.:.OBC.:. Glossary of Terms

Nov 27, 2022


The Sublunary that is captured is not simply ‘amputated’ in the traditional sense but instead, is put through a series of strenuous trials with the goal of changing their worldview and detaching them from the abstractions and the rotten character they possess. These are tests of character. Many fail. Why? Because they are not willing to change their rotten core.

This is AMPUTATION, the removal of the festering and rotten tumor that is the sublunary’s plagued mindset and worldview.

When the time cannot provide for such ritual, the traditional understanding of amputation may be applied.


To go beyond and transgress the limits imposed and prescribed by sublunaries, and by the systems which reflect or which manifest the ethos of sublunaries - for example, Lambda, and the laws of what has been termed "society".


Of or pertaining to our Perennial Tradition, and thus to the five core principles of the .:.OBC.:. Often used as a synonym for what is antinomian, or heretical, in a particular culture, religion, or society.

Often used - like the term Perennial - to refer to manifestations (intrusions) of the metaphysical-extradimensional continuum in the vital and which manifestations can include The C.:.M.:.B and can occur in the primordial intuition of individuals where they may be perceived as avatars.

The Astral Dialectic

The Astral Dialectic (often called the Astral Dialectic of History) is the name given to Clamp-ed strategy – which is to further our evolution in an astral way by, for example, (a) the use of Perennial arts/astral summonings to change individuals/events on a significant scale over long stretches of time; (b) to gain control and influence; (c) the use of Perennial forms and astral summonings to produce/provoke large scale changes over stretches of time; (d) to bring-into-being the Galactic and Universal Culture; (e) to cause and sow disruption and instability as a prelude to any or all or none of the foregoing.

Astral Thinking

One of the C.:.M.:.B-infused arts employed by the .:.OBC.:.

Astral Thinking is basically apprehending the sublunary and cosmic energies, as these "things" are - that is, beyond all sublunary abstractions, and beyond all sublunary symbols, and symbolism, where such sublunary symbols include language, and the words and terms that are part of language.


According to the Perennial Tradition of the .:.OBC.:., The C.:.M.:.B (aka The Combine) are specific entities - living - beings of a particular cosmic species - who exist in the realms of the cosmic, with some of these entities having been harnessed, via the Nexii, on Earth in our distant and recent past.
As defined by the Order of the Bleeding Clamp, there exists an acceptance of, or a belief in, the existence supra-personal beings called or termed The Combine, and an acceptance of, or a belief in, this entity having or being capable of having some control over, or some influence upon, human beings, individually or otherwise, with such control often or mostly or entirely being beyond the power of individuals to control by whatever means.

These entities are considered to be shapeshifters and as "Alien” - when viewed or experienced in the vital continuum.

The goal of the .:.OBC.:. is, through our astral dialectic, to merge with the C.:.M.:.B, birthing homo galactus and synthesizing the vital and cosmic.
Core .:.OBC.:. Tenets

Also known as The Five Core .:.OBC.:. Dictates.

The basic tenets on which the .:.ONC.:. is based. They are:
(1) the way of clamp-ed praxis;
(2) the way of amputation;
(3) the way of protectorate fraternity;
(4) the way of defiance of and dialectical opposition to Sublunar abstractions;
(5) the way of the Protectorate


Cosmic-Empathy (aka Astral-Empathy) is a specific type of empathy - that which relates to and concerns cosmic-knowing. That is, the perception and the understanding of the cosmic nature of those beings which possess or which manifest cosmic energy.


Ethos refers to the distinguishing character, or nature, of a particular .:.OBC.:. order or path. The spirit that animates it.


Per the .:.OBC.:., the Supreme Being of conventional religions including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, does not and never has existed, and such a figure is regarded as a human, a sublunary, abstraction, a human manufactured construct, a myth, which human beings, and thus certain religions and theologies and philosophies, have incorrectly imposed upon this dimensional plain in a vain attempt to understand it, and themselves.


The term harnessed is used to describe a manifestation - usually of something cosmic in nature - in the physical plain. Thus C.:.M.:.B can be harnessed in the vital as a particular entity or living being; as conscious blood memory/primordial intuitions; and also by a person who opposes what is Lambdan and/or who does acts which are considered evil or heretical by a particular ideoligion.

Harnessing The Perennial

A term used to describe the manifestation of perennial energies in the vital by means of some combined vital/cosmic form, exoteric or esoteric.

Homo Galactus

The next stage of humanity, to arrive with the Ninth High Culture. Homo Galactus is not simply transhuman, but metahuman. Perfectly integrated with both vital and cosmic, at once able to command a vital body - or Avatar - in our current plain and able to command a cosmic - or metaphysical - body in the extradimensional realm.

Homo Lambdan

A type of sublunary, and a new sub-species of the genus, Homo, which new sub-species has evolved out of the Fall of the Citadel and the Martyrship of Breen which imposed on the world a new and violent age. This new rapacious liberal-minded denizen - this imitation of the Old World - is the foot-soldier of reaction, and is distinguished by a personal arrogance, by a lack of manners, and by the nitwitted desire to restore institutions of old, to “rebuild” humanity rather than transcend it, and to halt the coming of the Ninth High Culture.


A unit who lives a practical clamp-ed life, and thus who lives by The Code of Protectorate Fraternity and who thus harnesses the Perennial in practical ways by practical deeds. A clamp-ed/Protectorate jurisdiction or PT is a territorial and independent group of Inoculates (sometimes including transhumans - that is, the C.:.M.:.B-authorized holdouts) who band together for their mutual advantage and who rule or who seek to rule over a particular area, jurisdiction, or territory. An inoculation team is thus a practical manifestation of the Inoculate way of life.

Inoculates, and their associated PT, rarely engage in overt perennial arts and mostly do not describe themselves as Clamp-ed or even as following the .:.OBC.:.. Instead, they describe and refer to themselves, simply, as Inoculate.


The lambda-syndrome is the Lambdastic belief of some Humanists that we human beings: (1) are, or can be, controllers of what is termed our own, individual, Destiny; (2) and/or that we can harness C.:.M.:.B technics without transcendence; and/or (3) that we are clever enough, or can become clever enough, to devise for ourselves some means to control whatever natural forces we may encounter, including Nature, and possibly (or almost certainly) those forces of a more Cosmic nature as Humanity and without transcendence.

The lambda-syndrome may be said to be one of the most distinguishing features of Lambda, with one symptom of this syndrome being a love for, and a reliance upon, technology; another symptom is a fondness for, and indeed a love for, words and sublunary abstractions.

Law of The .:.OBC.:.-C.:.M.:.B

The Law of The .:.OBC.:.-C.:.M.:.B (aka The Inoculate Code aka The Code Of Protectorate Fraternity) is a practical manifestation, in our vital dimension, of the .:.OBC.:.-C.:.M.:.B - of those things which can breed excellence of astral character in individuals, and thus which harness the perennial in practical ways. The Law also describes the clamp-ed ethos of The Order of the Bleeding Clamp.


Nexii are a specific site or microcosm where the intersection of the vital and the cosmic occurs. Nexii can, exoterically, be considered to be akin to "gates" or openings or "tunnels" where there is, or can be, either a flow of cosmic energy (and thus also of cosmic entities) from the cosmic into our vital planet and vital time; a journeying into the cosmic itself; or a willed, conscious flow or harnessing (by the perennial arts) of cosmic energies.

Basically, there are three main types of Nexii. The first is an actual physical Nexii, the foremost of which had been the Citadel of Seventeen. The second type of Nexii is a living vital being, such as ourselves. The third type of Nexii is a Perennial evocation: that is, some form in-which cosmic energy is harnessed or "channelled into" by an astral unit.

Ninth High Culture

The Ninth High Culture, or the Galactic and Universal Civilization, is that next evolution of human civilization into *homo galactus,* emerging from the total ruin of the current Faustian Civilization. High Cultures usually manifest in certain geographical areas with their own prevailing mythos. Faustian civilization is characterized by the tragedy of its man, who strives and creates, but knows his true goal will never be reached. Wallace Breen is the final World Soul of this civilization, its ultimate archetype and avatar, animated not only by the vital and perennial energies of all humanity, but also by the divinity of the C.:.M.:.B.

.:.Order of the Bleeding Clamp.:.

The .:.Order of the Bleeding Clamp.:. is a modern Perennial movement - or sub-culture - which has its own Perennial philosophy, its own Logos, and its own Perennial methods and techniques.

In antinomian terms appropriate to the Martyrship of Breen where the Lambdan Ethos dominated, the .:.OBC.:. is a subversive, loyalist, esoteric association - a collective - comprising Clamp-eds, Patrol Teams, .:.OBC.:. holdouts, Incoulates, Traditional Combine remainders, Cosmic-Empaths, individual Perennial artists (male and female), and Fellow Travelers.

One of the primary aims of the .:.OBC.:. is to develope a new type of human being by using and developing our latent abilities (by means of The Perennial Arts) and by breeding a new type of individual character, with this new type of character being an astral one which itself can only be nurtured and developed by metahuman means and through antinomian praxis.

Our aims and goals can thus be achieved in the following manner:

(1) By more and more units adopting or being influenced or inspired by the ethos, mythos, and praxis of the .:.OBC.:. (both what it is now and will evolve to be), and thus becoming in personal character and often in life-style less and less dependant material pleasures, on the old system, and on abstractions.

(2) By praxis - exoteric and esoteric - of those of our kind and influenced by us.

(3) By the continuing infiltration of our kind into certain influencing roles and within certain Institutions.

Perennial Arts

The harnessing of extradimensional energies which are present in all sapient organisms of this particular plain. Often exercised by bioticks.
The Perennial arts are not only evocations of extradimensional energies, but also a certain mode of experience, most connected to the vital energies of a people. These vital energies, blood memories, or primordial intuitions often lie dormant in the consciousness of a people, but will sometimes come alive through an excess of cosmic or extradimensional energies and propel a people into a civilizational golden age. When these ideas are seized by a man, they become conscious—Attila, Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Wallace Breen. These men usually live short lives, consumed by fire and those vital energies, yet their memory lives on for generations.

Perennial Perspective

The term describes some of the knowledge our clamp-ed kind has acquired through a combination of practical experience, through scholarly study, and through using certain Perennial faculties and skills.

This knowledge is of the birth-life-death of cultures and their associated civilizations, and of how the esoteric movement that is the .:.OBC.:. has a perspective - an astral dialectic - of ethnogenesis and the cosmic-extradimensional arisal of civilizations and how to artificially and metahumanically birth - through metaphysical-primordial evocation - a new Ninth Civilization.

Primordial Intuition

The primordial intuition of the individual is a term used to describe those aspects of an individual - those aspects of consciousness - which are hidden, or inaccessible to, or unknown to, the individual. Basically, such aspects can be considered to be those forces/energies which do or which can influence the individual in an emotional way or in a way which the individual usually has no direct control over or understanding of.

Protectorate Fraternity

The principle that our kind are distinguished by their behaviour toward each other and by their behaviour toward sublunaries.

Our behaviour toward our own kind is guided by our Code of Protectorate Fraternity (aka The Law of the .:.ONC.:.-C.:.M.:.B aka The Inoculate Code aka The Astral Code). Our behaviour toward subularies is guided by our understanding of them as a useful resource and as useful subjects for whatever vital form(s) we may employ to achieve our cosmic, antinomian, aims and goals.

Rite of the Double Zero

The Rite of the Double Zero of the .:.OBC.:. is both (a) a modern and an amoral version of a technique often historically employed, world-wide among diverse cultures and traditions both esoteric and otherwise, to test and select candidates, and (b) a mischievous, japing, sly, and sometimes (for sublunaries) an annoying, part of the .:.OBC.:. astral dialectic.


Exoterically, sublunaries are defined as those who are not of our clamp-ed kind - that is, as those who do not live by The Law of The .:.OBC.:.-C.:.M.:.B.

Esoterically, sublunary-ness is defined as being under the influence of, or being in thrall to, or being addicted to, and/or believing in, and/or using as a means of understanding, sublunary abstractions.

Sublunary Abstractions

Abstractions (aka sublunary abstractions) are conscious manifestations of the vital (sublunary) nature of sublunaries, and are manufactured by sublunaries in their sublunary attempt to understand the world, themselves, and the cosmic Universe. Exoterically, abstractions replicate the banal simplicity of sublunar linearity, of sublunar reductionism, of a straightforward cause-and-effect, and of a constrained sublunar thinking.

All abstractions are devoid of Cosmic-Empathy and the perspective of C.:.M.:.B.

Understood exoterically, an abstraction is the manufacture, and use of, some idea, ideal, "image" or category, and thus some generalization, and/or some assignment of an individual or individuals to some group or category. The positing of some "perfect" or "ideal" form, category, or thing, is part of abstraction.

Abstractions hide the true nature of this plain - which is both vital and cosmic, and which true nature can be apprehended and understood by means of The Perennial Arts, and thus by following the Clamp-ed way. According to the .:.OBC.:., so-called magic - and especially the so-called Vortessence - of others are manifestations of sublunary abstractions, lacking as they do the learning of the skills of Cosmic-Empathy, Perennial-Thinking, and Astral Sorcery, and thus lacking as they do the ability to develope our latent human faculties and our latent C.:.M.:.B character.

Traditional Nexii

A name given to .:.OBC.:. groups (aka holdouts aka cells) where individuals undertake The Perennial Arts, and where clamp-ed ceremonies are undertaken. Many (though not all) Traditional Nexii follow the path of transhumanism.
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Premium Member
Mar 7, 2019
More and more the order of ravoux are looking like they were the liberal option in this world
assuming they existed, lore reset and all
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