Denied DLDude ( DoodleDude)'s Vortigaunt Application

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Jan 14, 2023
Steam name: DLDude

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:510728945
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:
Nothing on a serious level other than joke characters, This server will be my first time roleplaying a serious Vortigaunt character.

Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?: Yes, I have.


Character Name: Kha'Zax "Zax"

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:
Kha'Zax, A skilled hunter that prefers stealth, a tribalistic lone wanderer that prefers being alone, but is open to take a side to fight against It's kin's ancient enemy, the Combine. Just like the fellow kin he is connected to the vortessence, although due to their stealthy nature, they prefer to use it to enhance their melee strikes or hand-made weaponary [ Daggers, Spears, Claws you name it. ]. I would also like to portray him as this adapted silent killer, it's body changing in order to adapt it's nocturnal predetorial nature, having darker skin and a more threatening posture. To put it simply, a Vortigaunt Assasin.

Brief Backstory:
Once a famed hunter in their tribe, now the last surviving member of their tribe, Zax wandered the wastes away from the eye of Combine, after years in the wilderness, It has learnt one thing: The Wastes grow, and the Wastes adapt—in none of its myriad spawn are these truths more apparent than Kha'Zax. Evolution drives the core of this one, born to survive and to slay the prey. Where it struggled to do so, it grew new, more effective ways to counter and kill its prey. Initially an average social tribalist, Kha'Zax's intelligence has developed as much as its form. Now, the creature plans out its hunts, and even utilizes the visceral terror it engenders in its victims.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?: The Resistance λ, DUH. Or would be a Hermit but still open to help the local cells.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):
I think an ability to expand upon their stealthy/Predatorial nature would be enough for me!
And If I am allowed to start with custom items, I think a melee weapon close to a spear or a knife would be A-ok. Oh maybe even a Trenchcoat!
May 18, 2016
Hey, sorry this took so long to reply to. I've been pulled away by a lot this past week.

I'd like to see you show your face around the community a bit more (despite having been here since early launch) as well as take some inspiration from the older Vortigaunt applications in this subforum before I'm comfortable with letting you play a Vort. I'd also appreciate if you unbolded your answers and didn't unnecessarily color the questions in your formatting.

Moreover, I'd like to see you portray a character with nuance and coherent flaws. 'Skilled hunter who is good at stealth' alone just doesn't do it for me, and I don't think it'll do it for the players who will be interacting with you ingame as well.

I'd also pay attention to your grammar. There's a lot of typos and unnecessary capitalizations in your application.

All of that being said, this is denied. You may reapply again in a week.
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