Accepted Limeaos Vort App

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24/7 John Lennon Impressionist
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
Steam name: Limeao
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80027251
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions: I've had the vortigaunt whitelist twice now in both iterations of Helix. In the last run I mostly played my vort, and tended to do a lot of small events revolving around Xenian plants and creatures.
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide? I sure have.

Character Name: 'Kaan'

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?: A devout Gaia theorist, obsessed with mother nature and all that it entails. He's almost a zealot when it comes to his obsession, you could even argue that it goes as far as religious. Mushrooms, and their place in the worlds eco-system is his church. The mycelium that connects everything from the trees and the grass, is how he prays. Digging his hands deep into the earth, trying to connect with nature.

Though his religious zeal does have its consequences, as with the abundance of both Xenian and Earthly plants. He indulges in various practices and experiments that may seem odd. Mostly consuming concoctions brewed from various plants and extracts, which he'll consume, some even daily. Others for ritualistic purposes, mostly for prayer or guidance in the form of hallucinogenic visions. If given the chances he'll sow the seeds of his samples, replenishing his stock of various plants and substances. Sometimes even establishing a small greenhouse. However with this abuse of the mind, some could argue he's mad, twitchy and perhaps even lost to the substances he abuses.

His main purpose is to preserve earth, even if that comes at the cost of both humanity and his own kin. Earth must go on, even without sentient life. Though violence isn’t in his nature per-say, it is a necessary evil he has to carry out by the will of Gaia. He is but a mere pawn, at the disposal of mother earth. He knows that his time will come, and that he shall return to the earth. Where the mycelium he praises shall absorb him.

Brief Backstory: His time on the homeworld was short lived, though in that brief period he was under the tutelage of the tribe's sage/shaman. Learning the ways of herbalistic healing, while the plants he used are no longer attainable the recipes and techniques still prove useful to this day.

Once the combine came, everything seemed hazy, like a distant dream. In the present he could hardly remember how he came to earth, how he found himself to be surrounded with vast forests. It was as if he had blacked out, unsure as to what had happened. Though after an unknown amount of time had passed he would come across a small woodland group of native. Humans.

These people were naturalists, ecologists and Gaia theorists- hippies. These people seemed to know of his kind, and yet he knew very little of them. At first they seemed hesitant to his arrival, however one of them seemed to be more accepting. There was a language barrier to begin with, progress was slow, but with time he learned to assimilate with them. They spoke of the lands he was in, the Americas. They spoke of many things, an invasion - the sky ripped open. He learned much from them, and the lands he now roamed. After time, things got worse. People died, or left and soon it was just him. Roaming the world, studying its ecosystem- continuing their and now his work.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?: Me and a few mates have plans to run a small group, nothing set in stone as of yet.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify: I’d like powers that reflect my character, particularly an affinity for brewing and concocting various medicinal and spiritual products, mostly from local Xen and earthly plants. Most concoctions being basic either basic medical alternatives, minor wounds and illnesses, maybe even something to treat burns or even venom. And ofcourse more spiritual brews, giving people visions, true or otherwise.
May 18, 2016

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify: I’d like powers that reflect my character, particularly an affinity for brewing and concocting various medicinal and spiritual products, mostly from local Xen and earthly plants. Most concoctions being basic either basic medical alternatives, minor wounds and illnesses, maybe even something to treat burns or even venom. And ofcourse more spiritual brews, giving people visions, true or otherwise.

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