Serious Oldschool RuneScape


jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
The only other threads on Runescape I've seen are over a year old, and I'd prefer to make a new one rather than necro an old one.

I've recently gotten into playing OSRS and it's quite a lot of fun.

Do any of you have any cool tips/tricks or stories about the game?
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Mar 26, 2017
surely there has to be more osrs players
if you want a free trick immediately, pick a random item and buy the fuck out of it. i bought 3m+ of triangle sandwiches due to constantly larping as the sandwich lady in her outfit for memes and ended up getting 2m profit after the price nearly doubled in a month and a half. eggs these days went from being 12gp to 35gp now, shit goes up and down so hard you just gotta keep an eye on it.
Stories are their own thing though. I once finished desert treasure within five minutes of another cc member i've never met/seen before. he randomly showed up doing the same quest objectives i was, and over the course of about an hour and a half i saw him dozens of times making trips to the various bosses/areas
eventually we met at the end. the last part is brutal, and i ended up getting to the last part shortly before him, if i recall correctly. those pitfalls were hella brutal, and i had to stand in the pyramid for a solid while to regain stamina for the damage traps.
we finished it together, though. it was neat to meet someone who's only connection to you is a cc and see them complete the same objectives in roughly the same time as you. probably one of the better experiences i've had in osrs, tbh

what cc you in? only reason i even came back to osrs in the first place was because of how much i missed osg. runescape was never anything more than a glorified chatroom with skills, anyways