..Most importantly, that briefest connection to the wider whole. It was gone. They had not been connected, but they had felt the others' connection. A myriad of emotions to sift through- they would have to do so later. For now- using this brief chance, they drew from the pod, draining what was left, and felt the smallest bit more whole. Divesting themselves from the train before their presence could be acted upon, the land they now found themselves in- Europe. This is where they would remain, hunting- searching, quietly, for more of their kind. Bonding, briefly, when welcomed- or if deterred, divesting them of their essence for a time.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:
While remaining a bit of a 'hermit,' I imagine they would still seek companionship, if not friends, as they developed. The wider plan is something of a 'troubled wayfarer,' one who regrets what they have done to survive, but deems it an unfortunate necessity.
They would not harbor ill-will for their kind- nor even the humans. It recognizes its own faults, and even if it were to attempt to overpower another Vortigaunt for their essence, they would not result to killing them- even had the other tried to, in defense.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):
The main hope I had for this character twofold- the ability to draw the essence from other Vortigaunts manually.
They are unable to do this without making direct skin-to-skin contact, which must be maintained for the duration.
They would similarly be unable to connect to any 'broad intelligence sharing' most Vortigaunts are accustomed to.
Information can be shared, but only willingly, by others.
Further into their character arc (if accepted,) there may be a way to undo their severance, but it would require multiple vortigaunts to do so.
(This would effectively return them to standard.)

The second, more direct power aside from the whole 'essence draining' bit, would be some kind of silencing / hiding power. Possibly using stored energy to cloak themselves / their footsteps as a means of hunting, or other stealth actions.
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buzz buzz
Aug 3, 2017
given that i am currently unable to play on the server due to an issue w the map this is preventing me from playing, i would like to put this application on an indefinite hold until the issue is either fixed, the map updated, or map changed. sorry!


HL2 RP Senior Administrator
Feb 12, 2017
Application for the previous iteration.
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