HL2RP HL2RP² Tarot card prelude


GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
Hi guys, for Helix i made two lots of tarot cards for HL2RP characters

However in this iteration i’ve not had the pleasure of role playing with any CP or OTA characters at all, so before i started making them, i wondered if anyone had any suggestions for who would fit each tarot, including characters from every side, and I will keep every vote in mind.


GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
i did want to know who either Sky or @Ond ota taglines are


Mar 12, 2018
The Fool, VICTOR-5, @The Red Devil

Got turned from a prisoner harassed by the OBC into a cop, his girlfriend stalkerized, traumatized by UNION-3, and then went crazy in the valley, doing surgeries on corpses. A man dead by not his actions, but by others' actions

Death - HERO-2, @GOOSE , Brought upon the bunker death for a lot of cops, stalkers and some transhumans, by destroying the generator. He also took out DEF-3 before being shot

Heirophant - DEFENDER-1, JURY-6 (Ron and Oskar). Thinking they were doing the right thing by attacking the core, and going against the transhumans and overwhelming odds, only to be misled by other people and end up paying the price for it.

Strength - DAGGER-3 (Classy) and RANGER-0 (Flippy), for their attempt to delve into the unoxygenated bunker, to figure out who blew up the generator and subsequently caused a large amount of IC deaths. They did die, but we move
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remove bias
GTA RP Playtester
Sep 13, 2016
THE FOOL: VICTOR-5 @The Red Devil lived and died at the hands of his peers and controllers' decision. With his girlfriend stalkerized and him being forced to enlist, he was led on the entire, short time he served Civil Protection. A twisted game far beyond his control.

THE CHARIOT: DEFENDER-3 @Simman102 is a quiet Rank Leader passionate for victory, balancing between both anger and joy as the war develops.

TEMPERANCE: DEFENDER-1 @Ron largely remains alive and sane thanks to the friendships she has established in the Battallion. The likes of KING-7, JURY-2, and many more units, as well as the Overwatch AI have helped her cope with addiction, loss, and exhaustion.

I'm unsure as to whether self-voting counts, but I will also include my own characters here.

KING-7, as I have looked to portray him anyways, would be a good candidate for Judgement or The Hanged Man.

JUDGEMENT: 7's impulsivity, both in body and mind, will kill him eventually. Quickly jumping into battles without thinking or taking shortcuts upon facing problems - These habits inhibit him from ever reaching the upper echelon of the Combine rankings he wishes to be in.

THE HANGED MAN: 7 is devoted to serving the Combine, but is unwilling to let go of his humanity and become a machine. With a transhuman cycle under his belt already, his options slowly narrow into going through with the process or sacrificing everything he has built.

Walker could very well be The Star or The Wheel of Fortune. Both are related to his capture, torture, and loss of his leg.

The Wheel of Fortune, because his entire life has changed. The loss of his leg and the ability to run inhibits him from fighting, exploring, helping the Resistance as he had done before. A traumatic, difficult change he must endure on his shoulders.

The Star, because although he has lost everything to him, Orsted and Harland vowed to assist him, to one day return to the front lines with a prosthetic. The future shines, as long as they keep their word.
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Mar 12, 2018
THE FOOL: VICTOR-5 @The Red Devil lived and died at the hands of his peers and controllers' decision. With his girlfriend stalkerized and him being forced to enlist, he was led on the entire, short time he served Civil Protection. A twisted game far beyond his control.

THE CHARIOT: DEFENDER-3 @Simman102 is a quiet Rank Leader passionate for victory, balancing between both anger and joy as the war develops.

TEMPERANCE: DEFENDER-1 @Ron largely remains alive and sane thanks to the friendships she has established in the Battallion. The likes of KING-7, JURY-2, and many more units, as well as the Overwatch AI have helped her cope with addiction, loss, and exhaustion.

I'm unsure as to whether self-voting counts, but I will also include my own characters here.

KING-7, as I have looked to portray him anyways, would be a good candidate for Judgement or The Hanged Man.

JUDGEMENT: 7's impulsivity, both in body and mind, will kill him eventually. Quickly jumping into battles without thinking or taking shortcuts upon facing problems - These habits inhibit him from ever reaching the upper echelon of the Combine rankings he wishes to be in.

THE HANGED MAN: 7 is devoted to serving the Combine, but is unwilling to let go of his humanity and become a machine. With a transhuman cycle under his belt already, his options slowly narrow into going through with the process or sacrificing everything he has built.

Walker could very well be The Star or The Wheel of Fortune. Both are related to his capture, torture, and loss of his leg.

The Wheel of Fortune, because his entire life has changed. The loss of his leg and the ability to run inhibits him from fighting, exploring, helping the Resistance as he had done before. A traumatic, difficult change he must endure on his shoulders.

The Star, because although he has lost everything to him, Orsted and Harland vowed to assist him, to one day return to the front lines with a prosthetic. The future shines, as long as they keep their word.
I'd put KING-7 under The Hermit card considering the spiritual awakening


Jul 29, 2018
UNION-3: Death. Constantly demanding others commit suicide. They’re like an inquisitor of death, an extinctionist through and through. @Merlinsclaw

DEFENDER-1: Temperance. She constantly walks a line between the more human side of her command, and the growing presence of the Order in her thoughts. @Ron

VICTOR-5: The Heirophant. Pressured into enlistment and abused by the Order and ultraloyalists. Tried to do his duty as a medic, serving in the little capacity he could. He ended up a victim of his own mentality. @The Red Devil
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kilroy was here
May 1, 2016
@Mari - HERO-4 would be a strong candidate for the Hanged Man.
@Erkor - SWORD-4 fits certain aspects of the Hierophant.
@Ron - DEFENDER-1 is a suitable draw for Justice. Syd is level-headed and quiet.
@dorph - KING-9 for the Chariot, reversed, specifically. They wear it loud and proud.

Strength - DAGGER-3 (Classy) and RANGER-0 (Flippy), for their attempt to delve into the unoxygenated bunker, to figure out who blew up the generator and subsequently caused a large amount of IC deaths. They did die, but we move
Also applicable to his successor. The current 3 is notoriously stubborn, being one of the few transhumans to avert corruption by the core by refusing to refresh for over a week. They also have a serious 'father to their men' complex that refuses to fade even now. If lives are to be spent, they're to be spent wisely, and never without DAGGER-3 on the field with them, if it can be avoided.
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ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016


Sep 9, 2022
Rather than saying the same thing for many units which are accurately said already, I would rather add one or some on my own, add onto them, or correct me if I am not representing them nicely:

@LegoEnjoyerTheGreat | VICE-3: STRENGTH, due to his level headedness, he is, to my perspective, rational, yet not completely apathetic and even friendly, and he manages to suggest good decisions, even if he is not being heard. Time will tell, however, if he truly heard when he knows the better choice. Keep going, VICE-3!

@maxi |∴ KING-1∴: THE HERMIT, as he had always been looking for the truth of his reality in the past, at first by the church, but he has found his own "truth" with the OBC, so he is hardly going to find another perspective, which is not wrong, only half so. He is definitely going to stick with such revolution and the Combine unless he somehow gets a huge counter revolution to his "truth", which is pretty set in his soul. And even with that, he still does a nice job as a Cop when needed to.

@WstStranger | VICE-2: THE WORLD, since he is feeling now the burden of living on to keep the good and bad memories of units who have passed onto death or transhumanization by now the means of bad poetry. He is also a "Jack" of many trades being able to do many things on his own or for others. so he can, and will in fact, carry the weight of his thoughts and his world.
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