Denied deathwolf Vortigaunt application.

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GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
Steam name: deathwolf
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:47910798
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:

vort a couple of times before I could RP they were E.L.A human characters pretending to be forts
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?

yes last time was a few weeks ago but ill freshen up now

Character Name:
What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:

This being will have a deep connection to the Vortal tapestry, but not in the way of many others, they seeks to expand the weave & his knowledge.

They has little personal vestment in the fight against the Combine, their only drive when battling them is their camaraderie and connection with their kin, to whom they respect enough to continue alongside them.

Brief Backstory:

I plan on expanding this in PM's not because it's hidden or secret but I just want to make more than I've got here currently.

Kraugh'Tep's memories of his time on the Vortal homeworld are remembered fondly, spending time amongst their kin, ingrained with nature, he'd oftentimes think back to his times hunting, swinging between trees taller than most buildings on this rock they now resided on.

The Combine's synthetic invasion, a foggy haze of memories loosely weaved in the portal history, the tapestry damaged, it's particular events often remain a mystery to Kraugh'Tep, but they know it was anything but humanity's 'Seven-Hour War'. Kraugh'Tep, like many of his kin, were taken under the psionic wing of the Nihilanth.

Taken to the Borderworld, under the forced protection of the Nihilanth, Kraugh'Tep was immediately mounted with emerald shackles, and sent to work, maintaining the genetic chambers responsible for birthing the Grunts native to Xen.

This was Kraugh'Tep's life remained this way for centuries; hidden from the gaze of the Combine's infinite eye by a cosmic glitch, the Borderworld. The Vortal tapestry still flowed, though Kraugh'Tep was bound to servitude. That changed when the Freeman arrived, and, faster than the Combine took Earth, the single human moved with awesome power, vanquishing the Nihilanth, severing the psionic connection it held over Kraugh'Tep and their kin.

In little time after this severance in control, Kraugh'Tep was swept up by a violent portalstorm, alongside his kin, he landed in Moscow.

Moscow was the landing site for over twenty five thousand Vortigaunts, the results of a mass exodus from a variety of different portalstorms. The ensuing chaos in the city, mixed alongside the various other threats transported to earth by the storms, resulted in a massive race war between humanity and the Vortigaunts. Kraugh'Tep tries their best to forget these times, neither side were right in their actions, but both were blinded by fear. A great regret of his.

This war was cut short, however, by the arrival of an old enemy, the Combine had been alerted to the presence of earth by way of their meddling with the borderworld, and launched a small scale invasion. Seven Hours. Kraugh'Tep was not impressed with either sides efforts in defending, though they themselves had done nothing of note to help.

Enslavement was once again the life that Kraugh'Tep led. Now under the Combine, they was once again shackled, now though, his energies were slowly drained. Their life was like that of any biotic: Dull. One week they were sweeping the streets, the next they were assisting in lab work at a Union research facility. They were often transported from city to city. Kraugh'Tep honestly appreciated being able to see the different sights.

This did not last forever. Nine years before occupation ended, Kraugh'Tep was transported to City Eight, they were not given the regular duties of a biotic, instead they were placed into some sort of research facility, as a test subject. Kraugh'Tep was subject to various different tests and experiments, and the result was, to their belief, simple, their connection to the Vortessence had been weakened, significantly. On the bright side, Kraugh'Tep wasn't captured in perpetuity. Eurasian terrorists trying to make a name for themselves eventually blew a massive hole in the facility, along with themselves nearing the final year of occupation, allowing for an escape of Kraugh'Tep and many of his kin.

Kraugh'Tep has spent his time since travelling amongst his kin, visiting different tribes, caravans, and settlements. He seemed to deepen his connection to the Vortessence, to expand his knowledge, and heal themselves. They have been largely successful in that matter.

Now they have arrived at Zelenogradsk, they understand that the Vortal populace is largely scattered and unorganised, they are unsure of where they will fit in.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:

Kraugh'Tep will be happy to work alongside his kind, and has no issue working alongside cooperative members of humanity. To those humans that take issue with their kind, Kraugh'Tep has no issue with seeing them as either threats or sustenance.
Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):

Yes but I do not know what yet.
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HL2 RP Senior Administrator
Feb 12, 2017
Application for the previous iteration.
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