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the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018


DISCLAIMER: In the case of any punitive action, you are entitled to two appeals - first in a forum conversation with faction leadership. If unsatisfied with the outcome, add the Server Director(s) to the conversation.


With great power comes great responsibility.”​

0. Always apply common sense. If you think something is stupid, it probably is. If you're having doubts about consulting the faction leaders, you probably should.

1. Abide by all server rules at all times. In case of conflict between faction guidelines and server rules, default to whichever is more restrictive.

2. When encountering colloquial "minges", do not interact with them unless they're being severely disruptive (spamming the chat, mingepunching, messing with props, etc.). Inform staff via /help and do not entertain their shenanigans.

3. Each of your characters must be adult, both physically and mentally. Additionally, their physique must be in accordance with their occupation.

4. You may NOT distribute any script items coming from a vendor that is infinite in nature to characters you don't share the same whitelist with. This rule does not apply to simple consumables in reasonable quantities. You may also render medical aid to third parties, provided you use the script on them personally and not give it out (beware of IC regulations regarding this).

5. Forcing other characters to perform acts sexual in nature is unconditionally prohibited.

6. Maintain seriousness on an OOC level at all times. New players are likely to encounter you, and you should aim to set a good example.

7. Your character description must describe its physical appearance. In accordance with the rule above, limit your wittiness not to confuse new players.

8. Simply put, do not be toxic. Examples include, but are not limited to: flaming others, ragequitting mid-roleplay, targetting somebody IC due to OOC factors.

9. Do not go AFK on your character. We suggest making a citizen character with a serious name to keep in spawn and swap to for that purpose.

10. Leaving script items without a clear purpose behind is prohibited. Carry them, destroy them or sell them back to a vendor.


to protect and to serve”​

11. Do not take any faction-related script items off-duty. Items legitimately obtained in the line of duty are exempt from this (but beware of IC regulation on the matter).

12. Heading out alone without mechanically going off-duty will be considered going rogue. Your character will be at Permanent Kill risk throughout the entire endeavor.

13. You may not use your issued gear for the sake of rogue activities on duty. Does not include personal feuds or efforts to overthrow the Minister of Civil Protection.


I am... The Law!”​

11. Do not reveal the identity or true appearance of your character. Do not reveal your protocol either. You may use an alias or let citizens assign you one, but do not demystify Civil Protection.

12. Do not use the recognise (F3) function, ever. If you accidentally do so, you are required to delete your character and create a new one - ask an SA to refund your script items.

13. Do not take action against Overwatch, ever. This does not apply to civil structures (i.e. Progenitor Arm, Ministries, etc.).

14. You are prohibited from leaving an individual mechanically tied after dealing with them.

15. Every time you kill somebody, you are obliged to report the fact through /help for a Permanent Kill to be administered. Consult the when-to-kill guidelines for exceptions on the matter.

16. It is your responsibility to keep up-to-date with the internal when-to-kill guidelines, and you must adhere to them.

17. You may not mechanically remove tokens from a searched character's inventory, unless you're about to kill them.

18. Taking custom script items from others requires authorisation from Senior Admins and above. If the situation calls for it (e.g. item is hazardous or clearly illegal), you may take the script and consult an SA at earliest convenience instead.

19. You must equip the script equivalent of your entity weapons when leaving areas under strict Overwatch control.


11. Your IC regulations apply OOCly as well. Consult these.

12. Your character description must contain your surname, displayed on your chest.

13. Voice communications are a necessity for any deployments. While you will not be dewhitelisted for refusing to participate, you may be denied the right to deploy outside.

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