News ALPLANDS: EL DORADO | Announcement & Info | 30/07/21


event guy
Apr 26, 2016



"Within the freedom of the New World is the hope of the universe."
-Simón Bolívar


The year is 2042

The liberation of mankind has come at great cost

Much of the wealth of the old world was destroyed in the wars of conquest

What survives is stolen, plundered, or guarded by vast and powerful emerging states

The end of the suppression field has revealed a deep and existential fertility crisis

The environment has been permanently scarred by the occupation

Billions live in destitution, trapped in poverty and sickness

Life is desperate in this diminished new world

Only those who can fight can survive

You are one of them


Alplands: El Dorado is a post-occupation HL2RP server set in South America, several years after the Combine's defeat.

A global economic depression sweeps the world. Hyperinflation grips Europe and America. The birth rate has plummeted to 12% of its pre-invasion total.

War rages in South America. Peru is now under the control of the Maoist 'Shining Path', and has occupied Bolivia, along with most of the weakened Chilean Republic. Argentina endures as a corrupt and decadent oligarchy. The capital, Buenos Aires, is a den of thieves and killers from all corners of this new world.

You have come to Buenos Aries to find a job. A mercenary job. One that will take you deep into the Lithium Triangle in search of riches, fame, and fortune.

Argentina and Communist Peru have coupled their currencies with the price of lithium, which the world now depends on for almost all its electronics. Split across the Lithium Triangle, the warlike powers of South America vie for supremacy in the post-occupation world.

They say there will be war with the Shining Path. You don't care for politics. You just need to get paid.

Who lives? Who dies? Will the wealth of nations be lost forever to human greed and cruelty, or is there still time to save what's left? The choice is yours.

30 - 07 - 21


Alplands: El Dorado Forums are now LIVE!

What is this?
It's a week-long event that takes place in an alternative canon, set in the years after the Combine's defeat. It will take players on a journey deep into the dangerous Lithium Triangle.

What is Alplands?
It's a post-occupation setting, and a server that revolves around consistent, survival-based storytelling above all. It's not an open server, it's application-only. It's a short episodic server that is here and then gone.

Is this a sequel to Alplands: Deliverance?
Not directly. Alplands: El Dorado takes place two years after the events of Alplands: Deliverance. It has a new cast of characters and a brand new location, setting itself in South America - a place where HL2 has never traditionally ventured before.

How many players and how are they picked?
Between 12-16 players. Alplands is a survival RP gamemode, so only serious applications are considered for characters. Death comes easily in this setting and it is final so these numbers will likely be thinned quite quickly, prepare for a serious environment where player choices really matter. Competition for places will be extremely tough.

What content is needed?
All relevant content will be located in the event server content and those accepted will be notified ahead of time.

You can't keep getting away with this
i know, my time is running out, they are coming for me


Thanks to @afric @Powley @Blackquill and @Danny for their help on getting this project off the ground. Looking forward to a really cool temp server. Apps are open now and will be marked on a rolling basis.


community bear
Jan 15, 2018
looks really fun, though thisll probably be the first alplands i dont apply for, as much as i want to, been burnt out for a long time i feel like and i dont wanna waste a spot this time :< hope people who get in have fun though and GOOD LUCK to the people running it :smiley: