Accepted Pyromaniac's Vortigaunt Application

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HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 25, 2017
Steam name: Pyromaniac
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:70720466
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:
Momentarily played a vortigaunt one of the previous iterations, though I can't exactly remember note-worthy experiences from that outside of the general experience.

Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?:

Character Name:
Dara'Del-Esh (or 'Hermit'/whatever nickname is given by others)

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:
Hermit's nature can be described most accurately as Druidic, it appears they value nature and it's cycles and have great interest in learning what Earth's ecosystem was like prior to the storms and of-course how it will interact with the new ecosystems it had been introduced to.

Outside of Hermit's nature, they have a strong preference to be surrounded by natural things in any shape or form, which often finds themselves away from pockets of resistance or other communities. While they once were apart of a vortal clan with similar ideology, the Combine machine had found them and he was one of the very few who had manages to get out alive and uncaptured. As a result they often found themselves alone, surrounded by nature earning them their nickname.

They are helpful to resistance efforts, aiding them in their operations primarily in supportive manners be they healing, tending to crops or trade. Some question his willingness to work nearby machines at times though they also firmly believe a greater enemy requires their attention first, that being the Combine. They are the greatest destroyer of ecosystems on the planet and also the greatest risk to themselves and their vortal brethren. In their battles they will seek to capture over killing especially towards Civil Protection officers, while this kindness is less-extended to Transhumans due to their (assumed) lesser vortal connection, if they have one at all.

Brief Backstory:
Hermit, shortly after their arrival to earth found themselves back with members of their clan. A lot of their early days were spend learning Earth's ecosystem and where they would find themselves in the new situation, though with time they found themselves a place of primarily supportive nature. Aiding resistance members in hunts they found acceptable, treatment of wounds, the trade of foods etc. Long they avoided the gaze of the combine through a power, monikered by other humans as 'Druid Craft' they created shelter that from aerial surveillance often looked natural.

This however didn't last forever, eventually either a patrol or some other machine's eye figured out the location of the clan and a raid was organized to get batteries for their computers. In this raid while the defence held for a while, it broke eventually to the uncaring machine with many of the clan being either dead or captured. Hermit was one of the few who had managed to escape the Machine's grasp in the final moments and from that point onward often lived alone, away from many communities.

Sometimes, people would come across Hermit and they'd help them on their journey or with their ailments the best they could. Their new lifestyle of primarily solitude ended with the greatest victory of the resistance yet, the fall of the City 17 Citadel. This change in the world was felt by many and didn't exclude Hermit, after long travels he placed himself closer to society and decided to attempt a more active approach in aiding the resistance.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:
Non-applicable as of current, open to joining groups through on-server, IC means.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):

'Druidcraft', the name of the power as monickered by surrounding humans at the time. The clan-ability of Hermit to manipulate nature and the forms it takes. While many powers that concern Flora or Fauna are easier for Hermit, this power manifests in their ability to accelerate the growth of plants, perhaps 'summon' xenian plants from xen used for various purposes. Blocking off passage-ways for defence, creating means of traversal or perhaps even the ability to break down walls overtime through nature's strength.
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May 18, 2016

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):
'Druidcraft', the name of the power as monickered by surrounding humans at the time. The clan-ability of Hermit to manipulate nature and the forms it takes. While many powers that concern Flora or Fauna are easier for Hermit, this power manifests in their ability to accelerate the growth of plants, perhaps 'summon' xenian plants from xen used for various purposes. Blocking off passage-ways for defence, creating means of traversal or perhaps even the ability to break down walls overtime through nature's strength.

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