Serious [Review] Art of The Week


Apr 16, 2017
There's a good concept in here, with some room for improvement on both sides of the image. Specifically for the model on the left, when holding large items or weapons' people's arms are typically tucked in much more otherwise it has this effect where it looks like models have picked something up that they don't want to hold. In future I'd take that into consideration when posing the models. I think there is enough material here for a really well constructed image. If I could paint a picture in your mind; bring the two models forward, make both pictures fit the entire space behind them. Edit the models so they fit the same contrast and colors - could have a gooooood looking loading screen. You had all the pieces of the puzzle here buddy, just the composition needed some more thinking :^)

Thanks for the criticism. I improved the artwork (hopefully) and made multiple versions with different editings but I might have interpreted something wrong in editing both of the characters for better contrast. Anyways, pick your favourite.
Also, can't thank enough for that editing online tool- life saver.





I tried to go for a GTA like vibe since what you said gave me that idea. Thanks again.
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professional retard
HL2 RP Administrator
Media Developer
May 10, 2018

Made for my cop char on a different server


Made for a friend of mine from the same server
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Sep 30, 2017
Thanks for the criticism. I improved the artwork (hopefully) and made multiple versions with different editings but I might have interpreted something wrong in editing both of the characters for better contrast. Anyways, pick your favourite.
Also, can't thank enough for that editing online tool- life saver.





I tried to go for a GTA like vibe since what you said gave me that idea. Thanks again.
kinda reminds me of steam wallpapers
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Deleted member 5162


Did a poster again, not at request though. I am pretty sure I built it and photoshopped it in less than two hours​
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Dudu Fadende

Jan 17, 2019

Edit: (found a better song)
Got inspired to make something non-violent for once.
Dunno how many of you have seen O' Brother Where Art Thou but here ya go.


Bonus non old-timey photo version.

Gopher Everett?
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Deleted member 5162



It was a bit wacky editing it and I forgot to do the DoF in-game, so I just poorly put the blur behind Connor and it turned out like this lol. Still a pretty good picture​
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Jul 6, 2016
AOTW / WEEK 34 OF 53 / 2020

god, I am happy no one made anything weird for week 34
crack on

Simple pose and scene, can't quite tell anything from the background but the main image and its subject is enough to convey a kind of narrative; fugitive and hunters etc. I like it, though it's just a simple photoshop filter. Image would be far more damning if the model was looking at the camera directly with bloodshot eyes, or perhaps more of the soldiers behind are more easily made out. As everything besides the main guy just kind of looks like a blob on the screen man. Consider when the filter gets in the way perhaps?

There's a good concept in here, with some room for improvement on both sides of the image. Specifically for the model on the left, when holding large items or weapons' people's arms are typically tucked in much more otherwise it has this effect where it looks like models have picked something up that they don't want to hold. In future I'd take that into consideration when posing the models. I think there is enough material here for a really well constructed image. If I could paint a picture in your mind; bring the two models forward, make both pictures fit the entire space behind them. Edit the models so they fit the same contrast and colors - could have a gooooood looking loading screen. You had all the pieces of the puzzle here buddy, just the composition needed some more thinking :^)

An interesting angle you've chosen, looks to be at some kind of full on wall intersection. The lighting is nice too, but what the image is really missing here is some depth of field to loose a few sharp edges. Not really much going for this image otherwise besides the lighting

Always caught out by some of the Mspaint talent that floats around. And this is good avatar pic material. I don't have much to add perhaps maybe if the buildings behind had some more crisp to them. The next step for these vapourwave kind of things is glitching the image but I imagine that's difficult on mspaint

This is an online tool I sometimes use, give it a shot if you're interested :^)

This is real nice looking. Especially loving the blue gradient that covers over the side and blends into the black to greying hair super well. All the proportions and shading is fabbbbulous. The highlight for me has got to be the shade on the right side of the face with the dimple and neck. Brilliant work, idk what to add or say except; there is a tiny blue dot to the left of their head that I spotted instantly. Great work here all round

Amazing scene here, the lighting and positioning of models creates a great noir aesthetic. The coat especially adds a lot to the character you're portraying. Wanna know what let you down though? That god damn font choice(s). It's always worth spending some more time on something and finding what suits it. Because honestly both fonts kind of(?) do BUT, the weird part is using two entirely separate fonts that belong to different families.

In summary, image is amazing. But the text inconsistency is a weak point. Highly recommend keeping fonts as similar as possible when using more than one!!!

Very interesting colour choices going on here. The first image is definitely the highlight of this short collection. To focus on it quickly; the colours and the kind of misty motion blur gives it a very cosmos feel and space theme. It's a great portrait give a weird finger here and there WHICH CONNECTS to my next point; fingers. I hate fingers in SFM or GMOD, always the most tedious part of any pose and can take a while to make it natural. These fingers though bro, they need some work - including the eye-patch guys left arm. Spend some time on yur darn fingers, otherwise these are nice images :^)

The primary big bold of the week goes to @chell and their cool picture



Hope the feedback was useful
Have a good rest of your week

Shit, yay. Thank you!


Visual Powerhouse
Apr 26, 2016
AOTW / WEEK 35 OF 53 / 2020

Getting to the end of summer now, hope you've all had a good one
Times new Roman gang, let's crack on
e: was nice to see some reposts with feedback I gave, warms the heart :^)

These are both very nice portraits, for once people followed the preaching of 'keep in what you need'. And it pays off so well! The soft and wet lighting over each picture is excellent as well, just about sells an ambient cutout rather than some kind of studio environment. The texturing on both pictures are amazing as well, the mix of grain and different discrepancies adds a lot of character. Only things I can really point out are; first cops hands, and maybe some of the strange clipped lighting on the second image. Great work here

Vibes here are excellent, you've got this glitch and atmosphere stuff down. Maybe a little brighter lighting from the left side to really show off the guns a bit more and it's topped off as a great image. THE ICING THOUGH, on this cake - now you've got those pieces together, looking into some text that could cover empty dark spaces could be a cool finish for these kinda images :^) (**inspiration**)

Some good bones to a picture, but some minor details worth pointing out could be; some props aren't touching the ground and have strange or lacking shadows, some edges are smoother than others? Not sure how - and the smoke that's been edited in is a little too crisp y'see? Also, idk if you're using Gmod or SFM but I recommend using the console command 'poster 1' when using Gmod, and ramping up Graphics just before you take the picture so you get the most quality :^). There's a hecka lotta good here, was just the little details and finishing touches that could be looked over in feature
Image is missing some of those touches like before, so like hear me out and my nit picking - there's a blue ambient light reaching the main dood, and the rest of the image. But the grass or shrubs closest are nearly black and cuts out a portion of the image right? The DOF is a bit off once I saw what you were talking about as well, it's always worth going back and adding it in tho brother

The image and this filter is super satisfying to me, especially the torn border on the edges give it a parchment print kinda look, or alternate coloured cyanide print. The atmosphere of travelling moonshinners is great, can't come up with any useful feedback for this one brother


The primary bold this week goes to @Ricsow

With @Dudu Fadende beside them with a secondary bold



Hope the feedback was useful as per

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professional retard
HL2 RP Administrator
Media Developer
May 10, 2018
might wanna check the borders around the edges, not sure if they're meant to be there but looks good nonetheless
what do you use for your scratch media?
Scratch Media? Also the border is supposed to be there
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professional retard
HL2 RP Administrator
Media Developer
May 10, 2018
the uhhh
how you put the scratches on the bottom photo
PicsArt (mobile app)
It‘s also the program I edit all my photos with because I can‘t find a good cracked version of Photoshop smh
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Whatever happens, happens.
Oct 11, 2016


Well he woke up that morning
And he called into work
Put on his daddy's old suit
With a second hand shirt
All untucked, shoes untied
The people all snickered as he walked by.
So he stopped in a bar,
Bought a shot of Stevens and another.
He bummed a cigarette
And set talking to a stranger about the weather.
And then he paid his bill and
He stepped outside, fell down into the street.
He cursed, and he cried
As he climbed back up to his feet again.

So up the road he found a payphone and called his mom.
He said, momma I think I'll be coming back home.
I been feeling so bad, and tired of this city.
Ain't been the same since I lost my pretty Angelina.
Momma I miss her so.
It's been over a year and there ain't nothing I fear so much as being alone.

And then he hung up the phone without saying good-bye.
Stopped in a store and bought a postcard and signed it, Fare thee well, and sent it back home to Yuma.

Lookin' back I'd say
It wasn't so much the girl
As it was the booze and the dope
And the way he took the weight of the world
Up upon his shoulders.
And when he washed the blue from his eyes
As he grew colder.
As through all those lonely nights there left alone.

So he was just 23 when he stepped out on that ledge.
It was his weary heart that pushed him to the edge.
He was tired of living life, looking for love.
A weary heart just needs a little touch.
And is it too much to ask, he cried as he stepped into the wind.
He turned his back onto the world and he fell back to earth again.
So with the wind in his hair, and smile on his face,
He crashed through the hood of an Old's 98,
And he lay there dying on a cold winters day
All alone, all alone.
idk if my photoshopping in this is good
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professional retard
HL2 RP Administrator
Media Developer
May 10, 2018


Well he woke up that morning
And he called into work
Put on his daddy's old suit
With a second hand shirt
All untucked, shoes untied
The people all snickered as he walked by.
So he stopped in a bar,
Bought a shot of Stevens and another.
He bummed a cigarette
And set talking to a stranger about the weather.
And then he paid his bill and
He stepped outside, fell down into the street.
He cursed, and he cried
As he climbed back up to his feet again.

So up the road he found a payphone and called his mom.
He said, momma I think I'll be coming back home.
I been feeling so bad, and tired of this city.
Ain't been the same since I lost my pretty Angelina.
Momma I miss her so.
It's been over a year and there ain't nothing I fear so much as being alone.

And then he hung up the phone without saying good-bye.
Stopped in a store and bought a postcard and signed it, Fare thee well, and sent it back home to Yuma.

Lookin' back I'd say
It wasn't so much the girl
As it was the booze and the dope
And the way he took the weight of the world
Up upon his shoulders.
And when he washed the blue from his eyes
As he grew colder.
As through all those lonely nights there left alone.

So he was just 23 when he stepped out on that ledge.
It was his weary heart that pushed him to the edge.
He was tired of living life, looking for love.
A weary heart just needs a little touch.
And is it too much to ask, he cried as he stepped into the wind.
He turned his back onto the world and he fell back to earth again.
So with the wind in his hair, and smile on his face,
He crashed through the hood of an Old's 98,
And he lay there dying on a cold winters day
All alone, all alone.
