Recent content by Nazgûl

  1. Nazgûl

    Serious Help me create the next viral celebrity fast food meal

    Every other fastfood chain is hopping on the celebrity meal bandwagon, so im proud to present to you, the Burger King x Among Us 'Imposter Whopper Meal'. It is served with 'Sweet & Sour Sussy Sauce' and 'Vent Fries' it also comes with an emergency meeting button toy.
  2. Nazgûl

    Let me know if you ever get rombine

    Let me know if you ever get rombine
  3. Nazgûl

    Stop Lying To Us

    Blackquill when will the lies end? Its time to stop. You dont need to hide you secret shame anymore. Reveal your secret passion project to the world Oh yeah? Then explain this!! You cant deny it anymore, we have the proof: Does my premium carry over to this server too? If not how much...
  4. Nazgûl

    Roblox Nebulous Cloud?

    Congrats boys, we fell for it. 10/10 would fall for a chezburger prank again
  5. Nazgûl

    Roblox Nebulous Cloud?

  6. Nazgûl

    Roblox Nebulous Cloud?

    @FlowersforMay that isnt an official neb server... they cant help you. Also pretty sure they cant use the Neb logo. Quick, send a DCMA.
  7. Nazgûl

    Roblox Nebulous Cloud?

    I had to investigate. Its real. Idk what to say anymore...
  8. Nazgûl

    Roblox Nebulous Cloud?

    Full disclosure, this is 100% bait. But on the off chance its not, I uh... I dont think that is an official nebulous server, just a hunch. INB4 "HER YOU FEEL FOR IT EXSDEE :laughing:"
  9. Nazgûl

    Roblox Nebulous Cloud?

  10. Nazgûl


    Hello world! The name is Nazul, but some of my closer friends know me as 'CQB'. Been playing HL2RP since 2013/2014, idk. Played since CW was the main thing servers used and its been my favorite gamemode since I first played, and pretty much the only thing I do on gmod. I hope to get to know all...