Accepted The Return of Ni-chellah’chackt Ulathoi

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GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Steam Name: Aether

Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:53503656

Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:
Ex Co-Lead (LemonPunch) and one of - if not the oldest - remaining active players of the faction.

Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?

Character Name:
Ni-chellah’chackt Ulathoi

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:
I'm changing the fate of a once captured and freed, honourable warrior who alongside his vortal brethren and Human companions died protecting Station 47 many years ago. Ni-chellah’chackt Ulathoi (Literally: He Who Purges Combine) is the embodiment of war against the masters, lesser and greater alike. Where other Vortigaunts may wish to spend eons debating whether or not to act, Ni-chellah’chackt Ulathoi prefers to strike, no matter the foe - being only bound by his end goal of freedom. This has put him at odds with other members of his species, as many have in the past viewed his actions as foolish, reckless and dangerous - ultimately resulting in him viewing only those who share his ideals as his true brethren.

Brief Backstory: [
Original Application] A proud tribal warchief on his homeworld, only to be enslaved by the Nihilanth and set loose upon Earth in the invasion. Freed only for a short time, before his re-capture at the hands of the Universal Union and forced into slavery once more, until the day he was freed as City Eight fell into disarray. With the assistance of his saviour brethren, they teleported to City Seventeen, prior to the fall of the Citadel. There, in District 47, Ni-chellah’chackt Ulathoi founded The Void's Blade and gathered others who had once been imprisoned - united in their agony after years of torture by their oppressor's hands, they swore to end the Combine, regardless of the cost to themselves. Continuing to pick off Union Assets wherever possible, they eventually allied with a small Human group and created a base of operations known as Station 47 to house them. From there, they assisted the greater rebellion until the fall of the Citadel, whereas now The Void's Blade and its Human companions are a band of nomadic hunters prowling the wastes, rooting out the Union wherever possible - from superheating and warping railways as to derail razor trains, to ambushing patrols, to leading raids through abandoned tunnels against fortified locations.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:
I intend to rebirth The Void's Blade, a vanguard Human-Vortigaunt group.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:
I'm unsure, could we perhaps follow up after the application to discuss what would/wouldn't be viable?
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