Blitz's Vortigaunt Application


Mar 13, 2023
Steam name: Blitz0012
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:79277566
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions: Played Brian on Neb for most of last iteration, played. About two years of RPing mostly enslaved but also the odd free Vort on TnB. Good few years of Semi-Serious Vort RP experience.
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide? Yes.

Character Name: Uri’var Krel

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:
I’d like to portray an aggressive Vort. Not unwilling to listen to reason, but one that it would be wise to avoid without a proper understanding of them. His aggression is defensive mostly, driven by fear and confusion. He’d avoid humans unless he was pushed to interact, or caught out while hunting/foraging. Matching the behaviours of a black bear to an extent, avoid human contact and only attack if pressed. Of course, a Vortigaunt is a bit more bothersome than a black bear.

How do you plan to play your Vortigaunt with respect to the setting? That being very early on in the Combine's occupation of Earth:
Uri’ is afraid, thrust into this new environment and removed from the Nihilanth’s control. He’s going to spend his time lurking around the sewers, out of sight. Keeping to himself though occasionally observing human actions from a distance.

How do you plan to interact with citizens and the other factions? Note that while Civil Protection is a new concept IC, you'd still be aware of their hostility towards your species:
Avoid them for the most part, interacting quite sparingly, mostly watching and trying to pick out the intent of groups or individuals. Despite avoiding most interactions, I could see him poking around closer to people if he’ll have the upper-hand should things turn sour. He’d avoid Civil Protection entirely and likewise avoid the Progenitor Arm, though he’s more likely to engage the Progenitor Arm should they press him.

Brief Backstory:
Uri’var is a young Vortigaunt. An aspiring warrior, distinguished for his age but nothing more. A lack of experience makes them naive at times, worsened by their new environment. He’d attacked humanity under the Nihilanth’s command, performing more than admirably. Uri’ has not handled his emergence well, ending up alone. His prior ferocity was reciprocated too, being assaulted by a group of refugees. The injuries from the fight made him lose contact with his kin for a while, he was concussed long enough to get lost. While nursing his wounds, he’d realise the dire situation. His psyche suffered as his desperation grew, Uri’ became less openly aggressive, having lost his fervour for battle, although he was rather unpredictable and dangerous if cornered. Following a few more unfortunate run-ins with humanity, though none as bad as his first, his fears only worsened. He’d spend his time hiding, skulking around dimly lit sewers and bombed-out ruins - scavenging for the most part and occasionally observing humanity.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations): None.
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