WW3RP A Breaking Bad Critique: Why I no longer the show on Netflix


GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
Based on P&M's critique of Breaking Bad (although I'm nowhere near as great of a writer as they are), I've decided to express my thoughts about the series in a similar fashion. I'll keep this critique concise and straightforward, without intending to come across as rude or offensive.

Here's my take:

The Problem:

After discussing with fellow viewers and analyzing the show, it has become evident that the issue lies not with the characters or the setting, but with the fundamental structure of Breaking Bad itself. The series, in its current state, feels heavily skewed towards glorifying Walter White's transformation into a drug lord, while neglecting the potential development of other characters and storylines. It seems like the show was primarily designed to satisfy the desires of fans who enjoy Walter's descent into darkness, with other aspects serving as secondary elements.

The character of Walter White enjoys numerous advantages that undermine the overall balance of the show. He possesses a high level of intelligence and resourcefulness, allowing him to outsmart his adversaries and manipulate situations in his favor. Moreover, Walter is often conveniently provided with opportunities to advance his criminal activities without facing significant consequences. These advantages contribute to an unrealistic portrayal of the drug trade and create a sense of predictability in the narrative.

One aspect that particularly demoralizes me is the show's tendency to give Walter ample time to prepare for any impending threat or challenge. He is consistently given warnings and opportunities to plan ahead, while his rivals are caught off guard. This asymmetry in the storytelling diminishes the tension and excitement, as it becomes predictable that Walter will find a way to come out on top.

Additionally, there is an issue with the portrayal of conflicts between Walter and other characters. Whenever Walter faces opposition, the show tends to exaggerate the consequences and present them in an overly dramatic manner. This approach undermines the complexity of the conflicts and makes it harder to engage with the issues at hand.

Furthermore, there are reports suggesting that suggestions for alternative storylines or character developments were dismissed by the show's creators. This tunnel-minded approach limits the potential for growth and innovation within the series. It gives the impression that Breaking Bad is solely focused on catering to Walter's journey, disregarding the diverse perspectives and storylines that could have enriched the overall experience.

Critics may argue that the discrepancies in power and skill between Walter and other characters are intentional, highlighting the contrast between his transformation and their limitations. While there may be some truth to this, it is undeniable that many of the supporting characters lack agency and are overshadowed by Walter's dominance. Their lack of sportsmanship and Walter's inflated ego further contribute to the imbalance within the narrative.

Another peculiar aspect is how some characters, such as law enforcement officials, are able to access and use the same tools and tactics as Walter. Yet, the show often portrays their actions as highly controversial or unacceptable. This inconsistency raises questions about the show's intentions and adds to the perception that the rules are bent to favor Walter.

The Solution:

To address the issues within Breaking Bad, there needs to be a serious reconsideration of the show's structure and character dynamics. As suggested by others, it is not about weakening Walter to make him equal to his adversaries, but rather providing more substantial counterbalances for the other characters. The show should explore avenues where other characters can effectively challenge Walter's reign and showcase their own growth.

The world of Breaking Bad should not crumble if other characters have access to resources and opportunities similar to Walter's. It is essential to maintain a sense of symmetry and allow conflicts to arise from a more equal footing. This would create a dynamic where both sides are engaged in a constant struggle, rather than one side consistently dominating the other.

Additionally, there should be clearer objectives and motivations for the supporting characters within the show. The narrative should provide more guidance
Apr 26, 2016
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