District 47 Community Clinic


Premium Member
Jun 2, 2017
District 47 Community Clinic


Often referred by the area's locals in their native tongue as the 'obshtestvena klinika', this clinic acts as the main hub of operations for the informal medical service of Sofia's 47th residential district, allowing the few medical professionals or good hearted volunteers that reside there to give medical attention to the district’s citizens. Although they call the clinic their home, the seemingly professional nature of the medical staff betrays the fact that they’re short of staff and largely rely on hand outs for equipment and supplies.

Few members hold formal medical degrees or experience, with most having their first and only experience in medical treatment due to signing up as a volunteer. This puts a lot of strain onto the more qualified members, as they’re forced to treat and teach, sometimes in parallel.

Although mainly tied to operating within the clinic due to the overall limitations they face in many areas, they've been known to voluntarily accompany civil work duties held by CWU to provide aid if injuries occur during work assignments, though this is more prevalent in higher risk work duties. It’s also common that they’re called outside of the clinic to perform medical duties if patients are unable to be moved from the scene of their injury.


This group will act as the de facto ‘medical faction’ for the city, there’ll be no whitelist or anything. Recruitment will be handled (mostly) IC for now, but if you want to have a character already set up for the launch or have any further queries about anything regarding this, feel to contact me.​
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