:: BRIEF APC OPERATION GUIDE (For emergencies only) ::


Sep 9, 2022

[ 'E' to enter driver's seat ]


[ 'ALT' to unlock/lock hatches ]
[ Type in console "zapc_enterhatch" to enter the back hatch, bind is recommended (bind h zapc_enterhatch) ]


[ 'Left mouse button' for ignition/starting the APC ]
[ 'WASD' buttons to accelerate/Brake and reverse, plus steer ]
[ 'Right Mouse button' for toggling low and high gear/ go faster or slower ]
[ 'SPACE' to use handbrake ]
[ 'Left CTRL' toggles Third person ]


NOTE: You need to have your gun holstered, not unequipped, but you need to have hands out.
NOTE 2: The gunner must enter the APC first and the driver goes in next.

[ 'Left SHIFT' changes from driver's seat to turret seat ]
[ 'Left Mouse Button' for Pulse turret]
[ 'Right Mouse Button' for missiles]


[ 'R' to toogle alarms (May be due to Code 3) ]

The following document is intended to be read only by immediately assigned drivers in emergency extraction operations.

Due to the lack of knowledge and capacity to do details flawlessly among Garrison 314, it is going to be likely that the operation of our rarer APCs will be a necessary asset for success, or, for this matter, survival. Here is a guide on how to drive this asset on a basic level.



The hatch opens for you automatically upon ID and request, regardless of rank, simply step up and go to the lower seat. [ 'E' to enter driver's seat ]

The door can be opened manually by pulling the lever on your left to unlock all doors in the case of an accident.


The dashboard button on the left, marked by blue LOCK unlocks the back hatch allowing anyone with the proper opening method (Pulling the door lever) [ 'ALT' to unlock/lock hatches ]

As a passenger, as long as the doors are unlocked, the access is relatively easy, yet the automated opening system allows you to enter the machine quite quickly if the doors are unlocked [ Type in console "zapc_enterhatch" to enter the back hatch, bind is recommended with like 'h' or 'l' (bind h zapc_enterhatch) ]

Since you will be inside of a mildly cramped space, prioritize and organize the logistics of which personnel are to be carried first.


Driving itself is not very intuitive, yet it is similar to a regular car, unlike normal vehicles, so there is going to be more or less some details to be mentioned.

The start button is right on the right of your dashboard, marked with red and marked START [ 'Left mouse button' for ignition/starting the APC ], then the pedals work similar to a regular car, right pedal to accelerate, left pedal to brake, and when standing still, you take the automatic reverse gear. the steering wheel turns your front wheels to change direction. [ 'WASD' buttons to accelerate/Brake and reverse, plus steer ]. There are two main gears, low and high, controlled by a shift level whose position is forward and back, respectively. Depending on your environment, being slower could be necessary, especially in cities so to avoid collateral damage. [ 'Right Mouse button' for toggling low and high gear/ go faster or slower ]

In a hill, there is a manual handbrake, which is useful to do a hill start or stand still despite less than flat surfaces [ 'SPACE' to use handbrake ]

The nature of the cramped APC limits your vision, yet there are cameras outside of the armor to allow more perspective for situational awareness, however, keep the eyes on the road. [ 'Left CTRL' toggles Third person ]

NOTE: Going fast enough and steering will make you have a light oversteer, which is dangerous if not controlled, before turning, slow down a bit. Take care in your driving, and everyone will live.


Simply go up from the driver's seat to the turret, or access it directly by going to the upper seat when entering as if you were going to the driver's seat. [ 'Left SHIFT' changes from driver's seat to turret seat ]

NOTE: Do not be a dumbass and put your gun away from your hands, the turret cabin is cumbersome and even a pistol out is by all means useless to do so, and it will only make an escape or manuveer in any situation just awful. You need to have your gun holstered, not unequipped, but you need to have hands out to have no issues with the turret.

NOTE 2: The space is too small for one unit to access the turret when another is the driver, but it mostly is the lock being engaged upon being a driver. In essence, the gunner needs to enter the APC first. The gunner must enter the APC first and the driver goes in next.

The joystick in front of you has all the controls. You simply move it to aim, then the buttons in your left have a fully automatic, self reloading Pulse turret at your hands [ 'Left Mouse Button' for Pulse turret], and a bigger one with a guided missile (This function may be more restricted than the regular turret). [ 'Right Mouse Button' for missiles]

Keep proper trigger discipline, and only fire when you find it necessary.


As more useful yet basic functions get discovered, these will be added.

If ordered to respond with code 3, unless stated to operate on MIDNIGHT, it will be a good idea to use the alarms, so to guide your soon to be extracted battle brothers (And sisters) and to scare weaker rebels off, so simply press the BIG ORANGE BUTTON on your center of the dashboard [ 'R' to toogle alarms (May be due to Code 3) ]

NOTICE: Refer to a Rank Leader for proper operation, training to be selectable for APC usage in actual missions. And, there are also driving simulators in the Stasis pods which can be accessed freely.
[ Go to single player and use the APC in vehicles lmao, but for some reason 'Left Mouse Button' crashes my game, otherwise, git gud. ]


DISCLAIMER: Document author is not responsible for any possible injuries or deaths caused by 99ing/502ing/505ing the vehicle. This guide also doesn't make you a qualified operator, as there could be useful and advanced functions unknown to this author.

don't @ me with the police codes used not being the nebulous hl2rp civil protection codes, frick you
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