Serious Bring Back WW3RP

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Apr 26, 2016

I'd first off just like to say, that this is a serious suggestion, and I really don't want this to turn into shitposting, and stupid memes and stuff like that. I'd just like to keep it civilized and normal

First of all, I know most of you here are 'roleplay veterans'. But some people here have never played WW3RP, so I'm going to basically sum it up.

In WW3 [world war three], you basically roleplayed as a soldier, on the front line. You started as a low ranked, normal soldier, and you worked your way up through the ranks. You went out on patrols around the map, every 20 minutes or half an hour, and you'd generally run into the opposing side, and get into a firefight. It's very hard to sum up a complex gamemode in such few words, I haven't even talked about branches, officers, POW's. And other handy systems such as radio, compass, but you get the gist. World War Three was extremely fun, and it was my first introduction to roleplay. I played it here, and on LimeKick.

WW3 was such a great gamemode, it was so amazing, great people, great mechanics, a dedicated playerbase. It was well developed.

One of the problems with WW3RP was the roleplay. Ironic. But the thing is, you've got to understand, that for a normal GMOD player, who has been playing DarkRP, BHOP, Prop hunt and Murder. When they see WW3, they instantly thing tanks, guns, missiles, and they don't really pay attention to the RP. Obviously there had to be action within the gamemode, and I think a lot of people didn't really get that. Yes, there needed to be a balance with roleplay and action, but people were complaining about patrols going out every 30 minutes, but you need to try and keep the playerbase entertained, so they keep coming back. Roleplay was also mainly restricted to Military Police, special forces, and high ranking officers, which I think was very unfair to the lower ranked, new player.

Speaking strictly about Nebulous, around late 2017, early 2018, it got really sloppy. There was a lack of S2K events, lack of RP events, lack of mini-events. Staff weren't as helpful as they were before, half of the staff didn't even come on. But in general the numbers for the server was good, there didn't seem to be a dying playerbase.

Of us who have played, I think we can all look back on good times, from POWRP, fun s2k events, funny occurrences, interesting militia events. It was pretty much the full package. Also, if some of this stuff sounds familiar, it's because it's from Jas' suggestion.

I think it went wrong with the new lore. I think the change from Coalition to Soviet, and Glob to NATO was pointless. At the end of the day we were there to roleplay as soldiers, not to roleplay with politics and foreign policies. Many people argue "But uh, I didn't understand the coalition lore, and I still don't to this day". The solution is to either read it, or get it re-written. But for the most part I never saw the point.

The gamemode was great, I've made so many great friends, I've had so many great memories, over-powered guns, long-ranged battles, firefights in motel, are my personal best. Some of you may criticize me for creating this post, saying I wasn't there for the roleplay. To be honest, I was there for fun, I enjoyed interacting with the people and making friends. The S2K and such, was a great bonus.

Obviously, I'd love to see WW3 come back. And I think deep down many would, but internal issues such as head staff, and lore, and all that shit is preventing it. Some people are saying ''uh not this community'', but the reality is that half of the people here, came because of WW3, I presume the config for the server is still there, and Head Staff have the resources to re-boot the server.
I think with a dedicated backing, restructure staff, and a little bit of time, WW3 could become a thing again.

Please, do not lock this like you did with the last one, this isn't a meme, and is a serious suggestion, and I'd like if you kept it open for people to post their opinions on the topic, thank you.
I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.


Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
Obviously, I'd love to see WW3 come back. And I think deep down many would, but internal issues such as head staff, and lore, and all that shit is preventing it. Some people are saying ''uh not this community'', but the reality is that half of the people here, came because of WW3, I presume the config for the server is still there, and Head Staff have the resources to re-boot the server.
I think with a dedicated backing, restructure staff, and a little bit of time, WW3 could become a thing again.
We said this at the start of it on neb - "Hey, it'll be totally different we know what not to do"

You know what happened? The same people, did the same shit which resulted in its inevitable demise when the person who probably was the only person who could not only do the best job but had the patience to stomach a lot of the bullshit and be patient about it decides they no longer want to nor have the time, patience and willpower to.

You are one of those people Jello - you are one of the people who contributed to the problem and you are one of the people who egged on the others who were doing it, for you to make this thread and claim that its internal issues that are keeping it from coming back is ridiculous.

And make no mistake, I was as sad as the next guy when I noticed WW3 on the decline; but what could I even do about it when you had people boycotting the server, people being indecisive on what was wrong with it and pushing for xyz and people who, on the staff confession thread - straight up admitted they did fuck all but mess around, abuse their staff positions and used the server for nothing more than a lolcow.


Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
yea this is the main reason why i dont think its coming back

most of the staff basically admitted to abusing shit and being corrupt as fuck
Yeah and those who did can go fuck themselves

I'll say it now, if WW3 somehow magically did come back down the line (probably not) - I don't see those people being allowed on it ever. :)

cns - he/him/his

The Winner
Apr 26, 2016
It wasn't.

It was turned bad, like FTRP in the beginning - it had huge potential and great people behind it, but it was turned bad from a variety of issues.
Yeah I guess the fun fades and it didn’t hold up in the roleplay side and I can get better fighting on a different game


Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
Yeah I guess the fun fades and it didn’t hold up in the roleplay side and I can get better fighting on a different game
Yeah maybe you're right

But you can't blame us for doing what the community wanted right

Remember guys #nebulousww3

Because I sure won't forget.


Visual Powerhouse
Apr 26, 2016
I ain't gonna lie, for any smart outsider looking in on the server.

The player base of WW3rp had some of the most, ungrateful, perpetually miserable and unappeasable people ever.

If the server was put back up, with whatever great staff team people pictured to be the best - it'd still be blamed on them after it fails again.

e for jellos reply: I didn't mean as in I was an outsider, but that it was generally thought the player base was like this.
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LightKey's Evil twin
GTA RP Playtester
Nov 19, 2016
It's a lovely thought and all, but it just won't be happening.

The few times I did join, it was pretty much always a low amount of people, and a lot of the times it turned pretty memey. It was a fun little game mode and all, but goodness, I looked at the threads from time to time and I dunno how to even describe it.

If it were to come back, which I highly doubt since I don't want to know how much patience would be needed to run that server again, and somehow appease everyone or risk I think just being shut down again. It's happened, not much can be done now, we just gotta lived with what happened, and soldier on


Aug 31, 2016
I ain't gonna lie, for any smart outsider looking in on the server.

The player base of WW3rp had some of the most, ungrateful, perpetually miserable and unappeasable people ever.

If the server was put back up, with whatever great staff team people pictured to be the best - it'd still be blamed on them after it fails again.
You do have a heavy point there.
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Apr 26, 2016
We said this at the start of it on neb - "Hey, it'll be totally different we know what not to do"

You know what happened? The same people, did the same shit which resulted in its inevitable demise when the person who probably was the only person who could not only do the best job but had the patience to stomach a lot of the bullshit and be patient about it decides they no longer want to nor have the time, patience and willpower to.

I didn't say anything about about the man in charge. I'm sure he did deal with bullshit, and I'm sure he did have great patience. But in reality, events weren't coming out, staff rosters weren't being updated. Whether there were external issues there or not, I don't know I'm just stating the facts.

You are one of those people Jello - you are one of the people who contributed to the problem and you are one of the people who egged on the others who were doing it, for you to make this thread and claim that its internal issues that are keeping it from coming back is ridiculous.
Egged on other who were doing what? You're implying I'm some sort of criminal when in reality I was on the server to have fun. You're implying that my opinion is invalid due to a few rare circumstances you've seen.

And make no mistake, I was as sad as the next guy when I noticed WW3 on the decline; but what could I even do about it when you had people boycotting the server, people being indecisive on what was wrong with it and pushing for xyz and people who, on the staff confession thread - straight up admitted they did fuck all but mess around, abuse their staff positions and used the server for nothing more than a lolcow.
I think many of us were sad to be honest, but I dont know anyone who was boycotting the server, or who were pushing for xyz.
The staff confession thread, I will admit, was pretty stupid. But in reality if you put a bunch of teenagers on a server for multiple years, 2 or 3 incidents, individually will occur.

ww3rp was bad when it came to nebulous
I somewhat agree, as I said.
I think it went wrong with the new lore. I think the change from Coalition to Soviet, and Glob to NATO was pointless. At the end of the day we were there to roleplay as soldiers, not to roleplay with politics and foreign policies. Many people argue "But uh, I didn't understand the coalition lore, and I still don't to this day". The solution is to either read it, or get it re-written. But for the most part I never saw the point.
Speaking strictly about Nebulous, around late 2017, early 2018, it got really sloppy. There was a lack of S2K events, lack of RP events, lack of mini-events. Staff weren't as helpful as they were before, half of the staff didn't even come on. But in general the numbers for the server was good, there didn't seem to be a dying playerbase.

Yeah maybe you're right
But you can't blame us for doing what the community wanted right
Remember guys #nebulousww3
Because I sure won't forget.
I'm not blaming anyone, I just want the gamemode back, I'm not saying he did it, she did it or anything. I just want to play WW3 again...
Pretty sure there was a thread like this a couple of days ago, and Roosebud explained (in detail) why it won't be coming back. I don't know which thread it was, so if someone could link Roose's post that would be cool

Nevermind I found it
The reasoning(s) and overall performance of potential and (ex-)players during the final months of ww3rp and afterwards have not convinced me that this would turn out well
I'm fairly sure this is on about the same thing as Blackquill, so please refer back to that.

I ain't gonna lie, for any smart outsider looking in on the server.

The player base of WW3rp had some of the most, ungrateful, perpetually miserable and unappeasable people ever.

If the server was put back up, with whatever great staff team people pictured to be the best - it'd still be blamed on them after it fails again.
Not to argue, but you weren't an outsider Danny, you were there, any you probably got a better picture than most.
I can only talk about my experience, but from what I saw, in my time, there were a plethora of ups for every down.
The only thing I can genuinely remember being disappointed and ungrateful for, was when we all wanted FA:S, and you gave us CW2.0.
It's a lovely thought and all, but it just won't be happening.

The few times I did join, it was pretty much always a low amount of people, and a lot of the times it turned pretty memey. It was a fun little game mode and all, but goodness, I looked at the threads from time to time and I dunno how to even describe it.

If it were to come back, which I highly doubt since I don't want to know how much patience would be needed to run that server again, and somehow appease everyone or risk I think just being shut down again. It's happened, not much can be done now, we just gotta lived with what happened, and soldier on
It's easy to criticize a gamemode. But, no offense, you clearly haven't played WW3 thoroughly. It was an excellent game mode, and I see how it can appear 'memey'. As I said earlier,
But the thing is, you've got to understand, that for a normal GMOD player, who has been playing DarkRP, BHOP, Prop hunt and Murder. When they see WW3, they instantly thing tanks, guns, missiles, and they don't really pay attention to the RP.
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Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
I didn't say anything about about the man in charge. I'm sure he did deal with bullshit, and I'm sure he did have great patience. But in reality, events weren't coming out, staff rosters weren't being updated. Whether there were external issues there or not, I don't know I'm just stating the facts.
Staff roster wasn't being updated because there was no good people available - Sorry to say it, but it's true. Ratio of hl2 apps to ww3 apps was like 10:1 and those who did apply, caused various issues themselves.

Egged on other who were doing what? You're implying I'm some sort of criminal when in reality I was on the server to have fun. You're implying that my opinion is invalid due to a few rare circumstances you've seen.
You're not a criminal

You're someone who contributed to the problem that caused one of many issues with WW3RP: Circlejerk and le funny meme personality bullshit. Your opinion isn't invalid but it's also not credible in my opinion.

I think many of us were sad to be honest, but I dont know anyone who was boycotting the server, or who were pushing for xyz.
The staff confession thread, I will admit, was pretty stupid. But in reality if you put a bunch of teenagers on a server for multiple years, 2 or 3 incidents, individually will occur.
Roosebud can name plenty + The excuse for abuse doesn't deter me from calling it like I see it.


eating seeds as a pastime activity
May 23, 2017
to be entirely honest with you mate most people have moved on.

it was fun and shit but the way people acted was just cold and shitty which became more and more blatant as time went on.

we're chasing a high which we can never get now that we know how fucking awful the shit people did was
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