Accepted shad's space-lizard application

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Apr 26, 2016

Steam name:

Steam ID:

Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:
So, I've been playing vortigaunt even longer than I've fucked with combine factions which alone is 6-7 years worth of experience. I've played vortigaunt in several different communities, more notably here and LP. also former vortigaunt lead.

Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?:
Yes, very cool.

Character Name:


What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:
For the majority of their existence on previous iterations and ideally going forward in this one- 'Ari' is generally very enigmatic and mystical in their way of communicating, yet also an entirely neutral soul eager to give aid to and share lore to any and all who would depose a mutual enemy- the Combine. What sets them apart from the majority of their kin is that 'Ari's speech is often incredibly vague, more akin to actual riddles, cryptic dogma and existential-type stuff especially to their human counterparts. I intend for this character to be one that's REALLY fucking interesting to do passive with, and one that's sort of a window into just how alien the Vortigaunts are and can be.

Brief Backstory:
Under the Nihilanth's bidding, Ari was among many Vortigaunts whos' tenure on Earth began a hostile one, acting as a foot-soldier of sorts for their otherworldly master before its eventual death. Ari promptly spent the following years entirely lone-wolf, either in hiding or sustaining himself from Xen and Earth-nature alike until the Combine eventually established their new dominion.

Ensuing nearly thereafter, they cast their lot in with a particularly tribal cluster of their kin dwelling on the outskirts of Kiev until it ultimately crumbled due to infighting and feuding with local budding resistance cells. Ari spent the remaining occupational-era as both a fighter and scholar, travelling Europe and uncommonly making an appearance to lend aid and serve as an advisory role to multiple Resistances and kin-clusters

With the most recent schisms, they have torn their gaze away from borderline-inaction and have fully emerged to the surface to help cast down their oppressor's remnants for good alongside the other freedom fighters.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:
Whoever acts against the Union has Ari's immediate support, there are no exclusives.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:
N/A at this time.​
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