Recent content by bloatmaxx

  1. bloatmaxx


  2. bloatmaxx


    My personal favourite is the arc of Milo, especially it's potrayal in the final installment. From family life, cooking for her daughters birthday to butchering eastern European corpses into pieces, gutting them open into a bucket with the aid of a real-life Serbian war criminal actor who looks...
  3. bloatmaxx


    I really enjoyed Refn's Pusher trilogy, his best work alongside Bleeder. Drive is great too, but because of its meme-status I'm starting to dislike it more and more, all his movies after that are rubbish. The three pusher films are all just so excellent, low budget beasts portraying the...
  4. bloatmaxx


    but in short, you're lying to yourself. sounds like a brewwwing up eating disorder. ketamine has no proven positive benefits..... not in the neurochemical processi of your brain or your body as a whole. (excluding the euphoria and other chased psychological effects of the said drug)
  5. bloatmaxx


    just got a 165 hertz screen and damn this browse smoothly