An absolute veteran with the tea. (A re-introduction.)

K i n g V i c i o u s

god tier trap
Oct 5, 2018
Alright, hello! So, this is going to be quite a long post. I've posted an introduction before, a couple of years ago, but it was very concise and super informal and I feel that the seriousness of my connection with LemonPunch/DD warrants a much stronger post. Anyhow, let's get into it.

Hello there! On this forum, I go by King Vicious (a name I stole from Lapfox many, many years ago, he has a nazi jackal fursona, i'll skip over the details) and I've gone through many a name since 2012, but I'll get around to that part eventually. For now, you can call me Kay or King Vicious, whichever takes your fancy!
I'm a very, very long-in-the-past member of both LemonPunch and Defenders of Democracy from almost 10 years ago - both of which were Gurrazor's projects, servers, business ideas, whatever you want to call them at this point, I don't mind - but I wasn't just any standard run-of-the-mill user on DD or LemonPunch, no, I was a particularly well-known character in that community and even had operator rank on the server , and although embarrassing to admit, I am Tainted/Crafted/Tamisaurus/Tiggarr - or more commonly known, Gurrazor's side piece, arm-candy, etc.

I played on a lot of the so-called "arcs" that DD/LemonPunch went through, its several Half-Life 2 changes, GTA RP, Walking Dead RP, Outlands, and many others that didn't really catch on. But I suppose you don't want to hear about all that, I did just gloss over the fact I was Gustaf's bitch/piece for the better part of like, 2 years or something, and the more keen-eyed of you (or the few who know who I am) might be questioning, "Hey, hold on a second, you're a guy right?" and to that, I have to say, yes.

My name is Kay, I'm a 20 year old guy from England, and there's an image of 18-year-old me wearing makeup on the forums. Back in 2012-2014, though, I was a 12-14 year old catfish that pretended to be a girl called Tami. It worked very well, so well in fact that Gurrazor couldn't help himself but try to slide in some e-girl panties, and confessed his love to me several times. (I must note, at this time Gurrazor assumed I was an 18-19 year old girl. I was a really smart kid, and being a kid, I had the voice to aide in the illusion, and fooled everybody else too because Gustaf insisted that Tami was a real person.) and the stuff that I experienced from him, I don't want to throw accusations around or stir the pot at all, but the things 12/13 year old me went through was particularly unsettling to say the least, not including the several occasions he'd try to ERP my characters. But I digress, this is an introduction, not a grilling session.

Here is a screenshot from the wayback machine showing Gurrazor's followers - Alex and myself/Crafted

Here is a post on my(Crafted)'s wall that kind of explains how open Gurrazor was about his affections.

Anyway, late 2013-2014 it did come to an end, or at least, I think it was around that time period - I can't be sure though. I'd started to grow up from pretending to be someone else online, what was initially a 12-year-old's master plan for free admin and lulreactions had gotten way out of fucking hand and I wanted to get off the train. I posted on the forum (I can't find the post, wayback machine is very limited with resources) as Crafted that I would be taking an extended leave due to my mother being in hospital (which was half-true, I won't get into it here but it was a real stretch of the truth) and my plan was to just up and fucking leave, I changed my steam name, completely blanked everything, removed comments, removed friends, and wanted to start fresh.

The creepiest fucking thing happened the following month, or after at least a couple months. I get a friend request and a message from Gustaf Ackerman on Facebook. My facebook. My personal facebook. At the time, being a kid with absolutely no fucking clue, I had absolutely no idea how he'd gotten my facebook. Looking back, he most likely accessed my personal information through the forum and records that he had access to. It wasn't just facebook though, I had several emails from him ranging from concern about when I'd be returning to panic as he'd discovered his dream e-thot wasn't real at all. To note: I've desperately tried to search for these e-mails, to no avail, and the facebook account in question has been deleted for 1.5 years.

So anyway, yeah, that's my life story! If anyone knows how to get access to more information, do let me know, I've been doing a whole "look-back-on-the-past" kind of thing and the more information I get the better, just for my own sakes.

For anyone interested:
Crafted Profile (Archive)
Gurrazor Profile (Archive)


Apr 26, 2016
Wait LP did The Walking Dead RP???

Also welcome back man.


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016


aussie turk
May 24, 2016
oh hi crafted

yeah gurrazor just swapped you for kaeteh


um guy
Apr 26, 2016
holy FUCKING shit i was just expecting a "hi guys i used to play on lp" or something goD DAMN

that was a good read lmao got em
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Lord of Ineptitude
Apr 26, 2016
holy FUCKING shit i was just expecting a "hi guys i used to play on lp" or something goD DAMN

Wherever the word "Internet" is added anywhere, it is bound to cause problems. There's a good reason why I never use social media such as facebook or twitter and never will.
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Nov 24, 2016
that just went from 1 to 100 real fucking fast

good to have you, I can relate to that story quite a lot but DAMN that's some next level shit right there


Nov 24, 2016
What, catfishing someone?
When I was a young niave 10 year old on Playstation Home, I just felt like playing a girl and people were so crazy enough to believe anyone with a girl avatar was a girl. I went with it.

My parents figured me out and told me off, so that's how that story went.
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Lord of Ineptitude
Apr 26, 2016
When I was a young niave 10 year old on Playstation Home, I just felt like playing a girl and people were so crazy enough to believe anyone with a girl avatar was a girl. I went with it.

My parents figured me out and told me off, so that's how that story went.

Not very cash money of either of you. Although, given you guys' age at the time... I guess we're all an idiot child at some point in our lives.
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