Peer Review, Guard Duty & Operation Black Mesa; upcoming Source remakes for old HL1 expansions


Apr 26, 2016
OB:M had a little media update on their Discord.
A small update for y'all! We updated our rendering system to support Viewmodel Shadowing for all lights! Here is a small teaser of the new system:


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Apr 26, 2016
Another quarterly update for Peer Review!
We're back again for our regularly-scheduled quarterly update to let you all know that we haven't succumbed to the whole “another dead mod” thing.

Hey, hey! We're still kickin', are you? Good, we're glad to hear it, because we're back again for our regularly-scheduled quarterly update to let you all know that we haven't succumbed to the whole “another dead mod” thing. Yeah, it’s weird, usually that would have happened by now, right? But alas, you’re stuck with us.

Say, have ya ever wondered how Peer Review got its start? Well, wonder no longer! The talented Amelia Hansford was kind enough to interview the lead developers behind Peer Review and write an article about its origins! Check out the article over on PC Gamer here.

Now that we're done reflecting on the past, let's talk about the… more recent past! As in, this quarter!

Mission 8, Intensity, has been receiving a lot of love! We've got various puzzle sequences and action blocks underway. The mission is coming together well, and is almost in a properly playtestable state! Just as well, we're still whipping up art studies for it and hoping to start applying them to the map proper before too long. Have a gander, let us know if it shoops your whoop.

Hazardous Course is shaping up as well! Its gameplay sequences are being playtested heavily, with the mission's planned gameplay being about 70% implemented. Playtest sessions are getting lengthier, and it's nice to see just how much playtime we're able to squeeze out of a single map.

The mission Code Green has still been getting plenty of attention. It's a massive mission, and our plans for it make it one of the most ambitious levels our team has ever undertaken. Heck, at this point it's basically pioneering most of the programming and technical prep work we've had to do. Needless to say, it's coming along quite swimmingly as well! The art department is no different, those guys have been giving our dear CG some love as well. Peep some art!


You remember Domestic Violence! Good ol' dy_dorms. It was layout-complete last year, and now it's getting assets in preparation for when we tackle its art passes in the future. Check out a few of those here!


Finally, in addition to the swell 2D art up above, we’ve got some concept art of our favorite buckshot-yeeting gunmen to show ya!

And that's the update! We'll be sure to see you at the end of the year for a progress report on the final quarter of 2021. Don't wanna wait that long to hear from us again? Feel free to drop into the Peer Review Community Discord server. Whether you wanna rant about Peer Review/Decay, scream about your Source Engine exploits or just generally talk with other fans or us at PSR, our little community is a friendly, safe space for all!

Just as well, if you’re looking for other avenues to hear from us, PSR Digital’s also got a Twitter profile. Here we share stuff related to the project, community works, and general work from our team!

Speaking of working with Source, are you interested in rebooting Decay? Do you look at Half-Life: Decay with a wistful smile, flaws and bad decisions out in the open, and think to yourself, "I can fix him?" Send an application our way! We're always on the lookout for helping hands. We're particularly low on 3D Character Artists, but besides writing and audio positions we're happy to review any application we get!

As always, we really appreciate you guys’ support, and are thankful that you’re keeping up with us! We love to hear your feedback, so if you’ve got questions, comments, concerns, or cries of outrage, feel free to throw those our way.

Until next time!
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Apr 26, 2016
12 days of Tripmas are happening in the Tripmine Studios' discord server, where they're doing daily reveals. I'm 100% going to forget about constantly giving updates on these, but I'll try anyway. To avoid clutter, I'm just gonna use this as a 'hub' post for every day of Tripmas. You'll have to check in here yourself for any progress in that case, since there's no alert function for edited posts. That, or you look for the updates on their discord. I'm sure the link's somewhere on the web.
On the first day of Tripmas the team sent to me....

An NPC animation video to kick off this festive season!

What could be behind day No.2?
On the second day of Tripmas the team sent to me....

A Lambda Crystal Holder to study this specimen with...

What could be behind day No.3?
On the third day of Tripmas the team sent to me....

A box full of packing peanuts to ship items with...

What could be behind day No.4?

On the forth day of Tripmas the team sent to me....

A whiteboard about those damn lasers...

What could be behind day No.5?
On the fifth day of Tripmas the team sent to me....

A concept track to shape Barney's journey...
By Lono

What could be behind day No.6?
On the sixth day of Tripmas the team sent to me....

A Vort that's cool, calm & rotating...

What could be behind day No.7?
On the seventh day of Tripmas the team sent to me....

A set of scaffolding to stay safe at heights...

What could be behind day No.8?
On the eighth day of Tripmas the team sent to me....

A ragdoll chair to pass the time with...

What could be behind day No.9?
On the ninth day of Tripmas the team sent to me....

An autopsy table to study anatomical structure...

What could be behind day No.10?
On the tenth day of Tripmas the team sent to me....

Some fancy virtual lighting on my viewmodels...

What could be behind day No.11?
On the eleventh day of Tripmas the team sent to me....

An incoming VOX announcement...

What could be behind day No.12?
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Apr 26, 2016
Aaand it's Tripmas, so enjoy the last reveal:

Merry Tripmas !!
We have launched our Store Page!

Go now and wishlist us and get involved in our steam forums!
Thank you for all the support to make announcements like this possible, have a happy festive holiday!
- Tripmine Studios
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Apr 26, 2016
Almost forgot, Peer Review got a 2021 closer earlier. I'd do a bitesized summary of it, but I can't be bothered with it at the moment. I might edit this post later, but by then I reckon anyone interested has already read the ModDB article, so eh.
Edit: Might as well while I still remember.
Yo yo yo and ho ho ho! We hope you've all been staying warm, and for those in the wrong other hemisphere, keeping chillled. A blanket rule of cozy temperatures for everyone.

It's been a wild last quarter, but we're here once again to (narrowly) squeeze in our promised quarterly update. Things were pretty solid! On our road to Alpha 2, we’ve knocked out plenty of neat features, from our save/load system, to more behind the scenes stuff like entity suspension volumes. Working out level design kinks, implementing NPCs, creating asset libraries and art passing, we’ve been keeping busy as ever!

Yes, yes, we know. You’re here for the pictures! And pictures we have, so go ahead and plop your eyes down below and see some of the fruits of our labor.





To close us out, we’ve got a message from ThatWimmerKid out in the field. Until next time, guys!
Tanks For the Memories (it's an audio thing)
Edit: Not gonna update this thread anymore, you'll have to keep track of progress on your own.
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