Accepted if you use the extract to bring a h*man back to life i will find and kill you

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Nov 27, 2022



Keeper of Natural Law

Steam name: Gwiddy
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:77584515
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions: Have previously been Vort Lead on a couple servers, have held whitelist before many times, stretching all the way back to Earthfall.
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?: Yes.

Character Name:
Kr'esh, derived from Kree'esh

Kree (or krii) = to monitor, keep track of, watch over, to stalk or hunt (when negative); also nouns (monitor, camera, etc)
Esh = world, planet, environment on a large scale; community or neighborhood (physical); biome; culture (conceptual), rarely emotional in nature as it tends to define a wide-scale object or concept

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:

An extremely legalistic Vortigaunt, guardian of natural law, with a mystical bend that harkens back to the Forest Guardians of ancient mythology, specifically those that guarded trees, which always represented knowledge.

Kr'esh, no matter what, adheres to what he perceives are transcendental moral stipulations regulated by Nature. For example, this character would be opposed to reviving humans, for it is not natural for them to be resurrected from death, whereas Vortigaunts have been naturally granted species-wide the ability to bring back their kin. Kr'esh stubbornly refuses to use the Vortessence with regards to humanity if he interprets it in violation of what might come naturally to humans. He might accelerate the healing process on a wounded ally, for this is merely accelerating what is already present, but he might avoid other displays.

Should these ineffable stipulations be shattered, Kr'esh would seek to right those wrongs, by any means necessary.

Brief Backstory:

Nomad. Blind Nomad. Some few epochs ago, Kr'esh lost sight. 'Lost.' Kr'esh was relieved of sight. Kr'esh no longer had to see distorted abstractions of ideal objects. This is not the blindness of the beings that skitter around the Earth. It is more. It is enriched by the ebbs and flows of the Vortessence, granting only ever-clearer sight, for those that might endure it.

The one that was Kr'esh before this monumental revolution of insight was so unexceptional that even Kr'esh had let slip those memories into the greater flux. 'Kr'esh,' you see, was a name conjured after the fact. The name was arrived upon after this sole enlightened being had come to the conclusion that, free of all material distractions, it had arrived upon the truth of the matter. It had arrived upon the intricacies of the weaved web that strings and binds beings, that transcends all, and thusly the rules of which remain omnipresent and ever-true.

The immediate fibers of tapestry surrounding Kr'esh had shaped and molded this being into the Kr'esh of the now, pledging allegiance to a cluster snuffed out long ago by assimilating tech-brutalists arriving from the future. A cluster bound to those aforementioned immediate fibers by duty and blood.

Kr'esh, who arrived upon Third Sol by means of the Portal Storms, carries eons of insular cluster traditions and mentalities with it, and while these traditions had once only been seen as equally-valid interpretation of the state of all things, the appearance of humanity into the equation has driven a rift into the thought of this being and its kin.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:


Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):

[Vortal Blindness:]
This character cannot see traditionally, but is capable of detecting the subtle shifts in the tapestry surrounding it. Included with this 'sight' is retrocognition, permitting cloudy and vague insight into the history of 'fibers' the character may come into contact with. Tradition dictates that this ability is never to be used on the living or once-living. Not affected by extreme light or dark in S2RP, etc.
Reactions: List
May 18, 2016

[Vortal Blindness:]
This character cannot see traditionally, but is capable of detecting the subtle shifts in the tapestry surrounding it. Included with this 'sight' is retrocognition, permitting cloudy and vague insight into the history of 'fibers' the character may come into contact with. Tradition dictates that this ability is never to be used on the living or once-living. Not affected by extreme light or dark in S2RP, etc.

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