1ST PLATOON 'EAGLE' - Safekeepers of a distant future


Jun 1, 2017




With the great fall of City 17’s Citadel and Nova Prospekt, many of the subsumed humans in the Combine’s military arms have been subjected to extensive brainwashing, and, eventually, the terrible fate of transhumanization; a process that includes modifying your body to perform superhuman feats, at the cost of one of your greatest weapons against the invaders. The one thing that sets us different from us and them;


The local Primary Military Arm garrison in City 17 was immediately notified of the insurgency’s push into the heart of the city. From the ‘overseers’, we were told to push into the streets and assist Transhuman and Metropolitan forces with suppressing the armed rebellion. We were given high-end weapons, armored vehicles, whatever it is in the Union’s disposal that could assist in putting a swift end to the opposing force.

And we’ve deployed. Only this time, our weapons were pointed in the opposite direction. Fear & desperation eroded the will of the invaders. The same fear that has permitted our race a fighting chance; the same fear that will grant us the opportunity to eradicate the greatest threat to our existence as a free and sentient species.

Our grip tightened around the shelters of the invaders. Their overseers demanded all to shed their last drop of blood in the defense of the city. Alongside the human resistance, we’ve fought side by side, clearing the city of alien presence; street by street, building by building, room by room. It was an honor to play a part in that glorious battle, for we’ve finally managed to get a taste of what it’s like when the tables are turned in our favor. We've tasted what it was like to take our lives back; what it was like to fight back.

In that battle, we have lost many brave men and women; those who dared to say no to a much more powerful adversary. Those who dared to pick up a weapon and point it, not at their fellow humans, but at the real enemy. Many have fallen while fighting for what they believed in; a better future, a future of freedom, a future of prosperity. For they knew; if we were to ever reach paradise, we must first fight with all of our resolve and embark on the road to hell.

Of those in this unit who have sworn to protect their fellow humans to the last breath, those who have died honorably in the defense of their planet, we are what’s left of them. A vote for the brotherhood of all, no matter which side they were previously on. A decision of free will to aid whoever was robbed of it.

Welcome to ‘EAGLE’ Platoon.




Composed mostly of ‘convicted anti-citizens’, old-world military veterans and insubordinate former Civil Protection officers, ‘EAGLE’ Platoon are the remnants of a local Union Conscript garrison force that took part in the brutal street fighting in City 17 against the Combine alongside the Lambda insurgency, following the destruction of the Citadel and Nova Prospekt. While many of the PMA’s forces were executed on the spot or subject to immediate transhumanization, ‘EAGLE’ was one of many PMA units that immediately united with the Lambda rebellion as soon as rumors of the Citadel’s destruction started to spread.

While still relatively far from being a professional military organization, EAGLE’s operational conduct is managed by a high-end command and control system, directly managed by the ‘officers’ and overseen by the ‘Captain’. Soldiers of the platoon may be specialized in their chosen fields, they may choose to be marksmen, field scouts, medical specialists and combat engineers, with each specialization having their own perks and specialized gear. Designated field teams are given codenames and assigned commanders by the ‘commissioned officers’ of the platoon (e: ALPHA Team, BRAVO Team, etc).

The group’s combat doctrine relies on the high-end sophistication of their gear, hit-and-run field tactics and the loyalties of their ‘officers’ to bring a quick end to any fight against any possible superior adversary that could be encountered, making up for their greatest disadvantage present in their direct numerical force. In times of emergency and the defense/offense on critical strategic targets, shock-and-awe tactics might be utilized by the group by relying on overwhelming firepower and heavy weapons, while at the same time, maintaining an array of constant movements to confuse their target utilized by the group’s rapid-response teams.

Internal organization is a mass concern for commanders. A military code-of-conduct is a foreign subject to many within the unit, especially the newer recruits. Despite this, the unit follows a strict moral that earns its members the right of self-respect; The more organized they look, they will be feared more by their adversaries, and they’ll be respected more by their friends & allies.

Medical specialists and combat engineers, as previously mentioned, are the best the unit has in terms of field medical treatment and handywork. Medics are entrusted with medical gear, they are able to deliver on-the-spot treatment to any injured soldiers and, to a bigger extent, non-combatants and refugees, setting up field hospitals in no man’s land for the unlucky caught in the crossfire. Combat engineers and entrusted with the maintenance of vehicles and the establishment for forward observation posts for scouting teams, as well as constantly ‘base-hopping’ the position of EAGLE’s FOBs; a delusion tactic to make a mess of possible Combine raids.

Humanitarian work is not outside of the group’s jurisdiction; they can be seen helping refugees and other unlucky individuals with the provision of food and shelter. Though by no means a governing group, the peacekeepers of the unit nonetheless assist in doing what their names entail, whether it’s helping with enforcing laws or dealing with suspected agents and traitors, EAGLE’s humanitarian field is the group’s way of ‘de-Combinizing’ themselves among the other rebel groups, and at the same time, serves as the group’s main propaganda wing amongst the refugees, which has managed to slightly equalize the numbers disadvantage.




While EAGLE was mostly constricted to its original members, the increasing daily body count due to operations and raids conducted against the Combine war machine forced the unit to open up more on its recruitment policies. EAGLE accepts anyone, including Vortigaunts, into their ranks, thanks to its humanitarian wing, the group managed to attract a vast array of recruit pools. Only very few are deemed trustworthy.

Those who are inducted to the group must first prove that they’re combat-capable. While a professional military training will take months, and time not being on anybody’s side in this new war, EAGLE trains potential recruits to greatly improve on their survival and adaptability skills, for they believe that experience is the best training considering the time of crisis the world’s currently in. With that being said, EAGLE does not train its recruits to be cannon-fodder. It only takes about a week or so to demonstrate the combat doctrine of the Combine war machine, how to adapt against it, and how to keep one’s state-of-mind as calm as possible while doing so.

A set of physical tests is to be issued to potential recruits, to harden one’s body to take on the vast dangerous elements of a Combine-occupied world. The food supply sustained by EAGLE ensures one can directly defy the threat of malnutrition imposed by the invaders, making one’s body strong enough to adapt against whatever threat it could possibly encounter. Small-unit tactics and standard firearm operating procedures are taught to recruits during a one, sometimes two weeks course depending on the current battlefield situation.

If a recruit has shown enough potential to show that they’re a force to be reckoned with, they are finally presented to the leadership of EAGLE, either individually, or in a big batch. The combat-ready recruit must then swear to the leadership of EAGLE the following vows:

Do you swear to defend mankind with your blood, guts, weapons, and if the moment called for it, your bare hands?

Do you swear that you will maintain your professional integrity and will, to carry out the most dangerous assignments?
Do you swear to dedicate your life to the service of this unit, and, to a bigger extent, the survival of humanity as a free species?

Shall the inductee positively swear to all of the aforementioned vows, they are to be inducted to the unit as an official Peacekeeper, given their equipment and gear on the spot and be immediately deployed as an official EAGLE combatant. Peacekeepers may then request specialized training should they find themselves interested in the more sophisticated field jobs.




In order for the unit to keep itself well-organized, a hierarchy differentiating from their previous Combine-affiliated overlords has been established for better and more organized field direction. Due to the nature of the zones they’re deployed in, more experienced members of the unit are usually tasked with the direction and the general command of the newer recruits, barely keeping the former unit functional.

-no insignia-

Initiate (Int.)

Individuals who wish to join 1st Platoon are given the rank Initiate, They are not officially a part of the group until training is completed and the trainee recites The Oath of Fidelity. Training covers basic tactics and how to counter Combine doctrine, On top of this basic first aid to stabilize incapacitated patients to an acceptable degree.

If the Initiate shows an aptitude for this or requests to be put in a specialized role they may be taken out of the main group for additional training.


Due to the lack of involvement of the inner workings there are
not many duties a initiate is expected to do outside of listening to the instructor. They are put to work, cleaning rifles, pistols and grunt work to show they are able to do this in the future. Once complete they recite the oath and are on the next step of their journey.


  • May request specialized sub-section training (Engineering/Medical).
  • Be taken out on Humanitarian missions if a Team Leader or above allows


Peacekeeper (PKr.)

A step up from being an Initiate, it showcases that this fighter is fully capable of participating as a member of EAGLE. They are meant to carry out orders to the best of their ability, following the ethics as an exemplary on the field.


Peacekeepers are simply expected to follow orders given by superiors without question or delay.


  • Can participate as a team member (Patrol Team or higher).
  • May request specialized sub-section training (Engineering/Medical).


Senior Peacekeeper (SPkr.)

A Senior Peacekeeper is the first full NCO rank after passing basic leadership training. From this rank on leadership responsibilities will be given to you. They will be little in the beginning as most of the time you will be picked to only lead a handful of men and carry out smaller tasks.


Senior Peacekeepers are expected to demonstrate fully functional leadership capabilities while under the command of their superiors. They are to follow orders and execute them, in a fashion that is both effective and completes the objective in the best way possible.


  • Permission to command a patrol team.
  • Able to issue mass training to Peacekeepers.
  • Able to request the use of land vehicles (?)

Team Leader (TmL.)

Team Leaders are in charge of a squad in the absence of Section Leaders. They are a critical link in the NCO channel, and perform the tasks given upon them by the platoon commander. These non-commissioned officers live and work with their peacekeepers every day and are responsible for their health, welfare and safety.


A Team Leader is expected to be near perfect in leading teams, therefore expediting their orders to the peacekeepers beneath you to efficiently utilize all the men in your team. Off the field you are still seen as an example, just like any other rank so your behavior must be exemplary. Besides that, Team Leaders are expected to ensure that peacekeepers meet standards in personal appearance and teach them to maintain and account for their individual and unit equipment and property, monitor and row them into the right direction. All that is the must for a Team Leader.


  • Permission to command a Squad (In the absence of a ScL.)
  • Able to issue mass training to any personnel ranked Peacekeeper and below
  • Able to submit honorable mentions (promotion/medal recommendation)
  • Able to authorize the use of land vehicles (?)

Section Leader (ScL.)

A Section Leader is the first senior rank within EAGLE’S hierarchy. The ScL. often serves as a ‘platoon sergeant’, meaning that they work together closely with the platoon commanders (LT+) in assisting them with overseeing and advising the general management of the troops. Training the subordinates below them is often a task given upon the Section Leader.


Restating, the Section Leader that is chosen as a ‘platoon sergeant’ is expected to assist the Platoon Commanders in general management of their troops, handling discipline, handling training of both regular peacekeepers and lower-ranked NCOs, and working closely with the Platoon Commanders to achieve the objectives given to them.


  • Able to issue mass training to personnel ranked below
  • Able to lead mass ground operations issued by LT+
  • Permission to command three squads or multiple patrol teams.
  • Able to submit honourable mentions
  • Able to promote up to SPKr.
  • Able to authorise the use of land vehicles (?)

Lieutenant (Lt.)

The second in command to the Captain, they are expected to lead the group and secure its future if The Captain were to perish. Often only considered second in name alone the Lieutenant can do everything the Captain does and they coordinate between each other to give them the best chance of survival


Ranging from leading the most important missions the group takes on to talking to the troops, The Lieutenant checks the machine is well oiled and able to carry on with their duties, speaking to Section Leaders and coordinating recruitment drives or other missions relating to the public.


  • Issuing out missions that would affect, not only 1st Platoon but the entire Resistance.
  • Promoting any member as well as handing out medals to those who perform exceptionally during combat.
  • Setting official diplomatic relations affecting how the group will respond to others.
  • Denying any and all trade to groups deemed dangerous to mankind & allied groups.


Captain (Cpt.)

The leader of 1st Platoon, Captains are the highest point a person can reach in the Platoon and are integral to the unit. They are usually the liaisons to other Rebel cells and will decide how the group will act on the day to day, Giving out missions to the Squads below them.


Ensuring the Platoon is meeting the high standards asked for by 1st platoon, and staying aware of the needs of the local area, issuing out gear and keeping stock of supply caches. Probably handling diplomatic missions and keeping good relations between 1st Platoon and other cells as well as being the main liaison to Lambda


  • Issuing out missions that would affect, not only 1st Platoon but the entire Resistance.
  • Promoting any member as well as handing out medals of bravery to does deserving.
  • Setting official diplomatic relations affecting how the group will respond to others.
  • Denying any and all trade to groups deemed dangerous to mankind & allied groups.
inspired by the marauder tribe bois lore posts (good shit btw :]), written & edited by myself and @Legionary Oswald


infamous instigator
Media Developer
Premium Member
Jun 26, 2020
The rank structure segment gives me a huge amount of déjà vu. It is, quite literally, a re-write of the WW3RP CIN ranking structure with different names, images and permissions, but the core principle remains the same, especially name acronym capitalization. It simply feels unoriginal and lazily-made, but I see that some effort was put into the imagery, bar the GDI logos.

The rest is quite nicely written, though. Rich and informative segments with coherent lore, and descriptions of essential pillars of a group. I like it.

I have my doubts about the ranks n' permissions system being utilized in the resistance, but it might work out if it doesn't spiral into the S/N/CO overflow we've seen during WW3RP on both sides of the conflict.

Say, how do you plan on enforcing the rank structure? Acronyms before the names? A little note in the phys. desc.?

That's all from me, glhf
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May 7, 2016
The rank structure segment gives me a huge amount of déjà vu. It is, quite literally, a re-write of the WW3RP CIN ranking structure with different names, images and permissions, but the core principle remains the same, especially name acronym capitalization. It simply feels unoriginal and lazily-made, but I see that some effort was put into the imagery, bar the GDI logos.

The rest is quite nicely written, though. Rich and informative segments with coherent lore, and description of essential pillars of a group. I like it.

I have my doubts about the ranks n' permissions system being utilized in the resistance, but it might work out if it doesn't spiral into the S/N/CO overflow we've seen during WW3RP on both sides of the conflict.

Say, how do you plan on enforcing the rank structure? Acronyms before the names? A little note in the phys. desc.?

That's all from me, glhf
No ranks in the names, the group will focus on protecting independent cells who can’t seem to get a foot hold aswell as humanitarian work.
The squads lead by a team leader can act completely apart of a lt and Cpt.
I’m not allowing patrolling for patrol sake and will focus on the objectives on the map (whatever they happen to be)
Honestly I could go on for paragraphs but I’m just about to step out for food
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infamous instigator
Media Developer
Premium Member
Jun 26, 2020
No ranks in the names, the group will focus on protecting independent cells who can’t seem to get a foot hold aswell as humanitarian work.
The squads lead by a team leader can act completely apart of a lt and Cpt.
I’m not allowing patrolling for patrol sake and will focus on the objectives on the map (whatever they happen to be)
Honestly I could go on for paragraphs but I’m just about to step out for food
Sounds fair.
Enjoy your food.
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May 7, 2016
Sounds fair.
Enjoy your food.
Ok! got my food, going to give you more of a deep dive now I'm off my phone

I have my doubts about the ranks n' permissions system being utilized in the resistance
The reason is connected for the founders and a lot of the members backstory, coming for a conscript company most of their tactical mentality is conventional army, Meaning they run it as such. They dont know of another way, there for they use the skills they know to run the group.

but it might work out if it doesn't spiral into the S/N/CO overflow we've seen during WW3RP on both sides of the conflict.
This was a HUGEEE talk between me and @Verräterpackaging we decided to keep the ranking system small for this reason. Each rank is a huge step in responsibility 80% of the people joining will be a Peacekeeper. Not because we dont like people ranking up, but because each squad is their own unit, Squad Alpha will have 8 people, one Team leader, one senior peacekeeper.

When the group grows the Senior Peacekeeper is splintered off, becoming a Team Leader with their own squad. I believe(d) the reason there was an issue like this is because WW3RP had the army all in one massive group with no squad based system.

So to rest your mind, No- there won't be a massive NCO list, majority will be Peacekeepers.

Say, how do you plan on enforcing the rank structure? Acronyms before the names? A little note in the phys. desc.?
Phys Desc, Probably something like
[1st SpK A/B] but in reality it'll be more just mentioned
"A man stands before you wearing a 1st Platoon Armband" yada yada.

I do understand it LOOKS like their formats, sure. But dont forget long long before us used NATO ranks; Pvt, Cpl, Sgt, etc.

I’m not allowing patrolling for patrol sake
And to expand on this, I am pretty sure both sides will be given "goals" to complete and that's what I meant by patrol for patrols sake, We will be out and about obviously but that's to talk to people, connect with other rebel groups, provide medical aid and rations when we can, Involving ourselves in the scene as a whole, for the better.

Edit: going to eat my chicken now, if you got anymore questions just ask on my profile, I feel somewhat bad bloating this as much as we have when a huge portion of this was to show case our lore and history, only touching upon our hierarchy
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Apr 16, 2017
bay boy say he want his gibblesnap on his gippledo

i like how simplistic the ranking system is, you're either a mong, a fully qualified member, a squad lead or command

there's no fucking around with tiny incremental raisings of rank and power fantasy bait, and even though it does seem a little ww3rp pilled i hope everything works out

i can't personally stand military-style groups in hl2rp so i probably won't be joining but that's just the little goblin in my brain after being shepherded to so many and not really doing much apart from claiming free gear over the years in cw and helix lol


HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 16, 2017
Overall I'm a fan, personally makes sense more structured paramilitaries would begin to form. Personally think a lot of cool stuff could come from it as humanity strives to bring back a proper structure. A sane counter-part to the Union versus the nut bags in the Ultrahumanist versus the Ultraloyalist corner.
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Jun 1, 2017
The rank structure segment gives me a huge amount of déjà vu. It is, quite literally, a re-write of the WW3RP CIN ranking structure with different names, images and permissions, but the core principle remains the same, especially name acronym capitalization. It simply feels unoriginal and lazily-made, but I see that some effort was put into the imagery, bar the GDI logos.

The rest is quite nicely written, though. Rich and informative segments with coherent lore, and descriptions of essential pillars of a group. I like it.

I have my doubts about the ranks n' permissions system being utilized in the resistance, but it might work out if it doesn't spiral into the S/N/CO overflow we've seen during WW3RP on both sides of the conflict.
While the WW3RP OGs on both sides will find similarities in the rank structures, we felt that it had exactly what we were looking for; simple, and straight to the point. @Legionary Oswald and @Verräterpackaging went through with simplifying the ranks even further in order to avoid any confusion and structure them the way they currently are.

i can't personally stand military-style groups in hl2rp so i probably won't be joining but that's just the little goblin in my brain after being shepherded to so many and not really doing much apart from claiming free gear over the years in cw and helix lol

It's quite understandable since military-themed rebellion groups don't have that good of a reputation in HL2RP overall (never been in one before personally). This was taken into mind as the document was written, therefore, a conclusion came that instead of being the big epic military unit, they'd be what's left of it. Everyone else is dead, only THEY are left. The formalities have been dropped, and survival is their top priority. Their main unit basically does not exist anymore.

The structure you see is the shadow of a unit utilizing what they've learned against their adversaries; they structure themselves in the only way they know how to do so, and there surely won't be a lot of 'free-gear claiming'. They're a simple band, they revolted, and they're where they are now.

Think of it as a mix of FrundTech's military remnants with a touch of the Wolverines from Red Dawn. No formalities, they still stick together, and making it out alive is their top mission, and all the while, they actively resist the Union's iron grip.

Overall, I'm quite glad to see this garnering positive comments, I expected quite the opposite. Hopefully this will prove good enough and more to meet everyone's expectations smileyface

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Deleted member 61

donator without a cause
Apr 26, 2016
I'm quite glad to see this garnering positive comments, I expected quite the opposite.
*cracks knuckles*
It's quite understandable since military-themed rebellion groups don't have that good of a reputation in HL2RP overall (never been in one before personally). This was taken into mind as the document was written, therefore, a conclusion came that instead of being the big epic military unit, they'd be what's left of it. Everyone else is dead, only THEY are left. The formalities have been dropped, and survival is their top priority. Their main unit basically does not exist anymore.

The structure you see is the shadow of a unit utilizing what they've learned against their adversaries; they structure themselves in the only way they know how to do so, and there surely won't be a lot of 'free-gear claiming'. They're a simple band, they revolted, and they're where they are now.

Think of it as a mix of FrundTech's military remnants with a touch of the Wolverines from Red Dawn. No formalities, they still stick together, and making it out alive is their top mission, and all the while, they actively resist the Union's iron grip.

Me, every time I've proposed this to a Zombie RP server or literally any story-based server with a contingent of military and getting rejected:

Humanitarian work is not outside of the group’s jurisdiction; they can be seen helping refugees and other unlucky individuals with the provision of food and shelter. Though by no means a governing group, the peacekeepers of the unit nonetheless assist in doing what their names entail, whether it’s helping with enforcing laws or dealing with suspected agents and traitors, EAGLE’s humanitarian field is the group’s way of ‘de-Combinizing’ themselves among the other rebel groups, and at the same time, serves as the group’s main propaganda wing amongst the refugees, which has managed to slightly equalize the numbers disadvantage.
This part though...

I really like the idea of a Band of Brothers sort of platoon, but I wouldn't make humanitarianism an official aspect of their duties. Focus on what makes the group interesting and only allow for competent prospects to stick around. I believe that the 'survival of the company' priority is diminished by also being a humanitarian group.

Just my two cents and you shouldn't feel any obligations to change.

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Deleted member 61

donator without a cause
Apr 26, 2016
people reading this shouldn't be imagining ww3rp, but instead FTRP mil rems.

if its shaped towards that and has military structures and rules, it's not actually bad. it's just a different type of group with a more rigid structure which is actually a good thing if we're going to have a diverse selection of factions.

I think limiting it to 5 ranks would probably be better

captain (lead) 1
lieutenant (co) 1
snco rank (section leader) 2
nco rank (squad leader) 4
peacekeepers (enlisted) unlimited
initiate (recruit) unlimited

keeping it based on missions and clear objectives is a great decision. keep a form of order that separates you from the tribals and other groups.

you don't need me to tell you how to run your faction, looking over it again, it seems pretty solid and good imagery.
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May 7, 2016
captain (lead) 1
lieutenant (co) 1
snco rank (section leader) 2
nco rank (squad leader) 4
peacekeepers (enlisted) unlimited
initiate (recruit) unlimited
Section leaders wont be seen until the group has at least 3 squads which will mostly be

3 to 4 peacekeepers
one Senior peace keeper
one Team leader
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May 7, 2016
Section leaders wont be seen until the group has at least 3 squads which will mostly be

3 to 4 peacekeepers
one Senior peace keeper
one Team leader
Sorry I replied while in a mission on Darktide

So The "reduce ranks thing" I'm not willing to do this for a few reasons

1. If the group is to grow to such a large state where there's more than one Team Leader, i'd like there be a figure with a line of succession (If I get pk'd it shifts up) or if I'm sick irl and can't deal with shit then they can.

2. From my point of view there will not be a large 'rank' issue, this is because I am very strict with ranks and who gets what. Promotions are not a 'REWARD' they are an agreement between the person getting promoted and command that they are willing to take on more responsibility, with their own life and those who are under their command.

3. There are already restrictions on the amount of SNCOs there can be (One a squad) This is a hard limit that cannot be broken, The only leeway I've given in this regard is having two Senior Peacekeepers in case we get a large influx of players on launch.

4. Section Leaders (As I mentioned) will not be seen for a awfully long time, The idea behind the rank is to have one appear when there's a large number of squads and the logistics of supplying and keeping track of them is too much for me and traitor to handle.

To put it all together, we are nothing like NATO/Coalition. We don't want to be like NATO or Coalition and I hope that our actions from server opening prove we are not attempting to replicate either.
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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
I hope that our actions from server opening prove we are not attempting to replicate either.

is meme dont worry

still tho very..............military esque in game

terminology, behaviour, court martials, that sort of thing. prob deters a lot of ppl.
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cool cat
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016

is meme dont worry

still tho very..............military esque in game

terminology, behaviour, court martials, that sort of thing. prob deters a lot of ppl.
We have 15 members and more people asking to join then we can handle so imo it doesnt

We’re not too military tho, some like to act out like it is but the leadership dont enforce military etiquette, radio protocols or terminology
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Jun 1, 2017

is meme dont worry

still tho very..............military esque in game

terminology, behaviour, court martials, that sort of thing. prob deters a lot of ppl.
while the semi-militarized style is a bit of a bold move considering how notorious military styled things are in hl2rp in general, group actually managed to a decent chunk of people so far to the point we're discussing closing off recruitment because we have too many people LOL

I still think that it would be a very interesting turn of events for us to drop this theme as we recruit more people in, since it all started with a minimal number of conscript deserters and recruited more people from the lawless wastelands. It'd be really fun for 1st Platoon to perform a transition to something else ICly, that'd be an interesting turn of events.