Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread

Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
maybe its my D&Dness coming through, but imo if you dont have trust in the admin (the DM equivalent) then you have nothing

if you cant trust the storyteller to tell a good story, there has been a fundamental and monumental fuckup somewhere along the line

it's more the fact that there's a big difference between a group of 20-30 people to one of 4-5.

When a group is large, that close-knitted trust is not so easy - You don't even need to fuck up that bad, we're all human and make mistakes, but when the group is so big things get blown out of proportion, people distrust more easily, and coordination is way worse.

Doesn't have to be any monumental or fundamental fuckup along the line either, event runners all have to start somewhere and will make mistakes, and that's ignoring the fact that no event runner is the next Stephen King, we're simply people seeking to have fun, so, in the end, you won't have almost anyone with the skill to properly and tightly carry and railroad so many people.

People have to be more lighthearted and less competitive, try to enjoy the time, and if the event is bad give constructive feedback and in no time you'll have a better event runner, and eventually multiple good event runners. It can't all be expected from the event makers as they're here to have fun much like everyone else.
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Apr 27, 2016
it's more the fact that there's a big difference between a group of 20-30 people to one of 4-5.

When a group is large, that close-knitted trust is not so easy - You don't even need to fuck up that bad, we're all human and make mistakes, but when the group is so big things get blown out of proportion, people distrust more easily, and coordination is way worse.

Doesn't have to be any monumental or fundamental fuckup along the line either, event runners all have to start somewhere and will make mistakes, and that's ignoring the fact that no event runner is the next Stephen King, we're simply people seeking to have fun, so, in the end, you won't have almost anyone with the skill to properly and tightly carry and railroad so many people.

People have to be more lighthearted and less competitive, try to enjoy the time, and if the event is bad give constructive feedback and in no time you'll have a better event runner, and eventually multiple good event runners. It can't all be expected from the event makers as they're here to have fun much like everyone else.
The reality is that if you force players to trust you and give them no other option then they will. If you do everything in good faith and let things unfold by the way of the roll, for an example, nothing is decided by the admin nor player (within reason, not everything should be rolled) and it leads to a much more fair enviroment

Players don’t feel cheated if what is happening is clearly presented and its equally clarified that they can impact it as much as the opposition/GMs with clever thinking

The last 3 events we’ve ran on ED that have been big ones have had 20-30 players and was ran this way - everyone loved it. That’s players who have characters ONLY for the event and have no clue who people are OOC’ly who just roll with it and do their best on an individual level to be cool
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
it's more the fact that there's a big difference between a group of 20-30 people to one of 4-5.

When a group is large, that close-knitted trust is not so easy - You don't even need to fuck up that bad, we're all human and make mistakes, but when the group is so big things get blown out of proportion, people distrust more easily, and coordination is way worse.

Doesn't have to be any monumental or fundamental fuckup along the line either, event runners all have to start somewhere and will make mistakes, and that's ignoring the fact that no event runner is the next Stephen King, we're simply people seeking to have fun, so, in the end, you won't have almost anyone with the skill to properly and tightly carry and railroad so many people.

People have to be more lighthearted and less competitive, try to enjoy the time, and if the event is bad give constructive feedback and in no time you'll have a better event runner, and eventually multiple good event runners. It can't all be expected from the event makers as they're here to have fun much like everyone else.

i used to play on a gmod server that was predominantly pve, and had 20-30 folks on it at peak times

i think it's predominantly an issue of having to encourage a mindset and then keep encouraging it
when i was staff on that server the owner told me to give players every out you can imagine, and if need be, just /event telling them something their character could intuit if the player themselves couldn't spot it

the server had big scary supersoldier enemies in it that no one could match pount-for-pound (at least not yet)
and one of the map change events was them raiding the player's base and forcing them to flee
almost the ENTIRE server took a wrong turn and ended up in a dead end tunnel where the super soldiers caught them

instead of everyone dying or the event being scrapped, i just saw a quick formulation in @op chat along the lines of
"super soldier 1 and 2, gloat and monologue and explain to the players just how fucked they are. im gonna do something"

what happened what a shouting match between the super soldiers and the helpless characters, with some of them even outing themselves as ex-members of the organization, mainly just to fuck with the soldiers and keep them stalled

then the fucking ceiling exploded and the soldiers got buried under rubble, and the owner introduced a new character, an explosives expert, who was standing atop the rubble

event continued as normal after that
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Apr 27, 2016
You can do so much more when you don’t HAVE TO cater to two sides who’re so occupied with winning over each other that they forget the point of the server - Its nowhere near as hard as people have told you it is

Its just a part of nebs culture, the culture that is being terrified of dynamic changes
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Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
You can do so much more when you don’t HAVE TO cater to two sides who’re so occupied with winning over each other that they forget the point of the server - Its nowhere near as hard as people have told you it is

Its just a part of nebs culture, the culture that is being terrified of dynamic changes

More than changes, it's that so far small events with that dynamic have not worked great

On top of that playerbases are different and even people who jump between servers act different depending on the place


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
The reality is that if you force players to trust you and give them no other option then they will. If you do everything in good faith and let things unfold by the way of the roll, for an example, nothing is decided by the admin nor player (within reason, not everything should be rolled) and it leads to a much more fair enviroment

Players don’t feel cheated if what is happening is clearly presented and its equally clarified that they can impact it as much as the opposition/GMs with clever thinking

The last 3 events we’ve ran on ED that have been big ones have had 20-30 players and was ran this way - everyone loved it. That’s players who have characters ONLY for the event and have no clue who people are OOC’ly who just roll with it and do their best on an individual level to be cool

fuck as an in-neb example

i ran an event just for @deathwolf a while ago
the event was literally just a character from deathwolf's character's backstory, torturing him and interrogating him over past events, before deathwolf escapes capture, kills the guards, and flees out the front door of the facility

only to immediately get shot in the stomach by a revolver and have a plastic bag thrown at him that contained a live headcrab that he had to wrestle with while screaming in a radio for the rebels to come rescue him

it was basically "Beat the fuck out of Harland, the event"

and deathwolf said it was great and he had a amazing time.

probably because he had full faith that i was going somewhere with it and that Harland didn't get shot just because i needed to punish him, but because it was dramatically approrpriate and made sense for it to happen
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buzz buzz
Aug 3, 2017
only to immediately get shot in the stomach by a revolver and have a plastic bag thrown at him that contained a live headcrab that he had to wrestle with while screaming in a radio for the rebels to come rescue him
woe, crab be upon ye
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Apr 27, 2016
More than changes, it's that so far small events with that dynamic have not worked great

On top of that playerbases are different and even people who jump between servers act different depending on the place
Yeah because nobody fully commits to it and do small events half-assed and then throw players back into the same dynamic they just came from

People won’t embrace it because they aren’t given a chance to
fuck as an in-neb example

i ran an event just for @deathwolf a while ago
the event was literally just a character from deathwolf's character's backstory, torturing him and interrogating him over past events, before deathwolf escapes capture, kills the guards, and flees out the front door of the facility

only to immediately get shot in the stomach by a revolver and have a plastic bag thrown at him that contained a live headcrab that he had to wrestle with while screaming in a radio for the rebels to come rescue him

it was basically "Beat the fuck out of Harland, the event"

and deathwolf said it was great and he had a amazing time.

probably because he had full faith that i was going somewhere with it and that Harland didn't get shot just because i needed to punish him, but because it was dramatically approrpriate and made sense for it to happen
Besides max this sounds like it rocks
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I said people did it half assed but you by the sound of it

Probably worded it weirdly I’m phoneposting

oh right it read like you were saying "besides the fact you were involved in it this event sounds good" lmfao


The Motha' Fuckin' Newports.
Apr 4, 2018
Hey guys I’m bored can someone say something dumb so I can watch the fireworks?


Sep 12, 2018
but she goes to a different school and stuff