News End of January Newsletter

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Manager of Fist Industries
Apr 26, 2016
Why hello…

It’s been awhile since we made one of these, so I felt it’s time we made a newsletter that keeps people up to speed on the servers and what we’re planning.

First off, we’re now up to almost nine months of run time of, meaning we must be doing something right. I was looking back at our first public thread ( and how excited we were to start afresh with a far better outlook on running a gaming community - not for the profit gain but to just enjoy ourselves; now we have the biggest HL2RP and WW3RP servers again.

I think one of the biggest surprises to us was the generosity of the members of the community, who were literally willing to start completely anew, gamemode and in character wise in support of our new direction. The amount of man hours that have been poured into getting both servers running with organisation is literally astounding.

Both servers have had some changes recently, which have been highlighted by @Blackquill and @Roosebud below:


In terms of HL2RP, a lot has happened - we have switched our map from City 8 back to Industrial 17 which is being edited by @Zak in order to suit our needs and spice it up. Factions have undergone several reforms (Such as cop from @Eridian and his headcops, UP and their respective faction leads and even more reforms coming to factions like CAB in the near future). The server in general has also taken a more survival and hardcore approach while trying to create a tense atmosphere that everyone can enjoy and participate in. This has been done by various changes to how situations are handled, PK rules and some other changes to how factions operate etc.

In terms of projects we have coming in the future, we have a lot to look forward to - the previously mentioned CAB reform, some more events from @Ronald and event management as well as something quite unique and exciting from myself in conjunction with the work we’re doing with @Dallas and @Nova_ - Dallas has already posted something related to this (, recommend you check it out as it’s a small teaser for what is to come.

And one final thing - I’d like to give a special thank you to everyone who makes the server possible: The Developers, My staff and of course the player-base; we hope to continue striving to improve the server and maintain a great experience for all players, new and old.


The implementation of features such as our custom-tailored CW 2.0 weapon-base marked a turning point as we broke away from the old reused content to follow our own route. With custom maps, models, plugins and other content streaming in from staff and players alike we aim to have WW3RP be in constant improvement and development while envisioning our direction for the server, its lore and the progression of our characters.

Striving to recapture the aspects that made WW3RP enjoyable while also forging our own identity, we can now start shaping ourselves up for the future. Those of you who are eagerly watching the changelogs will notice a steady stream of new additions, some of which never before seen on WW3RP, and those heavily involved in their respective factions will note the activity and dedication of their fellow players and our staff to shape the world and stories around them.

With a large list of projects and concepts in mind and active development, we can say with certainty that there are exciting things on the horizon. And that we will continue to use everything available to us to ensure that you, the player, are welcomed to enjoy the ever-increasing unique experience of WW3RP.

I think it’s safe to say that this community has been a resounding success, with both servers being the most popular in their respective fields, and we hope to continue that success for a good long while... or until we get bored and move on.

The Staff of nebulous.


Apr 26, 2016
I honestly can't believe it's almost been a year since that incident happened and nebulous was created.

Here's to more adventures!
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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
It's genuinely been incredibly fun, honestly.

While there's obviously been ups and downs here and there we've taken the ashes that were spread out those 9 months ago and turned it back into something we can be proud of, and frankly, I was hesitant to apply for staff in the first place, nowadays I don't regret it one bit. I'm proud to have been able to assist thus far, and glad I can continue to do so.

As @Rictalspace mentioned, CAB is having some touches done here and there within the next few weeks hopefully, @Flippy and I have had a decent amount on our plate lately so finding the time can be hard, but we have things in place.

On a final note, I'd honestly like to extend a thank you to my fellow staff and of course, the headstaff. My experience and many others simply wouldn't be complete with you lot, simply wouldn't.

Call me cheesy I couldn't fucking care, love you all.


remove bias
GTA RP Playtester
Sep 13, 2016
one more year of h i g h i m p a c t r p is ahead of us
To think we went this far. Keep going strong y'all.
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