Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread


Apr 26, 2016
bare in mind i was 14-15 at this point and valen was my first char, so i unironically got teary as fuck over it and had no idea that pk appeals existed at the time so i never got the character back. i wouldve, too, because i later found out (i mean like 1-2 years later, too, iirc) that i died because i accepted a hug from medley's ic girlfriend.

This sticks with me because 5/6 of us who went down there didn't know details but Harry asking us to do him a favour because apparently someone cheated or something?

Looking back so many PK's at that time wouldn't remotely fly these days but thats just how it was sadly lmao


Apr 26, 2016
what you type:
/y bare fists;bare fists;bare fists;bare fists;bare fists;bare fists;bare fists;bare fists;bare fists;bare fists;bare fists;bare fists;bare fists;bare fists;bare fists;bare fists;

what you see:


Apr 26, 2016
what do you mean you couldn't see s2k was initiated? it's on your screen??

/me sniffs and inhales the cool breeze, sifting through the scents of the city as he thinks about life. He considers a lot in those moments, including how he will get his rations tomorrow. He sighs and shrugs his shoulders as he considers all of this and more in those moments as he looks at the man across from him, waiting to see what he will do before he turns his head and looks left and right to see who is around. Seeing nobody he smiles and thinks one last time about how much he really hates the combine and will one day liberate the earth, and perhaps get a burger at mcdonalds before he fires his gun with intent to kill.

I am so fucking glad shit like this ended up being bannable lmao

'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
/me sniffs and inhales the cool breeze, sifting through the scents of the city as he thinks about life. He considers a lot in those moments, including how he will get his rations tomorrow. He sighs and shrugs his shoulders as he considers all of this and more in those moments as he looks at the man across from him, waiting to see what he will do before he turns his head and looks left and right to see who is around. Seeing nobody he smiles and thinks one last time about how much he really hates the combine and will one day liberate the earth, and perhaps get a burger at mcdonalds before he fires his gun with intent to kill.

I am so fucking glad shit like this ended up being bannable lmao
the days where you spent two seconds frantically looking at giant text wondering if someone was about to shoot you but it was just one guy moving boxes
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Narrative/Lore Management
Jun 15, 2016
i vaguely remember my first time on lp when i left another community (ExonticGaming) after harry had left it to become an admin or cop head on LP i dont really remember it was like 2014 or some shit

but because i had exontic lore drilled into my skull 14-15 year old me thought "alright well i guess this is the canon now" and just made the character i wrote an edgy auth app for from exontic but on LP and roleplayed him for a sum total of like 30 minutes or something before harry reminded me that this character is in fact not possible in LemonPunch's canon

if you thought flemming nicolaysen was cringeworthy then you are fortunate not to have met the culmination of teenage edginess


and then i applied for cop when they switched to i17 and got declared rogue and pked for running into the boulevard area while chasing a guy alone (literally my first 20 minutes as a civil protection officer)
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Level Design nomad
Apr 26, 2016
I can recall back in 2016 LP when I made my latest wannabe rebel character, and what I thought was a spec of luck, a rebel donated me a blacksuit, filter and weapon for free and directed me on how to get to the underground base.

Hyped up with the first bit of kit I've ever had, I ran right down there.
and within 5 minutes I was tracked down and shot dead by OTA and PK'd, the man had done some pretty extreme stuff and pawned off the gear onto some hapless bluesuit to let them take the fall for their crimes.

Trust issues ever since I swear to god.
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give this guy his adm*n back
Apr 26, 2016
i still vividly recall my first time ever touching the outlands in lemonpunch

had my first ever char, valentino castell, i dont really remember what map we were on but i have a feeling it was some version of r17 or something to that degree but i could be wrong

went down into this half-sewer-half-canal looking thing with mud floors, found a greensuit standing at a generic construction Q menu table and without any other kind of dialog, he just immediately asked me if i wanted to go to the outlands

of course i did

he told me to come back with like 200 tokens so i ration farmed my way there, came back, gave him the tokens and we were off. i distinctly remember having a small panic over whether or not i was using the gas suit correctly because he told me i'd die if it wasn't on right. i remember being incredibly confused when we went through the portal between servers, because i had no idea it was separated like that and i think i actually thought i'd just crashed until i reconnected and saw i was on outlands

i gave him the gas suit, he pointed me in a direction and left. so i started walking.

only headed in the direction of the bunker because i saw a guy in a blacksuit with a spas running that way. went in, heaps of people around, 95% of people ignored me except this one woman who got me (i think?) an mp40 or something along those lines and a resistance suit

hung around there and then decided to go adventuring. i found the tapestry eventually, spoke to a few people there, witnessed @Aether hunting down a pair of hunters and then dragging the corpses back so he could mount them on pikes

fast forward a few days and a like 10-man ota squad bumrushed the tapestry, i hid in the back of the little bar/kitchen with my mp40 and im pretty sure i didnt even get a shot off, i just got minced by an elite

and then, while i waited at spawn, i took my very first screenshot


eventually my char got shot in the ass by simeon by accident when he was trying to shoot a scanner in the bunker, i went to do medrp and while i was sitting in the medbay recovering, medley's rebel randomly came to pour medigel down my character's throat and pked me

bare in mind i was 14-15 at this point and valen was my first char, so i unironically got teary as fuck over it and had no idea that pk appeals existed at the time so i never got the character back. i wouldve, too, because i later found out (i mean like 1-2 years later, too, iirc) that i died because i accepted a hug from medley's ic girlfriend.

man i was a scriptwhore!!!
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Apr 26, 2016
I remember Harry milkboarding @Tinbe (he didn't have any water handy) for leaking our plans to the Vorts that lived in the mines lmao
Wasn't killed for that. There was some silly drama about a pet crow and my rebel's partner getting killed by Harry's crew. My character was just literally sobbing with his gun long-disarmed before they dragged him to bunker to be milkboarded (and stunsticked on the side) to death.
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