International Aid Concern Reports - Investigation Team 98-71


Mar 13, 2023
[New Logo TBD]

International Aid Concern Reports - Investigation Team 98-71
The following logbook is to detail the retained copy of all investigation and incident reports collected by Investigation Team 98-71.

Team Information:
Roger Woods (#224) - Agent - @Blitz0012
Fedot Pushkin (#225) - Agent - @Random
Mężczyzna Șapte (#390) - Guide - @red02
Monitor Assigned Locations and Groups
Test Localised Titles/Symbol (RL) - Concluded.

Switzerland - Alps

Not a cell or anything, me and some buddies have been RPing as an attempt at a small independent neutral party.

Reporting Agent(s):
Involved Organisations:
Assignment Related:
Involved Agent(s):
Involved Organisations:
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Mar 13, 2023
Date: -ERROR-
Assignment: Investigation - Missing Person(s) - Mężczyzna Șapte
Reporting Agent(s): Fedot Pushkin, Roger Woods
Involved Organisations: Combine Remnant (Alps)
Information/Evidence: Missing person reported after losing footing on cliff face. Team reported to Combine Garrison, request for information yielded no information. Mission person was located outside combine base, unharmed.
Result: Resolved - No Further Action Required.

Note: Upon recovery, we managed to recruit Șapte as a local guide.
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Mar 13, 2023
Date: -ERROR-
Assignment: Investigation - War Crime - Unlawful SAM Targeting (Green Valley)
Reporting Agent(s): Fedot Pushkin, Roger Woods, Larson Jenkins (Air Crash Investigator)
Involved Organisations: Combine Remnant (Alps), Lambda Affiliated Rebel Forces, Green Valley/Zethes
Information/Evidence: Reports of SAM sites disabling aircraft above the Green Valley region. Two air crashes were to be investigated, one Combine Dropshop and one civilian Cessna Skyhaw 172. Contact with local security revealed civilian air crash was present in the region before arrival of both Lambda Affiliated and Combine forces.

Inspection of civilian aircraft determined the crash was unrelated - debris and wreckage did not indicate damage from missile launch. Upon successful contacting of Combine Forces, they confirmed their craft were shot down and were not carrying civilian refugees. It is evident that these forces were retreating to re-engage fighting elsewhere.
Result: Resolved
Combine Crash site: Local Security Forces and Lambda Affiliated Forces were within legal limits to engage. - No Further Action Required.
Civilian Crash site: Incident occurred outside of conflict. - No Further Action Required.

Date: -ERROR-
Incident: Agents Under Fire
Assignment: Investigation - War Crime - Unlawful SAM Targeting (Green Valley)
Reporting Agent(s): Fedot Pushkin, Roger Wood
Involved Organisations: Independent Rebel Forces
Information/Evidence: Combine Forces came under fire during investigation, upon the agents attempting to make it to safe territory - they were engaged mistakenly by a fleeing rebel. No injuries reported. Attempts to contact/track the soldier failed.
Result: Resolved - No Further Action Required.
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Mar 13, 2023
Date: 09/06/2023
Assignment: Cultural Protection of Site 'A'
Reporting Agent(s): Fedot Pushkin, Roger Woods
Involved Organisations: Lambda Affiliated Group ‘Ørsted’
Site 'A' was found to be secured by a rebel cell, upon questioning they revealed themselves to be their temporarily. They did not intend to fight from the position, though stated they would have to if engaged their. Agents made the individuals present aware of using cultural sites as a fighting position and warned them to be careful. As of yet, the IAC sees no reason to distrust those inside, thus we will not be attempting to displace the cell, nor would we recommend such a course of action.


The building itself had suffered minimal ware, likely from rocks collapsing from the cliff. The internals had been defaced in part by the group's insignia and some Vortal art - though the actual impact of that 'vandalism' is irrelevant and will be handled when the rebel parties move from the area.


It should be noted that the above image was found pinned to the rear of the building. It is believed to be related to a cult within Combine forces, although a direct connection to imagery previously encountered has not yet been determined.

Result: Resolved - Further Monitoring Required.
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Mar 13, 2023
Date: 09/06/2023

Assignment: Investigation - War Crime - Mass Homicide - ‘Investigation Site B’

Reporting Agent(s): Fedot Pushkin, Roger Wood, Mężczyzna Șapte (present as guide)

Involved Organisations: Unknown Victim - ‘Group A’, Unknown Assailant - ‘Group B’

Information/Evidence: During the previous investigation (Cultural Protection of Site ‘A’) one of the members of Lambda Affiliated Group ‘Ørsted’ reported of the presence of bodies within a villa nearby (dubbed 'Site B'). Agents had previously avoided the villa as a conflict between Combine and Rebel forces deterred their access to the region.

Upon approaching the building, the investigation team immediately noted signs of a struggle. The only entrance was barricaded, having since been pried open, inside a small amount of furniture was organised in potentially defensive means. A series of makeshift walls and sandbags suggest the location was a relatively large settlement. It would appear that the victims had some time to prepare themselves for an assault.

Pictured: Barricaded main entrance and table used as cover.

Pictured: The first body, possessed two gunshot wounds to the chest. Armed with a Glock 17.
28 bodies were found in total, 3 were armed with varying small arms (a PP-19, a Glock 17 and a Stevens Model 520), one Vortigaunt was found amongst the group. At the time of writing, the stage of decomposition suggested the bodies were approximately one week old. The three armed victims included: one younger male armed with a pistol by the door (pictured above), one older male armed with a shotgun(pictured at the end), and one female armed with a PP-19. All the weapons were retrieved and are intended to be traded for humanitarian supplies.

Pictured: Primary Body Pile.

Pictured: Vortigaunt Casualty.
The large pile of bodies contained approximately 20 bodies. It is believed these people were herded here before being murdered in a group. No blood strains indicated the movement of bodies. The multiple bodies left in their original position would also support this statement. This alone would incriminate the perpetrator of a war crime.

Pictured: Body found near entrance, unmoved from original position.

Pictured: Body found on second floor.

Pictured: Body found in storage room. Body appears to have been damaged by rodents.
Both weapons and supplies were found at the site, the location was minimally looted. This would indicate that the assailants were there specifically to engage the inhabitants. A storage room was found empty but it is unknown if this room was before the assault - there is the potential that the assailants only took what was easy to access, though one would ask why they did not take the weapons. Potentially confirming this theory, the following note was uncovered from one of the bodies; ‘SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER, THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR =-=-=-=-= WITH US’. Further information was indiscernible.

Pictured: Bisected body in which Stevens Model 520 and the note were recovered from.

Pictured: Untouched storage

Continued engagements have rendered ‘Site B’ inaccessible, though the bodies within the site were buried in a mass grave by Lambda Affiliated Forces before being removed from the region. Agents marked the grave upon location - though attempts to confirm the grave remains have been deemed too risky for the time being. Agents will attempt to contact Civil Protection within the neutral zones to confirm the situation.

Pictured: Site 'B' after being cleared and before rebels began construction.
Agents contacted two parties, the Agora Bar and the reclusive Moarte settlement. Both believed the incident at the site to have been bandits or Combine. As mentioned previously, injuries on the bodies do not match previous Combine altercations - thus lending credibility to the assailants being bandits or locals. Questioning independent rebels revealed little information, as the majority arrived after the incident. As of yet, agents have not contacted the Romanian Free State, the Agoran Authorities or the Combine.

Further progress is deemed unlikely.

Result: Pending - Ongoing Investigation Further Action Required: confirm status of grave, question remaining parties, question Combine remnant.
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Mar 13, 2023
Date: 12/06/2023
Incident: Wounded Civilian
Assignment Related: N/A
Involved Agent(s): Roger Woods, Mężczyzna Șapte
Involved Organisations: PMKO (Lambda Affiliated)Information/Evidence: Agents were handed a severely injured civilian - suffering from poorly stitched injuries and advanced infection. Agents did as best as they could to clean the wound and proceeded to work alongside a surgeon within a local rebel cell. As of yet, we cannot claim the civilian will survive, though they are stable and recovering. The patient will remain within the care of local rebels until recovered.

Result: Pending - Further Action Required - Monitor.
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Mar 13, 2023
Date: 19/06/2023
Assignment: Xen Waste Removal
Reporting Agent(s): Fedot Pushkin, Roger Wood
Involved Organisations: Combine Infestation Control (Not Present)
Information/Evidence: Agents discovered a number of abandoned xen containment barrels alongside five potentially infested bodies. Agents responded with a vehicle to safely remove waste from the site, bodies were also recovered for further examination.


Pictured: Two barrels, one sealed with a combine lock. Bodies in background.

Pictured: Five bodies recovered from site.


Pictured: Entire Site. Boats left at scene as they were too large to remove.

Pictured: Alternate Angle
Though recovery went well, agents came under fire from Overwatch forces. Incident information detailed below. Site of incident holds the potential to spawn a new Xen Infestation and should be monitored.
Result: Pending - Further Action Required - Monitor and Secure - Further Assistance Required.
Date: 19/06/2023
Incident: Agents Under Fire
Assignment Related: Xen Waste Removal
Involved Agent(s): Fedot Pushkin, Roger Woods
Involved Organisations: Overwatch
Information/Evidence: Agents came under fire from Overwatch forces whilst driving to an location where the xen waste and bodies could be safely retrieved by appropriate teams. The van was destroyed and quarantine barrels were punctured, forcing agents to immediately withdraw. Agents will return when the appropriate equipment is sourced to handle the spill.

Pictured: Damaged vehicle
Result: One agent wounded, Van destroyed, Potential for Xen Infestation - Further Assistance Required.
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Mar 13, 2023
Date: 26/06/2023
Xen Waste Removal - 'Infestation Site A'
Reporting Agent(s): Fedot Pushkin, Roger Wood
Involved Organisations: N/A
Works underway to cleanse I-Site A. Equipment from HQ received, although agents noted the lack of Antlion Extract. Conversation with Courier did not reveal any useful information as to where the extract has gone.

Pictured: Cordon around I-Site 'A'

Pictured: Agent Pushkin moving into the site.
Agents proceeded to I-Site A and took action to slow the infestation, removing a large portion of the infested nest and cutting it's roots. Material was recovered and placed in sanitation bags to expire. Without extract, agents are unable to cleanse the infestation and are only able to slow it's progress by removing portions. Even if agents entirely removed the infected material, spore remnants would remain and would quickly re-infest the site.

Pictured: Infestation
Agents will attempt to trade for extract when able and will raise awareness of the issue. A small shelter within Agora is currently in use for storage. Agents previously constructed a cordon around the area and are continuing maintenance on it.

Result: Pending - Further Action Required - Monitor and Secure - Supplies Required: Antlion Extract
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Mar 13, 2023
Date: 26/06/2023
Assignment: Construct Triage Centre
Reporting Agent(s): Fedot Pushkin, Roger Wood
Involved Organisations: Romanian Free State/State of Bucharest
Information/Evidence: Agents were tasked by HQ to construct a Triage Centre, they were notified that Romanian Forces were willing to donate 100 Tokens for doing so. Task was elevated to high priority and completed. The tokens will be used to further progress into acquiring Antlion Extract.

Agents were engaged by Antlions whilst loading equipment into the van at the drop site. Antlions were quickly dispatched by Agent Wood's firearm and Agent Pushkin's application of the van. It should be noted that Overwatch forces were sited, though quickly withdrew.

Pictured: Agents loading equipment from drop site.
Triage centre took approximately four hours to construct. Prior to putting up the tent, agents used pre-fabricated floor tiles to create a flat base. Tent was divided into three sections, two high priority cots, six general use cots and one surgery area.

Pictured: Agent Pushkin outside the completed Triage Centre.

Agents opted to construct the Triage Centre within the area of the Dam occupied by the Romanian Free State. Though other areas including Agora, the Villa and the Blocked Bunker Entrance were considered, the Dam was deemed to be the most ideal location. It stands next to an existing clinic, thus providing vital space as well as being considerably safer than Agora (it should be noted that immediately after completing the centre, Agora was firebombed). The centre is also more likely to be used in the Dam rather than Agora for the time-being, should the situation change, agents may move the centre into Agora or another location. Alternatively, a second Triage Centre inside Agora may be constructed regardless, a number of medical personnel have been seen within Agora though all are most likely returning to the Dam at some point.

Total Equipment Used:
1 x Standard Tent.
2 x Gurney
8 x Cot
8 x IV stand
8 x Pre-Fab Plank Tiles
1 x Curtain Rack
3 x Medical Tables
2 x Small Shelves

Result: Complete - No Further Action Required.

Roger Woods says "Alright, you get that side."
*** Fedot Pushkin picks up the tent from one side
*** Roger Woods crouches down, securing a grip on the opposite side, "Right, on 3."
Roger Woods says "Three, two -"
*** Fedot Pushkin lifts
*** Roger Woods flinches back, flicking his hand around before pushing it into his chest. "Ah, shit! Sqaushed my fingers, man! God damn."
Fedot Pushkin says "What? you said on 3, I lifted it on 3, mind helping me? this isn't exactly light weight."
Roger Woods says "Yeah, man, christ - hang on."
*** Roger Woods fidgets a bit, sucking the tip of his finger, "Damn, man. That one got me."
*** Roger Woods shakes off his hand, wiping it on his shirt. He'd return to his grip, "Alrighty - this time, you do the count."
Screenshot Requested
Fedot Pushkin says "Alright, on 3."
Fedot Pushkin says "One-Two-THREE!"
Player Mads has joined the game
*** Roger Woods lifts up the tent, groaning slightly, "Alright, easy. Let's move your way."
*** Roger Woods sets down the edge of the tent inside the van, he'd brush some of their IC bags aside. "Alright, push 'er in."
*** Fedot Pushkin pushes in the tent
*** Roger Woods guides it in, "Alright, stop there. Let's get the cots."
*** The cots are in two sets of six, tied into a small rectangular bunch.
*** Fedot Pushkin picks up the bundle of cops, waiting for roger his countdown
Roger Woods says "Do you think we could take both of these at once?"
Fedot Pushkin says "Yes."
*** Roger Woods squats down to pick up the two sets of cots
*** Fedot Pushkin squats down aswell, picking up the two sets of cots from the other end
Roger Woods says "Alright, on three. One, two, three."
*** The two men begin to lift, getting the two sets of cots slightly off the ground - though never man can lift it properly.
Roger Woods says "Ah, no - no, that's not going anywhere."
Fedot Pushkin says "Yeah, lets do one at a time, don't wanna break these by accident."
*** Roger Woods flinches slightly at the explosions, but moves to the other cot, "Fuck man, wonder what that is."
*** Roger Woods squats down picking up the cot on the right
Roger Woods says "You get that side. You count."
*** Fedot Pushkin helps roger
Fedot Pushkin says "Alright, on three, one-two-THREE!"
*** Roger Woods picks up the cot, "That's easier, alright - your way again."
Roger Woods says "We'll go through the side door this time."
*** Roger Woods slides in the set of cots
Roger Woods says "Alright, push 'er in."
Revanox has connected to the server.
Roger Woods yells "SHI."
cashier ipad "no tip" button has disconnected from the server.
Roger Woods says "Run those fuckers over."
Roger Woods says "Jesis."
Roger Woods says "You hurt?"
***** Fedot Pushkin walks up the the dead antlion and crushes it's head with his boot
Fedot Pushkin says "Motherfucker."
Roger Woods says "Ah, right."
Roger Woods says "Uh, let's get it again."
*** Roger Woods squats down, ready to get the other set of cots.
*** Fedot Pushkin squats aswell, taking the other end of the set
Roger Woods says "Alright, one, two, and three!"
*** Roger Woods lifts the package
*** Fedot Pushkin lifts
*** Roger Woods looks momentarily at the car door that is now facing them
Roger Woods says "That... that would've been considerably easier."
Roger Woods says "Alright, you go in. Slide 'em in."
*** Fedot Pushkin slides it in
*** Roger Woods pushes it the rest of the way in
Roger Woods says "Alright, just two crates?"
*** Roger Woods brushes the antlion juices off the crates, "Hey, Fedot. These things are going to be slippy."
*** Fedot Pushkin lifts the crate, carrying it to the cart (He can handle it)
*** Roger Woods squats down, lifting the box, "Cor, they're not light."
Roger Woods says "Alright, just two crates?"
*** Roger Woods brushes the antlion juices off the crates, "Hey, Fedot. These things are going to be slippy."
*** Fedot Pushkin lifts the crate, carrying it to the cart (He can handle it)
*** Roger Woods squats down, lifting the box, "Cor, they're not light."
*** Roger Woods puts the box in the side of the van, giving it a pat. "That's it, alright, over to you."
*** Fedot Pushkin puts the crate inside of the van
*** Roger Woods climbs into the van
*** Fedot Pushkin opens the backdoor of the van
*** Roger Woods grabs a hold of the tent, "You climb in, make sure it doesn't snag."
Fedot Pushkin says "Yep."
*** Fedot Pushkin clims into the back of the van, making sure the big tent doesn't get stuck on anything
*** Roger Woods pulls it out slowly
*** Fedot Pushkin says "Alright, looks all good on this end." before following the line and slowly climbing out along and holding the tent from the other end
*** Roger Woods places down the tent. He'd cut the cords holding it together, then pulls out the instructions - and throwns.
Roger Woods says "Antlion juice got on the paper, man."
Fedot Pushkin says "Wipe it off."
Roger Woods says "What? It's absorbed in."
Fedot Pushkin says "Well, guess we'll do this freehand."
Roger Woods says "Uh, I reckon we build the sides first."
Roger Woods says "Here, uh - they're mostly together. Labelled I think?"
Fedot Pushkin says "Yeah, I think I can read something."
Roger Woods says "Alright, uh. You take those ones, I'll build the door."
*** Roger Woods sorts through the poles, taking them out of the canvas cover. "Alright, there. Okay."
*** Fedot Pushkin takes look, checking for a label of the tent poles, seeing which side belongs where, before walking over to the foudnation and placing it all down
*** The two men spend a long time construction each side - it'd take a lot of trial and error but after a good few hours of toiling, they'd call it done.
Roger Woods says "Alright, now we just have to stick the sides together - then put the side canvas on."
The Emergent announcement system comes to life. A gruff but monotone voice echoes throughout the valley.
'To those who have taken something of ours: We have triangulated its position. We are on our way. If you're smart, you'll step away and let us acquire it without trouble. You have been warned.'
*** Roger Woods lifts up the metal poles, lifting it up and against the other side.
***** Fedot Pushkin puts up the sides of the tent, placing it in the position it's ment to go
Roger Woods yells "You got it up over there? Put the screws in, I'll hold it."
Fedot Pushkin yells "Yep."
*** Fedot Pushkin puts in the screws while roger holds the tent in place
Fedot Pushkin yells "Alright, I think is all good over here."
Roger Woods says "Alright, come do this side!"
*** The two men repeat this action twice more, screwing in all the sides and the roof. They finally come to the canvas.
Roger Woods says "Alright, the cover."
Roger Woods says "You found the door?"
Fedot Pushkin says "Nope."
** Fedot Pushkin has rolled 31 out of 100.
Fedot Pushkin says "Nope, let me look more."
*** Fedot Pushkin rumages through the car, looking for the door
** Fedot Pushkin has rolled 65 out of 100.
Fedot Pushkin says "Ah, found it!"
*** Fedot Pushkin takes it out handing it to roger
Roger Woods says "Nice, nice."
*** Roger Woods takes it, moving to stretch it over the frame
Roger Woods yells "Don't let it blow away."
***** Fedot Pushkin holds the tent down, while Roger drags it across the frame
***** Roger Woods holds the cover down, attatching it on his side.
Roger Woods yells "Alright, I stuck it down here, make sure the other corners are done!"
***** Fedot Pushkin he attaches his side to the foundation making sure it's nice and tight
Roger Woods says "Okay I'll do the curtain."
***** Fedot Pushkin takes out the cots, dragging them into the tent
*** Roger Woods pulls out the curtain frame, setting it up outside.
[An everyday type blokey tall geezer w...] says "How is the town?"
*** Roger Woods drags it inside the building, moving it into place.
Roger Woods says "Huh? Well, the Dam or Agora?"
***** Fedot Pushkin he places them down, unfolding them and putting them in the tent, evenly spaced out
[An everyday type blokey tall geezer w...] says "Agora."
Roger Woods says "Not sure, hasn't been shot up yet."
Roger Woods says "Combine crawling about."
[An everyday type blokey tall geezer w...] says "Where is everyone?"
Roger Woods says "Uh, maybe in Agora? Not sure. We've been setting up a tent all day."
[An everyday type blokey tall geezer w...] says "Alright."
*** Fedot Pushkin takes out the box with the to-assemble IV-Stands, he'd carry them into the tent
*** Roger Woods wheels the frame over, setting it up in the corner of the tent, "Right, little surgery bit - beside it, uh, put the high priorty guys."
*** Fedot Pushkin puts down the boxes, opening them and assembeling all the IV-Stands before placing one next to each cot
*** Roger Woods unpacks more beds and two gurneys
*** Roger Woods unfolds the gurneys, wheeling them in.
*** Roger Woods reutnrs to the van, assembling the two cots before sliding them into the corner
Roger Woods says "Alright, just little tables now?"
[LOOC] Roger Woods: *returns
*** Fedot Pushkin takes out the small tables, he carries them and brings them to the tent, placing them in what he deems good positions
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Mar 13, 2023
Date: 26/06/2023
Assignment: Construct Triage Centre
Reporting Agent(s): Fedot Pushkin, Roger Woods
Involved Organisations: Romanian Free State/State of Bucharest
Information/Evidence: Agents were tasked by HQ to construct a second Triage Centre within Agora. Construction was completed within three hours.

Pictured: Agent Pushkin outside the new Triage Centre.

Result: Complete - No Further Action Required.
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Mar 13, 2023
Date: 05/07/2023
Assignment: Aid Residents in Region
Reporting Agent(s): Roger Woods
Involved Organisations: The Emergent Society
Information/Evidence: Returned a bag of peanuts to a Vortigaunt Slave who dropped them within the Emergent Society village.

Result: Complete

Notes: Hey, I fell off a bloody roof trying to pick up this guy's peanuts - I twisted my ankle bad. You guys at HQ were saying about working with the vorts. I'm expecting brownie points for this one.
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Mar 13, 2023
Date: 11/06/2023
Assignment: Mine Clearing - Risk to Civilian Sectors
Reporting Agent(s): Agent Fedot Pushkin, Agent Roger Woods
Involved Organisations: N/A
Information/Evidence: Agents inspected the Villa, we have reason to believe the majority of footfall will become civilian, most likely refugees in the future (if not already). Crab (or Hopper) Mines were discovered at the location, there was no clear indication from Rebel or Combine forces to show this area was mined - or was in use for military purpose. Noting civilian risk and the minor historical importance of the building, IAC agents were ordered to clear the mines in the area. As of yet, there is no indication as to who placed the mines - though it is most likely Combine actors.


Pictured: The initial view of the room, showing certain 'decoy' mines visible. These 'decoys' were placed to distract attention from the 'killing' mines - those hidden just out of view. It should be noted, the decoys are still live mines.

Pictured: Alternate angle revealing two 'killing' mines - the first placed behind the pillar and the second hidden in the water.

Agents were made aware of the minefield while checking on the mass grave in the vicinity, Agent Pushkin was lucky to avoid harm from the first mine placed beside the door, displayed below.
Pictured: Agent Pushkin displays the location of the first mine, placed where anyone attempting to seek shelter would be struck upon entering.

Agents successfully cleared the mines and moved on. Though Agent Pushkin retained minor injuries.

Pictured: Agent Pushkin wearing safety equipment, preparing to detonate the mine at the top of the stares. When approaching from the stairs, the mine placed on the roof would be the 'decoy', while the one on the platform itself is the 'killing' mine.

The Crab Mine itself is controversial. Some argue that its large casing, warning lights and sounds make it a relatively humane mine - one that is easily avoidable by civilians. However, the bouncing nature of the mine has caused others to condemn the mine. The bounce height causes an increase in head injures thus increasing lethality, however, the mine does not seem to rely on shrapnel to kill, the casing being too thick and heavy for form efficient shrapnel to wound - instead, the mine depends on explosive pressure and heat to kill or maim. Given the lack of shrapnel, the bounce height is likely necessary for consistent damage. Thus, the mine has been called 'inhumane' as the mine is likely to cause deafness, blindness or direct brain damage more often than it kills. The detection and bouncing radius has also been called 'inhumane', as both sides have coded mines to avoid detonating on friendlies - but only select rebel forces have encoded them to avoid civilians. A seperate enquiry and investigation has been requested in relation to the mines.

Result: Complete
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Mar 13, 2023
Date: 10/07/2023
Assignment: Xen Waste Removal - 'Infestation Site A'
Reporting Agent(s): Fedot Pushkin, Roger Woods
Involved Organisations: N/A
Information/Evidence: Agents responded to 'Infestation Site A' to perform a second round of infestation slowing actions. Upon arrival, agents noted that Xen infestation has considerably subsided, though spore presence may remain. It is unknown if the initial round of slowing actions had killed the infestation or if another group came with the appropriate antlion extract and cleared the site.

Pictured: Agent Pushkin inspecting the site.
Result: Complete - Monitor

Date: 12/07/2023
Assignment: Cliff Walkway Safety & Maintenance
Reporting Agent(s): Roger Woods
Involved Organisations: Emergent Society
Information/Evidence: Given the conclusion of the Gauntlet, Agent Woods was dispatched to ensure the safety of the cliffside passage. Footfall had recently increased, thus creating an elevated risk of damage to the walkway. His responsibilities included maintaining the cams holding the rope in place and checking the platforms beneath. During the inspection and maintenance, seven cams were replaced and five platforms were deemed to require further waterproofing.

Pictured: Agent Woods during the assignment.
Result: Complete - Monitor


Date: 12/07/2023
Assignment: Cultural Protection of Site 'A'
Reporting Agent(s): Fedot Pushkin, Roger Woods
Involved Organisations: N/A
Information/Evidence: Agents returned to Site 'A' to ensure no further damage had been caused to the site. Continued presence of Vortal Graffiti was noted, but not deemed a risk to the site - though it may be removed if Vortigaunts in the region are willing. Previous Lambda Affiliated Groups noted appear the have left the site.

A large number of varying Xenian Corpses were removed from the site and buried, as well as an oil drum potentially polluting the area and the nearby river.

Pictured: Oil Drum.
Agents noted minor damage to the structure, seemingly caused by a gunfight in the area. A number of bullet holes and plasma marks were present on the front face of the building, a number of brass casings were also discovered in the area, especially located around a log potentially used as a firing position.

Pictured: Potential firing position.
Agents noted minimal damage to the inside of the structure, the previous group appear to have removed their equipment, however, a manhack was recovered from the site - most likely left behind by Combine forces sweeping the area and potentially being the cause of the Xenian corpses. The manhack was removed from the site and will either be destroyed or handed to appropriate research personnel - the weapon itself being outlawed by IHL based on superfluous injury.

Pictured: Manhack recovered from Site 'A'.

Result: Resolved - Further Monitoring Required.
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Mar 13, 2023
Date: 05/09/2023
Assignment: Support Bucharest Xen Infestation.
Reporting Agent(s): Agent Fedot Pushkin, Agent Roger Woods
Involved Organisations: Bucharest Infestation Control (Not Present During Construction), Combine Forces, ARC.
Agents noted that a previous checkpoint was destroyed, meaning access to the IZ was unrestricted. The checkpoint was repaired easily enough, we chose to construct a single doorway to deter vehicle passage.


Pictured: Checkpoint before and after repairs.

Approximately three minutes after completion, Combine forces arrived and destroyed the checkpoint. It should be noted that they did not engage the IAC directly but did struggle to control a crab synth, potentially a result of wear and tear.

Agents return to the city to acquire new resources, they moved to the rough location of a recently removed Combine Outpost that originally marked the outer IZ boundary and constructed a new border. Agents didn't have to work around an existing structure, so the result was much more functional. This time, we construct a vehicle friendly boundary to deter destruction of the checkpoint.



Pictured: Checkpoint with gate open and closed.
The construction of a functional gate was made possible by the support of a local group, ARC. Alvise Loredan supported Agent Woods to create the electronics and motors for the gate, meanwhile Agent Pushkin constructed the wood structures and panelling.

Result: Completed
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Mar 13, 2023
**A report is written down, but lives in Wood's pocket for now, unable to be posted from the dimension. The handwriting is much more shaky than previous reports.

Date: 23/10/2023
Incident: Bandit Dissuasion and Agents Involved in Actions Against Unknown Alien.
Assignment Related: General Area Actions - Bandit Detention, Supporting Civilian Infrastructure
Involved Agent(s): Agent Fedot Pushkin, Agent Roger Woods
Involved Organisations: International Aid Concern, Combine (Potentially Autonomous?), Local Civilians
Agent Pushkin and Woods were investigating a new outpost, at which point they were engaged by an alien unknown to them (later revealed to be a synth by Combine actors). Failure to take immediate and appropriate action resulted in an avoidable engagement, the agents were pursued by the synth, making several attempts to deter or outmanoeuvre it. Agents did run into civilians but encouraged them to flee and ensured the synth pursued the IAC. The agents eventually fled through a smaller hole, of which the synth persisted to follow but was eventually outran due to it failing to fit in the small tunnels.

Pictured: Unknown tech in Combine Checkpoint.
Agents later met up with the group of civilians and intended to join them in recovering supplies from the antlion cave. Though the agents hung took an alternative route to gain rear entry into the cave. Once able to see the group again, what appeared to be a bandit wielding a fire axe held up the trio of civilians. Agent Pushkin ushered Woods to rescue them, so Woods snuck up and struck the bandit unconscious.

Pictured: Synth after Agents threw a rock at it (to little effect).
At this point, the synth returned and startled the group. The civilians ran for cover while the agents were engaged directly, they were forced to abandon the bandit, who was promptly murdered by the synth. The civilians escaped succesfully after the synth pursued IAC agents.

Pictured: Agents attempt to disrupt pursuit by pushing a cart into the synth.
Though the agents made it some way, the synth pursued and eventually caught Agent Pushkin, striking him against the wall a number of times. Agent Woods was forced to flee but later returned to find Pushkin being treated by an Overwatch Soldier known to the group.

Pictured: Agent Pushkin is apprehended by the synth.
Pushkin was returned to a safe location, another civilian a provided medical aid. IAC activities are currently on hold until both agents recover.

Pictured: Civilian support Agent Woods to aid Pushkin. Civilians provided makeshift splints and some morphine.

Result: Failure - Both agents wounded, one severely.. Bandit eliminated by Combine Synth. Civilians protected from bandit. Despite this, the supply run was successful.
Reactions: List


Mar 13, 2023
Date: 22/11/2023
Assignment: Monitor Neutrality within GTC Outpost - Observe Conflict.
Involved Agent(s):
Agent Fedot Pushkin, Agent Roger Woods
Involved Organisations: International Aid Concern, Civil Protection, Local Cells, GTC
Garage Trading Collective Outpost was declared neutral territory (though continued to deal to both sides), a civil protection force was noted entering the outpost, and attempting to strong-arm the acting merchant. Within approximately thirty minutes, the GTC had gathered and a brief stand-off was held within the compound. It is currently unknown if violent escalation was made by the Combine, though they did cause the incident overall.

Pictured: Centre of the outpost, a number of officers and rebels were killed around the area, with four bodies being removed from the immediate scene.
It is believed the Combine attempted to stand-down but were assaulted by a GTC and Rebel force. Cornered and partly surrounded, the Civil Protection force was wiped out. A single officer survived though injured, they were stabilised by rebel forces and taken to the main building after the battle. While IAC Agents were preparing to take them inside, it was decided that the officer should be executed by a currently unknown but heavily armed rebel actor. Despite protest from the agent, they immediately executed the injured officer.

Pictured: Body of the executed officer.
Rebel forces made little to no attempt to loot the officer and claimed a fear of Overwatch retaliation, though no attacks immediately followed. Palace Courts declared the execution unlawful due to the ignored protests and lack of necessity. The disinterest in the officer's equipment by the executing rebels also suggests they killed the man without true reason.

The incident has lead to a significant rise in tensions and the GTC outpost has become a consistent battle-ground, with Combine patrols consistently executing merchants (who are often reported to be unarmed) and clashing with rebel patrols. It should be noted that the Combine remains the aggressor in the area, whereas the Rebels primarily fight defensively. The GTC remains within the outpost and has renounced the neutrality act. Agents have documented and buried all the bodies at the base of a cliff near an abandoned outpost, so as to keep it out of the way of combat. The identities and faces of fallen civil protection units have been reported to the database and attempts to locate and inform families are underway.

Pictured: A deceased member of the GTC alongside a civilian hastily equipped with a pistol. Both were killed during an assault by the Combine two days after the incident.
There is little evidence as the rebel actor was wearing a full Kevlar suit and mask. Priority for investigation is low as reports of Combine maiming civilians have arose, priority is set to investigate the Combine because they control a refugee camp on the far side. As of late, two other humanitarian crimes have been reported - the maiming of a civilian and the bombing of a clinic within the refugee camp.

It should be noted, however, that Combine hostility towards International Aid has declined significantly, with some officers being reported to show some element of concern for the agents, suggesting they seek cover and at times providing medical equipment to agents. This all follows an increase in our efforts to cooperate with both Rebels and Combine, providing basic repair services for the GTC as well as maintaining thumpers around the coast, agents also supplement the refugee camp's supplies and provide basic medical care to the wounded of both sides. It is worried that a continued investigation into both sides may strain relations with local forces, so an attempt to communicate with both sides will be made.

Result: Pending - Further Observation Required
Reactions: List