Recent content by pimley

  1. pimley

    Serious hapy birthday pimle

  2. pimley

    Serious hapy birthday pimle

    i am one year old! who else?! hello
  3. pimley

    pimley fix :)

    pimley fix :)
  4. pimley

    Serious DO NOT CALL IT CP.

    DONT. metropoliceforce.
  5. pimley

    Suggestion allow voice comms again

    add fog so noone can see then they go "helloooo helloooooooooo" we are lost
  6. pimley

    What's Next? - HL2RP: Early Days

    my idea the rain was pourning and i was wet wet to the bone h the city...
  7. pimley

    What's Next? - HL2RP: Early Days

    PIMLEY ❤️
  8. pimley

    Serious Could you still see yourself roleplaying in later life?

    play a role... do not do already? look in mirror. who are you?
  9. pimley

    goodbye nebulous cloud

  10. pimley

    goodbye nebulous cloud

    i am leaving now. i will return when i am needed again... i love you all...
  11. pimley

    make story with pimley

    the end... ?
  12. pimley

    A familiar face returns, yet not as it once was...

    i make for you. i drink because i am thirsty. thirsty for war... the war... is over? or is it? my wife... left me... now. revenge. SMASH!
  13. pimley

    gay people. i know...

    gay people. i know...
  14. pimley

    Hmm... Tool of Kagrenac contain PART of Kagrenac as well... Influenced him perhaps?

    Hmm... Tool of Kagrenac contain PART of Kagrenac as well... Influenced him perhaps?
  15. pimley

    Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread