A drunken introduction


Dec 13, 2018
Hi. I'm Evoturd.

Used to be pretty big into HL2RP a few years back. I was apart of a couple communities back in the day and was "gently coerced" into rejoining this gamemode by a friend of mine.
I play Zi-Vas Tong, mostly just called "Z" by the few people who know him. I chances are will produce more characters, but I usually prefer playing only one or two characters for a very long time. Until they get insta'd by a headcrab, cause y'know.

Fucking Crabs.

Other then that. I am uninteresting. Don't exactly do anything special, y'know. Just uh... Play HL2RP, maybe some Overwatch when I feel like hating people just a tad bit more.
Unless if you count pot smoking and beer drinking interesting, as I do an above average amount of both.

Either way, I am excited to see you all on the server! Happy holidays!
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