Serious Religion Thread


Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
About 90% Atheist but there is a small part of me that leans more in an agnostic direction

In the sense that, perhaps there are beings higher than us on a cosmic scale but due to that - we'll probably never know of them anyway.

Also for some reason I believe in some semblence of karma - like not in the haha meme sense I genuinely believe there might be something to it.

Not in the "bad people always lose" sense either, more so the idea that the positive impact you have on other people will in term cause positivity for others and come full circle.

And contrary wise, what goes around comes around.
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*sigh* ud know this if u read the silmarillion...
Feb 28, 2018
I feel spirituality is a very important aspect of the human experience, but I would not call myself spiritual or religious to any extent. I’m about as agnostic as it gets.

To me, religions are a way for us to explain or identify things in the universe we do not understand with more tangible, human terms; ie. personifying the grand calculus of the cosmos with that of a “god” that we can identify, personify, relate with and even rationalize. That isn’t me trying to “debunk” religion, mind you, but rather the opposite: I think it makes religion that much more important in how we bridge understanding between secular & theistic divisions in our culture.

I’m also someone who is very much focused in the present. What happens to me after I die has become irrelevant to me in that I am wholly devoted into improving the world I can influence around me. In other words: I’ll worry about what happens after death when I die, and it’s up to us to change the world for the better rather than leaning entirely on incorporeal forces.

So despite my extremely non-spiritual, agnostic-bordering atheist perspective of the universe, I have a great deal of respect and appreciation for those who see the world through those eyes.

'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
I don't believe in a deity, but still think that as the decision is a personal choice in the end, it's up to people whether they embrace one thought or another.

That said no one should be converted or made to follow a religion against their will, incredibly henious thing to do (whether it's a parent pushing their beliefs, a cult or a state mandate).
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Sep 13, 2016
On my own personal experience, when I was younger, hard-core atheism always struck me as the best match. Not just because of personal belief but because after a whole ten years of constant education in a catholic school it's not uncommon to see someone rowing in the opposite direction. As life progressed and troubles accumulated without any real change or turn of course, you tend to doubt what you thought you knew. The stimulus progressively gets better as you start to take matters into your own hands and do not directly correlate it with religion, so you can say, "Why do I need god when I have myself?"

However everyone keeps growing, I was inmature. Things usually do not tend to go the way you expected it and spiritualism suddenly becomes a heavier weight on your consensus. Everyone has experienced the loss of people you love, and, while you could boil it down to the simplest of routes - which is of, well, how physics behave and how we are just chemistry - it doesn't sit right with you. Even less when you hear for example testimonies of other people who have had traumatising losses, or family. It really did widen my eyes to broader horizons which I thought were explored, but in reality, were quite obscure.

Even then, I still don't believe in God, it is hard for me to come to grips with catholicism. I probably never will. Even when I was, it was a very cold relation, it was more pinned to educational religion than faith. Of course, everyone has their low points where they start to doubt; I used to visit these grandious churches and cathedrals while on vacations, seeing whatever figures that are built to evoke emotion in you, the glittering and the music, the sudden sensation you're in a place thought sacred. Reading, experiences, hearing what people has to say. Even when going to the smallest of churches, trying to rationalise it, whatever.

But, no. Doesn't suit me. I'd say that is not really the essence of say, christianism. Specially when you see such a shallow practice around you, it is a very watered down version of what I thought it was.

Instead I tend to have more of a very marginalsied agnostic position, as many others in the thread, that ties with atheism. There is open room for spiritualism. I do not necessarily think that one God exists, but that life in itself isn't just a shallow chained path of events dictaminated by what we're made of. For me a realer religion is humility, live with yourself and others, strive to become something better that comes from yourself, not the man above or the book under the counter. I've lived Christianism, I still live it because I live in a culture ingrained with it, and for me, going to a church, confessing my sins to the priest, it makes no sense. God isn't in him, and if someone has to hear me, it is me, with myself, anywhere.

It helps one to investigate in other religions such as Islam and the old paganisms of Europe, the history is there, I embrace that. But a healthy view is to respect those who believe, I find them to be just as worthy as anyone else, and I find it a very respectable aspect of life, but if they believe, I really hope it is a honest belief.​
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Apr 26, 2016
I'm agnostic and have been since I was young. I've experienced enough to believe that there has to be something even if I don't know quite what that is and don't always subscribe to any established religion regarding it.

I don't practice anything though, I just try to live my best life and do right by others.
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ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
Used to be Christian but a lot has happened in my life that make me question it very seriously
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May 18, 2016
@surra how do I explain this to the masses

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