Accepted 'Abe'

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Mar 26, 2017
Steam name: Judge Dredd The Techno Viking

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17800525
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions: Indeed
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide? Yes

Character Name: 'Abe', Mul-Telk

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:

I want to be an alien in as much sense of the word as I can and barely understand human interaction apart from simple manners. I want to be the reminder that vortigaunts are a completely separate species from somewhere along the rifts of the universe and will never truly be understandable and have there be times where my actions will be second-guessed by bystanders.

The walking, talking, stern-at-times menace to the Combine that it should be. Carry the mystique, walk the walk, but never be afraid to sit down for two hours to talk to someone who's got 20 hours of experience in roleplay.

Brief Backstory:

Part of the extensive efforts by the free humans to deter the Combine's advances towards portal storms.

Lost many allies during the Uprising, has remained travelling alongside the remnant bands of resistance since then.

One of the many free vortigaunts that had been in the area of the Citadel, and thusly City 17. Substation powering and the occasional butchering of headcrabs was its existence until the beginning of the end.

Allied with humans and kin alike. Does understand the potential of humans to turn on their kind, does understand that humans understandably are a little mad at vortigaunts for the initial invasion and what they did at the time.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:

Anyone who is in the effort to fight the remnants and re-capture the lands surrounding portal storms. We're all in this together, and to discriminate wouldn't be the best of ideas.

With that being said, The Marauders, and by extension The Odod'dal'Taiyang-Sora Clan is going to be a part of this.

During the last relaunch, a large portion of my characterization as a vortigaunt was about reminding citizenry and rebels alike that the world was viewed entirely differently through a vort's eyes, to the point of going moderately hard on the metaphysical. Mentioning 'rifts' 'waves' in the Essence, bending it, telling citizens that they will never control the Essence but can be shifted hard by it, etc.

Much of this was because I couldn't think of anything and pretty much just wing it 24/7. Ideas that were had were tested, and through it some fun things came around.

The Marauders plays into this effectively, as it allows me to continue the act. The binding of the flesh, the indomitable human spirit, the power of grouping together - all things that allow a wide variety of exploration into the ideas of the spirit, comparing them to what my vortigaunt barely knows about humans already, and utilizing vortigaunt powers to bolster their roleplay.

Having a difficult time finding the words for it, but I really just want to continue the whole metaphysical/spiritual shtick, now in a different setting.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:

Four months ago I got sick for the first time in a while and when I got better I felt a large warmth emanating from my core for several days and I felt great, so I want the power to have people feel the same after I heal them with Vortessence. Basically 'your bullet wound seals nice and good and for the next two days an indescribable warmth will grant you the energy and willpower you need to do your daily tasks'.

This is not a 'buff', nor a 'admins pls give me stats' power. It is a mentally-empowering feel-good feeling in the core of any recipient that ennobles them to brave the cold better, handle long patrols/tasks better, and essentially raise the spirits of the recipient for a few days.

It's a roleplay power. Something that'd help you not have a breakdown on patrol, something that'd keep you going at your current pace for the day. Something that warms your heart, body, and soul, and gives you the chance to not be depressed all the time, or anxious to the extreme.

As such, this ties in to the Marauders well, as the whole 'spirit' thing works well with it. In reality, it's just you feeling great.

This power only works when treated for injury to the torso. It doesn't work by waving hands over a healthy human, it doesn't work by healing a scrape, it's something that you'd experience after breaking a rib and going into shock, or getting shot in the chest.


An idea I had for my vort during the relaunch was to be able to peer into people's pasts, taking them along with me. It serves zero purpose and does not tell you anything about the future. It is barely an ability of use, and humans can barely even make sense of it to begin with. Instead of a long, drawn-out explanation, I'll post the first time I did it.

This power would be quite swanky for the Marauders, and by extension the Odod'dal'Taiyang-Sora. It easily feeds into their entire ideals of the spirit, allowing them to simultaneously use my character as a Shaman of sorts whilst also conferring with their pasts.





Both of these powers are suggestions. I'm open to working with other vort players or members of the community to create a power that will enhance and create roleplay, both for active rebels and mere refugees.
Reactions: List
May 18, 2016

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:

Four months ago I got sick for the first time in a while and when I got better I felt a large warmth emanating from my core for several days and I felt great, so I want the power to have people feel the same after I heal them with Vortessence. Basically 'your bullet wound seals nice and good and for the next two days an indescribable warmth will grant you the energy and willpower you need to do your daily tasks'.

This is not a 'buff', nor a 'admins pls give me stats' power. It is a mentally-empowering feel-good feeling in the core of any recipient that ennobles them to brave the cold better, handle long patrols/tasks better, and essentially raise the spirits of the recipient for a few days.

It's a roleplay power. Something that'd help you not have a breakdown on patrol, something that'd keep you going at your current pace for the day. Something that warms your heart, body, and soul, and gives you the chance to not be depressed all the time, or anxious to the extreme.

As such, this ties in to the Marauders well, as the whole 'spirit' thing works well with it. In reality, it's just you feeling great.

This power only works when treated for injury to the torso. It doesn't work by waving hands over a healthy human, it doesn't work by healing a scrape, it's something that you'd experience after breaking a rib and going into shock, or getting shot in the chest.


While I'm personally not a fan of 'peering into peoples' pasts', the average vort shouldn't have a problem attempting it so the second suggestion is redundant.
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