
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016

Steam name:
Discord name: Aetherialite
How active are you in game?: Haven't skipped a day

[This application is considered In-character, therefore information entered should be purely IC related unless stated otherwise]​

Your Name: Hugh Chunt
State/Licence ID:

Do you have a criminal record? (Y/N): No
Previous job experience: Ace Reporter, Delivery Driver, Taxi Driver
Are you currently in debt or have been in the past? (Y/N): No


Explain in as much detail as needed what your business is about: CURRENT AFFAIRS MEDIA Inc. is dedicated to the creation of entertainment* and informational media with subdivisions dedicated to news and entertainment* (*entertainment division pending).

CURRENT AFFAIRS NEWS is already a prominent headliner in the Los Santos infosphere with countless viewers and interactions, with an extremely high standard of quality for our reports, we ensure reliable and truthful information makes its way to the public free of charge.

CURRENT AFFAIRS ENTERTAINMENT is a pending subdivision that is intended to create entertaining media via TV Shows (such as game shows) and Movies. As this division requires a full studio, budget, props and more, this division is currently pending.

Explain how this business would be beneficial for members of the public: CURRENT AFFAIRS MEDIA Inc. has already established a dominant presence in the in the informational media (News) field, having informed the people of Los Santos about the failed assassination of mayoral candidate Jake Mercardo, alongside highlighting the exceptional driving, negotiation and tactical skills of our valiant police force in LSPD Cops - Episode One: Negan. This intends to continue to inform the public about all ongoing current affairs, with mayoral candidate interviews already scheduled, and business advertisements planned in the future.

As for our entertainment division, we already have concepts for game shows and competitions, which will aid in creating a vibrant culture for our proud state. More about this can be deliberated in private if required.

Explain what you require in order to get started with your business venture: CURRENT AFFAIRS NEWS is already ongoing and is mostly self sufficient, but an official news van (and eventually a helicopter) would certainly aid development and proper funding would enable us to increase our staff and make our current staff more full-time. Additionally, a proper News app for mobile devices would assist us in reaching consumers, alongside possible printed newspapers that could be found that display headlines or latest news.

As for CURRENT AFFAIRS ENTERTAINMENT, a proper studio (which could be shared with CURRENT AFFAIRS NEWS between recordings) would be essential for hosting the game shows/competitions and recording certain sections of any future TV Shows or Movies (We have already scouted numerous locations that would be great for on-site recording), custom props for certain shows or scenes would be nearly vital alongside costumes, and funding. We intend to find sponsorships and advertisements to help our cash flow, but seed money is required to truly lift this off of the ground.

Is this a solo venture or a venture with a pre-existing team behind it? If so, list your other employees: Hugh Chunt [CEO, Reporter/Host] (@Aether), Harry Twatt [Cameraman/Sound Director] (@NightLock), Unnamed Soundguy [Boom Mic Operator/Assistant Sound Director] (@Rod), George Parker [Personal Assistant] (@Fluffy)

Business Location (If not required, write N/A): Weazel News HQ/Vinewood Movie Studios (Probably best discussed)

Do you understand that the Government may revoke your business licence if they see fit?: Absolutely.

Do you understand that the Government may charge an administration and/or construction fee?: Understandable.​
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