You wander into a shack...


cool cat
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016

**You enter a shack on the borders of town, smoke still fills the air from a pipe, and the fire cackles, barely alive. On an old wooden desk, scratched and bruised, you see a journal inscribed "Cody". The old vinyl still spins as a familiar song plays. You can't resist but take a read.**


**You open it's pages and - and on the first you see a black and white drawing of a boy - blond and fair. The words "CODY - 7" etched into the side.

** Attached by a paperclip on it's last legs, another picture, this time digital and in full colour, hides underneath. A complete contrast to the boy you see before you. A solider. War-torn, tired but stern, determined. You realise this is the same person, years apart. You wonder how many years it's been...*


** You continue reading further, curious still. Who is this man? What is this book? You soon realise... you have come across the mind of Cody. I wonder what he thinks about...**


Entry Date: Prelude
Theme: Memory

Hello to anyone who has found this. If you have, I am most likely dead and so I shall permit you to carry on reading to cement my legacy. If not, STOP READING AND GET BACK ON THE WALL, SOLDIER, ON THE DOUBLE!


The purposes of this journal is to remember the things I forgot but to also write the things I wish to not remember. Forever contained in these pages, until paper rots, are my most recent memories of my time on this rock. It has been a varied existence, friends, foes and... fenians? Xenians? Alike.

I shall start my story on the day I was born. April 14th. I do not know the year, if I had started this journal sooner I might but I feel middle-ages, maybe slightly younger. I do still feel strong, quick, sharp... but maybe the edge as softened since I last self-analyised. Nevertheless, what I remember from my past his scattered in the dusts of time, but I believe I grew up in Nottinghamshire, or what used to be called Nottinghamshire.

I briefly remember a womans face... fair and beautiful, my mother I presume - and my father... I know not of his face but only of his incredible artistic style to capture me as a child so elegantly. One day, I shall continue his legacy too, just as I seek you, the reader, to carry on mine once I am gone. By the way, if you are reading this whilst I am in the process of dying, then I assume there are still enemies to be fought, battles to be won, mankind to be freed. Do not mourn me, remember me. My only wish is to be as if I never left, or, in fact, no never leave!

I am a 1st Platoon Peacekeeper, but you know that otherwise you would not have found this journal. I was taken off the streets by my commanding officer, Los (@Oswald) . One day he will entrust me with his real name - but until then Los it is.

Los is a good man, with a mind of a warrior - though he does tend to wander and misplace his words. A stutter sometimes, perhaps? Nevertheless, his heart is what impresses me the most - and any soldier with guts is a-ok in my eyes.

I shall certainly be talking more about him in the future in this journal, but I shall conclude with this:-

Do not pity the dead, pity the living. The dead do not suffer in rest.


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