

Apr 26, 2016

Forever changed without regrets

Before the invasion of Earth, 'Firebug' or known by his initials: Eeya'Surr, was your typical, average vortigaunt that was enslaved by the Nihilanth on the Border World of Xen. He and amongst his fellow enslaved brethren, struggled to survive the harsh conditions of servitude of the Nihilanth. But Eeya'Surr always remained hopeful at difficult times. Promising to his close bonded brothers that their time of freedom will come and the times of servitude will end. He encouraged them remain strong and always to be ready for the right time. The story of the vortigaunts and their escape from Xen applies for Firebug.

The catastrophe of the Black Mesa Incident has begun.

As many of the vortigaunt had teleported together or found their to their kinds later on, Firebug was one of the lonely vortigaunts on Earth, isolated from their brethern and struggled to survive on the harsh conditions of the unknown Earth. He had no knowledge of his new surrounding and the dangers he was about to face. Many enemies to fear, in this particular instance, the humans themselves were a big worry. Neither he or them knew how to act upon one and another. In his travels, he met many human kinds, but none of them were any kindful enough to even say a 'Hello' to the poor alien creature. Firebug flee and fled upon to some sort kind of safety he could find. But only finding himself in a loop of constant danger, wasting his precious time to create allies, while the invasion of the Combine slowly made their way into the books of History.

But a wonder had happened, that changed his life forever.


Perhaps not the best or the most hopeful kind of changes of his life, but rather something strong and helpful for Firebug. A group of inspired 'Outlaws of the Wild West' met upon the lone alien creature that lingered the grounds of a 'Lost World'. Firebug saw them as another aggressive human beings, however... The group thought differently. The group quickly learned more about Firebug's abilities and appearance. They saw great use of him and offered him a position within their gang. While he thought it wasn't the best or the wisest choice he made, but his only choice.

Firebug adapted to the human presence and quickly learned most of the philosophies that exists on the 'lost world' of the remaining Earth. Firebug became a great protégé of the gang as The Group thought him of survival, the history of Earth, the history of the Wild West, the American Frontier and the human language that allowed Firebug to be able to communicate with his new fellow brothers in their spoken language, that being the English language, but even he began to speak it with an Western American accent. More humanly than any other vortigaunt could do. But they thought him on one specific subject: 'Never regret your decisions, just move on.' This wording led Firebug to grow a strong but cold stern personality, as he became one of the most fearing member of the gang. His appearance may look goofy at a glance, but his enemies will be met upon with nightmares as soon as they underestimate him.

As time passed on, The Group became one of the most fearsome gangs of the lost world, committing several cruel actions that would've been considered major 'crimes' by the previous world. But in the current world, among the other resistance groups, the Group itself is a crime in the eyes of the Combine. And Firebug amongst them. During this period, he no longer saw himself as a such kind 'Vortigaunt' no more, nor did he see himself as human kind either, he began to doubt about his identity, his true identity. He no longer medidates nor communicates with other fellow Vortigaunt. He began to find the vortessence and the channeling rather silly and a myth. Firebug still posseses the vortessence and it's magical powers, but he find it to be a gift and a blessing.

As the cruel actions of the group continued to persist, the clashes around the members of the Group began to rise. It brought difficult times within the gang and fights that deemed 'unnecessary' or 'risky' without prevail. Firebug saw no greater promise for the Group aswell, as much as he is thankful to them for raising him up on his lowest point. Members of the Group left and tensions began to rise as the Group continued to make mistakes, after mistakes. The founding member of the gang felt betrayed and let down by his members.

Eventually it was time for Firebug to stand up and approach the founding member of the group, wanting to leave aswell to explore the rest of the world, using the strength they provided him to put up it's use. The founder of The Group partially agreed, but did not plea Firebug to stay, but instead reminded him to not to regret his decision, at all and never. And from this day and forward, Firebug is on his own journey. Whatever the journey may be.
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