News Here's to two years.

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Apr 26, 2016
I have boundless respect and appreciation for everyone in this community, I can’t believe that a bunch of Half-Life nerds are able to conduct themselves (for the most part) in such a mature manner when the situation calls for it, and how you all really want to see eachother prosper will always warm my heart.

For a community of people I initially joined just to be edgy to ya’ll have really had a lasting positive effect on my character, and for that I’m incredibly grateful. Peace n Love :ok:
I'll echo this.

The community of two years ago was honestly a cesspit of old players returning to fuck about now that their bans didn't exist and people wanting nothing more than for Lemonpunch to continue exactly as it was. It was a pretty shit enviroment to put myself into day after day but over time people have matured and changed and I think have finally seen that riding the wave only got you so far before you start to see the flaws. The community that used to shoulder no responsibility for anything has since, as a whole, stepped up and gone "hey, we don't want this anymore".

Appreciate it, guys.
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Apr 26, 2016

feels like just yesterday i was queuing to get into ww3rp for 45 mins on launch night

now it's all long gone
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barbecue chips aint shit
Aug 26, 2016
I'll echo this.

The community of two years ago was honestly a cesspit of old players returning to fuck about now that their bans didn't exist and people wanting nothing more than for Lemonpunch to continue exactly as it was. It was a pretty shit enviroment to put myself into day after day but over time people have matured and changed and I think have finally seen that riding the wave only got you so far before you start to see the flaws. The community that used to shoulder no responsibility for anything has since, as a whole, stepped up and gone "hey, we don't want this anymore".

Appreciate it, guys.

come back

also add me on steam
I sent you a friend request 2 years ago thats still idling
ur steam has terminal aids
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Fear the Old Blood
Premium Member
Apr 26, 2016

on a serious note nebulous (and to an extent lp) basically formed my personality from when i was younger

i wouldn't've started LARP without finding out about gmodrp
i wouldnt've started playing d&d if it weren't for certain members like @MaXenzie , @Chicken and @Nicrobe
i wouldnt know one of my best friends, @LykosNychi

and i wouldnt have all the awesome memories from over the years of different characters.

and hey, my first character on hl2rp still isnt dead.

A side note to @Blackquill , Sorry that I was never a great staff member, genuinely. I should've stuck around longer instead of leaving every other month during early neb, but hey, I learned from the experience and I hope I helped when I actually was here.
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internet therapist
May 5, 2016
im late, but i fucking love you im gonna get sappy so (im not) sorry for being gay

all of you. I'm so grateful that not only i was able to be staff, but that i was given the opportunity to be a faction leader, and work with some genuinely smart, amazing, and funny people. I joined these forums exactly a day before the server came up, but not because I was an LP refugee, but because the server I had been playing on had also been going through a lot of drama. So, my good friend @OneClassyBanana told me that some of the people from LP were getting a server together, and everything he described to me, was something that I was looking for; not only because I wanted to roleplay with some nerds, but because at that time, I desperately needed a community, since I was going through a lot. I waited all night and all day for the server to go up, stayed on the server page trying to join (all the while gloating to people on discord that I finally got in), applied to WI almost immediately, and I've been here ever since. This community, no matter how fucking stupid this may sound, means a lot to me.

When I was going through shit, I always knew I could come on here and interact with people that shared similar interests as me, and that I could (and can) help make sure everyone is having a good time. I also am really thankful for @Blackquill, because not only is he an absolute fantastic SD, he's also just one fucking great guy. He's been there for me and has been so understanding about shit, and that means so much to me :shelterfrog:. Despite everything that has happened in this community: the soft drink, the shitposters, the commies, the nazis, the bickering--we never let that ruin us. Every time something happened that could easily just fucking tear apart our whole community, we stuck together, and carried on being fucking stupid with eachother, and to me, that's beautiful. Without all of this, I wouldn't have made so many amazing friends that you really can't find anywhere else. Again, I love all of you guys, and I'll have to admit, that video made me a little emotional,,,,,,

oh yeah and im also probably coming back not to a crazy extent, but i miss the server and these fucking forums



eternal No-Lifer/resident Vampire
Apr 26, 2016
Wow. I think I saw both Oliver and Kasper Dunkel in that video.
At least Kasper.. that's nostalgic for me, man.
@Blackquill is a hero bringing us nostalgia.

EDIT: Okay, I get it, it was late! I notice things late! AAaaaah~!
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May 15, 2016
bq tagged me wrong but i still love him and the rest of you all
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