Accepted Sil's Application

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jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016

Steam name: Sil
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:87273099
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:
Been in the faction for several years, playing focally with characters like Tahh'Egh and 'Oz'

Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?

Character Name:
What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:
I want Gruh'Gurrah-Shii to take on a technology-manipulating role, aiding with reverse-engineering and hacking when it comes to Combine Tech. Also, distinctively, I'd want Gruh'Gurrah-Shii to be particularly stealthy and a sleuth rather than the typical brutish nature that most Vortigaunts possess, making him a viable asset in stealth missions to acquire and hack new tech.
Brief Backstory:
He was one of the last freed when the Nihilanth was killed, making it to earth as the portal storms were coming to an end. With his newfound freedom, he held a deep fear of one day being recaptured- not just by the Nihilanth, whom he was paranoid over, but also by the Combine whom he knew were going to try if they could- so he developed his personal skills in evasion. He also further developed his skills in technological manipulation, allowing him to turn the tides of battle by converting technology on the fly to support him, rather than potentially harm him; from converting turrets to shoot at the Combine, to hacking and deactivating cameras for a safe passage, his reliance on stealth rather than the conventionally-offensive manner of the Vortigaunts makes him a particularly unique specimen.
What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:
Primarily resistance groups with hacking and technology in-mind, as well as for any who wish to perform stealthy raids.
Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:
A specific power, which would be very helpful, would be Light Manipulation as an advanced form of Energy Manipulation.

Light Manipulation
What this would do is manipulate the light around the Vortigaunt to allow for it to pass through, causing him to be nearly transparent and effectively invisible in the dark. This wouldn't be permanent of course, and would require activation as it slowly drains the vortal energy inside to maintain, however to the average camera or CP it'd be incredibly difficult to make out the appearance of the vortigaunt unless they were very up-close. Another downside would be that it doesn't affect heat signatures, so anyone with thermal vision can easily see through the attempted invisibility quite clearly and easily, such at OTA.

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May 18, 2016

Light Manipulation
What this would do is manipulate the light around the Vortigaunt to allow for it to pass through, causing him to be nearly transparent and effectively invisible in the dark. This wouldn't be permanent of course, and would require activation as it slowly drains the vortal energy inside to maintain, however to the average camera or CP it'd be incredibly difficult to make out the appearance of the vortigaunt unless they were very up-close. Another downside would be that it doesn't affect heat signatures, so anyone with thermal vision can easily see through the attempted invisibility quite clearly and easily, such at OTA.


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