National Guard Comments, Complaints, and Criticisms


Apr 30, 2016
Would anyone actively complain about a more active threat? Seems like a rather large assumption to make.
The people I target.

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Jan 21, 2023
If the NG do nothing, people will complain that the NG does nothing
The NG goes around and actively hinder the combine at every given moment, the cops would complain

If the NG goes around and actually enforces the Cities laws and oppresses the rebels, the Rebels would actively complain - It's almost like no one actually wants the NG on the map. And with that I say the guard should double down its efforts to piss off rebels. They shouldn't be the good guys, just a load of thugs employed by a corrupt government. Confiscate weapons and equipment from rebels, issue fines for dumb shit just to embezzle themselves. Wearing any form of Hazard equipment (Gas mask) that isn't Infestation Crew certified is an instant arrest on suspicion of going to the QZ. Going into QZ is grounds for instant execution - can't risk another outbreak. No more open carry - y'all can't be trusted, the GUARD is here to protect you (smiley face). If you're skin is green, you better keep those arms down otherwise it's classed as a threat - Magic is strictly prohibited from being used in any way shape or form.

Give people a real reason to hate the guard, give guard the ability to just be absolute cunts (Leading to more shootouts and opportunity for the Guild to offer more lucrative employment to those resentful). And maybe later give rebels the chance to fully cripple them - raid their store rooms. Idk i'm not an event guy.
This summarises it pretty well. When we do actually crack down seriously on stuff the way we should, brutally. Some people take it to the forums and complain. That's quite counter intuitive.

And also, I think one big part of why the NG tends to shy away from being more oppressive with citizens is that it's pretty hard to police gangs of fully armed blacksuits, and it makes it even harder when they will escalate it into a bloody shootout over not being allowed to wear a mask.

Blacksuits and vorts come to snipe NG from the rooftops in front of PD, then complain over radio when the NG doesn't respond to a Combine incursion 10 minutes later. It is really, really quite ironic and counter productive.

Personally I myself always wanted to give even the most wanted law breaking rebels some leniency, a bit of passive roleplay rather than instantly jumping on the gun. Unfortunately 70% of the time, the rebel is the one who jumps on the gun, and what might have been their passive chance to get off with maybe a fine or warning, ends up in a shootout, because Johnny Rebel thinks it's worth starting a shootout over a traffic stop or not being allowed to wear a mask.

But, I digress. I think it would be better if the NG faction starts hard-assing rebels proper, if that's what they are asking for. Hopefully maybe go as far as setting out an RoE so guards can know the line between RDM and not, which is currently a little blurry and likely another reason why guards have been shying away from shooting more. Combined, they make for a solution that will make NG the faction it's meant to be.
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May 18, 2016
one thing about "oppression" roleplay (whether you're doing it as an NG or a CP) is that it is very important to be tasteful about it, and ensure the player across you is at least having a minimally enjoyable interaction even as you're beating the/arresting the/shooting the shit out of them.

if you're ever unsure, don't be afraid to reach out to that player later OOCly; the more you get controlled feedback on it, the more you can hone the 'art' of roleplaying an enjoyable dickhead to be around

i would like NG players to keep this in mind, especially going forward
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May 1, 2020
And also, I think one big part of why the NG tends to shy away from being more oppressive with citizens is that it's pretty hard to police gangs of fully armed blacksuits, and it makes it even harder when they will escalate it into a bloody shootout over not being allowed to wear a mask.

Blacksuits and vorts come to snipe NG from the rooftops in front of PD, then complain over radio when the NG doesn't respond to a Combine incursion 10 minutes later. It is really, really quite ironic and counter productive.
I'm just gonna input here really quick that generalizing blacksuits isn't a good idea since there are several groups of both Pro-NG and Anti-NG sides that utilize blacksuits. I've seen some groups go Terrorist mode on the NG because they're (the NG) pricks. I've seen some groups actively dissuade conflict with the Guard and promote appeasement.

But let me tell you something really quick. A situation that happened not too long ago.

If I wanted to be a dick, I'd just give the short explanation which would be:
National Guard confronts unarmed (no weapons in hand) two people on the street about breaking a window, ends in NG executing one with a bullet to the head.

The real story is that my char and another had walked through a broken car store window, NG pulled up, and a heated discussion happened where the NG actively demanded we stop wearing masks. One char refused, compared the NG to the Combine in their demand for authority, and was shot in the face for it.

What I don't like here is that the NG drew weapons aggressively for bad attitude, instead of jail threats, fines, or confiscations? A bullet to the face. No chance to react.

The NG being dicks is good for RP, it creates a divide in the rebel playerbase on how to proceed, but there is also a quality issue with the NG as well.


ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
I'm just gonna input here really quick that generalizing blacksuits isn't a good idea since there are several groups of both Pro-NG and Anti-NG sides that utilize blacksuits. I've seen some groups go Terrorist mode on the NG because they're (the NG) pricks. I've seen some groups actively dissuade conflict with the Guard and promote appeasement.

But let me tell you something really quick. A situation that happened not too long ago.

If I wanted to be a dick, I'd just give the short explanation which would be:
National Guard confronts unarmed (no weapons in hand) two people on the street about breaking a window, ends in NG executing one with a bullet to the head.

The real story is that my char and another had walked through a broken car store window, NG pulled up, and a heated discussion happened where the NG actively demanded we stop wearing masks. One char refused, compared the NG to the Combine in their demand for authority, and was shot in the face for it.

What I don't like here is that the NG drew weapons aggressively for bad attitude, instead of jail threats, fines, or confiscations? A bullet to the face. No chance to react.

The NG being dicks is good for RP, it creates a divide in the rebel playerbase on how to proceed, but there is also a quality issue with the NG as well.
yea oppression doesn’t mean senseless killing and beatings


Black Hole
Apr 26, 2016
I'm just gonna input here really quick that generalizing blacksuits isn't a good idea since there are several groups of both Pro-NG and Anti-NG sides that utilize blacksuits. I've seen some groups go Terrorist mode on the NG because they're (the NG) pricks. I've seen some groups actively dissuade conflict with the Guard and promote appeasement.

But let me tell you something really quick. A situation that happened not too long ago.

If I wanted to be a dick, I'd just give the short explanation which would be:
National Guard confronts unarmed (no weapons in hand) two people on the street about breaking a window, ends in NG executing one with a bullet to the head.

The real story is that my char and another had walked through a broken car store window, NG pulled up, and a heated discussion happened where the NG actively demanded we stop wearing masks. One char refused, compared the NG to the Combine in their demand for authority, and was shot in the face for it.

What I don't like here is that the NG drew weapons aggressively for bad attitude, instead of jail threats, fines, or confiscations? A bullet to the face. No chance to react.

The NG being dicks is good for RP, it creates a divide in the rebel playerbase on how to proceed, but there is also a quality issue with the NG as well.
I was actually part of that whole confrontation. We had the intention to let the suspect go with a warning after she removed her mask. She threatened us with death and an insurrection (followed by comparing the NG to the Civil Protection). We were following orders from our only active Sergeant on how to proceed with the situation, and we shot her. I will pointily state what you said about not giving the player a chance to react and her being unarmed/armored is false. We’d been posting written emotes on preparing ourselves to carry out the kill for any resisting movements or verbal threats. If anything, the detainee failed with doing any significant roleplay not displaying FearRPin her emotes and being emotionless with threatening two-armed soldiers. Aside from that, we gave her NLR, and we allowed the other person to leave.

Aside from that situation, we've been mostly chill with arrest cases such as Hyun and his friends, and Kelk. Keep in mind, Civil Protection used to frequently shoot or beat people to death for being in a wrong apartment building or for being familiars with a rebel. If the National Guard have been fundamentally built to rival the CPs in terms of brutality and punishments, they will definitely just as (if not, more) merciless with street punks and suspicious individuals. I would also iterate that the rebels too have been senselessly s2king the National Guard without roleplay. We had Vortigaunts blasting officers from the roofs during RP sessions, and we had Armbands straight up shoot us down while we were roleplaying evacuating a wounded recruit (during a Combine assault). I hope this clarifies everything.
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Apr 26, 2016
I'm not surprised that NG aren't entirely sure how to handle being oppressive - and I don't mean that as a slight, I mean that not even cops could get it entirely right most of the time and it was their entire job for years and years to do it.

I think a lot of people have the idea that they'll just kinda know what to do different when the reality on-server is shit often doesn't work out that way.
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Jun 1, 2017
tbh NG are kinda chill if you happen to have the common courtesy of providing them with interesting roleplay

on the day me, jj and sassy got arrested we were taken in because of a possible spy charge cuz ng caught us on a rooftop near their PD (we were reinforcing the outpost facing IZ and actually looking for a rooftop to try and hunt/sedate @Tinbe's panthereye and thought it'd be funny to throw shoes at one of the NGs) we actually got a generous financial compensation due to the misunderstanding, other than the interesting rp we got in the jail cells

i think the problem stems from both sides still, one side is almost entirely sure the other will immediately perform an s2k /me the moment things don't go their way. the way NG is currently presented from a IC standpoint is that they're a joke to a lot of rebels, most of them being ex-lambda contractors and geneva veterans. i do believe tho that NG has the firepower and organization to demonstrate themselves as a formidable, 'you should listen to me because it'll benefit us both!!!11!' type of force, it just needs the leads and NCOs to enforce proper conduct and be around more, basically oppression through soft power

seriously there's a lot of potential being wasted and both sides are ultimately at fault
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Mar 26, 2017
If the NG do nothing, people will complain that the NG does nothing
The NG goes around and actively hinder the combine at every given moment, the cops would complain

If the NG goes around and actually enforces the Cities laws and oppresses the rebels, the Rebels would actively complain - It's almost like no one actually wants the NG on the map. And with that I say the guard should double down its efforts to piss off rebels. They shouldn't be the good guys, just a load of thugs employed by a corrupt government. Confiscate weapons and equipment from rebels, issue fines for dumb shit just to embezzle themselves. Wearing any form of Hazard equipment (Gas mask) that isn't Infestation Crew certified is an instant arrest on suspicion of going to the QZ. Going into QZ is grounds for instant execution - can't risk another outbreak. No more open carry - y'all can't be trusted, the GUARD is here to protect you (smiley face). If you're skin is green, you better keep those arms down otherwise it's classed as a threat - Magic is strictly prohibited from being used in any way shape or form.

Give people a real reason to hate the guard, give guard the ability to just be absolute cunts (Leading to more shootouts and opportunity for the Guild to offer more lucrative employment to those resentful). And maybe later give rebels the chance to fully cripple them - raid their store rooms. Idk i'm not an event guy.
yknow hwat's funny
ever since i made this thread

the ng have actually done what i wanted them to lmao they've harassed the heck outta random people for nothing and downright stole from people as well

ng don't cause issues w/ rebels if they're outnumbered which is why you haven't seen anything uber-wild yet because they're still just regular people under all that and not ready to go out 1v5 against ppl with rifles and high-powered weaponry


Sep 12, 2018
One of my main gripes with rebels in this iteration that has been emphasised with the NG situation has been their overall inability to take an L and being more morally reprehensible than the majority of the cop faction.

I'm not talking about S2K or anything idc who wins those engagements since it's barely ever relevant to RP but on a character and group level, it's been a consistent problem I've faced. For individuals, this usually manifests in a lack of fearRP and a Marvel movie tendency to shit out a one-liner or facetious remark, fr feels like I'm playing Forspoken or something and for the larger groups it's just not being able to backdown.

I think the rebel community as a whole should learn to fall in line with certain things for the sake of the server story, realism, etc. Like literally starting a street war over being asked NOT to carry guns or wear ski masks like roadmen in a city they aren't in charge of is crazy. I've seen barely any conflict sparked over wanting to change the status quo, make Bucharest better or safer or even just instal a new government, it's all over the pettiest of things.


Risen From Ruins
Aug 13, 2017
One of my main gripes with rebels in this iteration that has been emphasised with the NG situation has been their overall inability to take an L and being more morally reprehensible than the majority of the cop faction.

I'm not talking about S2K or anything idc who wins those engagements since it's barely ever relevant to RP but on a character and group level, it's been a consistent problem I've faced. For individuals, this usually manifests in a lack of fearRP and a Marvel movie tendency to shit out a one-liner or facetious remark, fr feels like I'm playing Forspoken or something and for the larger groups it's just not being able to backdown.

I think the rebel community as a whole should learn to fall in line with certain things for the sake of the server story, realism, etc. Like literally starting a street war over being asked NOT to carry guns or wear ski masks like roadmen in a city they aren't in charge of is crazy. I've seen barely any conflict sparked over wanting to change the status quo, make Bucharest better or safer or even just instal a new government, it's all over the pettiest of things.
install a lambda-friendly government? no…. my fucking black suits…
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Black Hole
Apr 26, 2016
I think the rebel community as a whole should learn to fall in line with certain things for the sake of the server story, realism, etc. Like literally starting a street war over being asked NOT to carry guns or wear ski masks like roadmen in a city they aren't in charge of is crazy. I've seen barely any conflict sparked over wanting to change the status quo, make Bucharest better or safer or even just instal a new government, it's all over the pettiest of things.
that's because they're high-security prison inmates, larping as rebels 'cus guns go boom!!!!!
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Jun 7, 2023
It was my hope that this map change was going to try to pull away from the whole "Us Vs. Them Dynamic" associated with the previous set of maps. It makes me upset to see that the only time the server as a whole gains a decent population is when there is an event associated with attacking the NG because they know they are going to get steamrolled due to low numbers and that weapon scripts/ammo is going to drop.

It was well established that the change over to this map as a whole was supposed to be a crack at going slightly closer to a city RP dynamic but it feels more like random acts of sporadic combat in a city map.

The idea of the NG was cool but I don't like how we've effectively become the servers primary source of PVP combat cause we are easy to shoot at and win because of our often low playercount and a lack other current serverside conditions. Trying to RP with the locals with only 4 other NGs only to have your head blown off mid RP by the gang of 16+ Blacksuits has gotten really old really fast.


GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
It was my hope that this map change was going to try to pull away from the whole "Us Vs. Them Dynamic" associated with the previous set of maps. It makes me upset to see that the only time the server as a whole gains a decent population is when there is an event associated with attacking the NG because they know they are going to get steamrolled due to low numbers and that weapon scripts/ammo is going to drop.

It was well established that the change over to this map as a whole was supposed to be a crack at going slightly closer to a city RP dynamic but it feels more like random acts of sporadic combat in a city map.

The idea of the NG was cool but I don't like how we've effectively become the servers primary source of PVP combat cause we are easy to shoot at and win because of our often low playercount and a lack other current serverside conditions. Trying to RP with the locals with only 4 other NGs only to have your head blown off mid RP by the gang of 16+ Blacksuits has gotten really old really fast.
cant force people to rp. some people exist only to get domed, just get better


Sep 25, 2021
It was my hope that this map change was going to try to pull away from the whole "Us Vs. Them Dynamic" associated with the previous set of maps. It makes me upset to see that the only time the server as a whole gains a decent population is when there is an event associated with attacking the NG because they know they are going to get steamrolled due to low numbers and that weapon scripts/ammo is going to drop.

It was well established that the change over to this map as a whole was supposed to be a crack at going slightly closer to a city RP dynamic but it feels more like random acts of sporadic combat in a city map.

The idea of the NG was cool but I don't like how we've effectively become the servers primary source of PVP combat cause we are easy to shoot at and win because of our often low playercount and a lack other current serverside conditions. Trying to RP with the locals with only 4 other NGs only to have your head blown off mid RP by the gang of 16+ Blacksuits has gotten really old really fast.
Yeah, I've had fun in the faction, experienced some cool P2L scenarios, had some nice passive moments, and the occasional shootout that felt fairly justified

but these random instances of team death match, especially those that disrupt roleplay, are distasteful and exhausting

There's potential to be had in this faction for sure, and I've been putting in a decent amount of effort but I feel like unless some harsh rules are put into place our activity will only dwindle to the point where there's only a couple of us on at most