Accepted MaXenzie's LSPD Application


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Character name: James Dale

Date of birth: 23/11/1991

Briefly describe your character's background: Born in Austin, Texas, James Dale lived a relatively boring life (for a guy living in a shithole country) up until his 30's. He primarily hopped from apprenticeship to apprenticeship, never really finishing any of them and growing bored before he got any good pay from them. Coincidentally, he cited the lack of good pay as his reason for leaving each apprenticeship. Then, a few years ago, he adopted a daughter.

More specifically, a young girl's family were killed and he'd offered to take her in. Most of the stringent rules on adopting a child were waived primarily because a newly orphaned kid honestly just needed a home, and he wasn't a dickhead.

Why do you want to join the LSPD? (IC & OOC):
James Dale moved to Los Santos in order to find a well-paying job, now that he has someone financially dependent on him. Turns out the LSPD were looking for new recruits, and training was shockingly easy. Easy money, right? Not like he was a morally upstanding citizen, he just needed a job that didn't require a degree! Hopefully it pays half-decently, too. He would like to eat more than Burger Shot on the weekends.

OOCly, I wanna hang out with Warwick and Alex and do funky cop stuff. I think Warwick wants us to be buddy-cops which'd be fun.

What are your character's short-term and long-term goals within the LSPD?:
Short Term: Provide for his newly adopted daughter, and try to accrue enough wealth to feel financially stable.

Long-Term: Develop far enough as a police officer that he can call it a career instead of just a job. Possibly become a detective, or sergeant.

Do you have experience on any other roleplay servers?: Yes. I've been with Lemonpunch and Nebulous for years. I've roleplayed for nearly a decade at this point, with various forms such as D&D, Gmod RP, Discord RP, forum play-by-posts, and I have dabbled in other GTA RP servers in the past.

What is your time zone?: BST/GMT.

Do you understand that this role is very strict and not following the rules/protocols will result in your removal: Yessir.

Are there any additional details that you would like to share?:

I am very proud of the team for managing to stay motivated on a project this massive for several years. I honestly would not be able to do it myself.
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Head Staff
Media Developer
Apr 26, 2016
Thank you for applying to join the Los Santos Police Department.

We are pleased to welcome you to the LSPD. You will be granted access to the Los Santos Police Department forum where you can familiarize yourself with any important information posted there or simply ask any questions you may have.

Before we start your induction into the LSPD, please provide us with your discord username in this thread and make sure you're in the nebulous discord.

From there, you will receive further details on your induction.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016