News Preview/Discussion - WW3RP: STASILAND

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the freakster
Feb 3, 2017
Could you of chosen any bigger set of images?

I'll assume that was a light quip at me because of my alias. I'm going to have to disappoint you and tell you I'm not Japanese. But regardless of that I'll give you a serious response.

The Japanese flag is unique and full of purpose despite its accusation of being called 'basic ass'. It being a flag that's has its roots based in the tail of how the Japanese people came about. Japan its often called by some as the land of the rising sun. That being because of Amaterasu the sun goddess who brought about the first Japanese men which were descended from pale white offspring of said Goddess. This is why the Emperor in Japan is seemed as a heavenly figure because of their direct linge of lineage back to the sun goddess. Meanwhile yanks were too lazy to make a unique flag that represented their throwing toys out of pram and copied a pre-established flag and made one alteration. At least the Canadians who chose the maple leaf because of were they live put more effort into it.
red dot

Deleted member 305

I think Disorder makes some valid points about there needing to be a change in peoples attitude for things to succeed. Although I think thwy could have put it a bit nicer. I do appreciate people being blunt about their opinions, and I have been blunt with people regarding things recently (Especially regarding past grevances). Although thats been done privately, and done without directly insulting them. As much as I want a clean slate with this new gamemode, its hard to do that with some people. I completely get what Disorder is saying, I just think this thread isn't the place to be stirring drama with abrupt and direct confrontation.

WW3RP has led to some great RP moments, and under the right circumstances I've created some great character development. But more often than not, especially on 1990RP, those moments were ruined by people breaking character and choosing to dick around over RP.

I'm guilty of that too. That was predominantly due to the fact thst there wad no point in RPing and developing a char properly when you felt like thw only one enthusiastic in doing so. But with Stasiland we are fostering a new gamemode, and hopefully with it a new attitude towards RP.

I have no interest in old WW3RP, thats because the reliances on S2K over character and atmosphere. Stasiland is the answer to that. I hope that you all see that and you can address your own attitude to the server as appropriate.

And ultimately I hope you guys have fun and enjoy our idea.
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the freakster
Feb 3, 2017
shooting bad roleplay good
thanks for coming to my ted talk

cns standing up against the masses

Deleted member 305

Rocky IV is one of my favourite movies and is the best Rocky movie. Its pure Cold War propaganda and fucking rediculous but I love everything from the Soviet super soldier boxer to Paulie's robot.

this shit made me spasm out when i saw it in the cinema, simply amazing tbh


Apr 30, 2016
I'm trying to have some lunch and a crow keeps hawking away in my neighbours back garden, then the mad junkies come outside and fucking hawk back at the crow for a solid few minutes.

How is your day lads?


Apr 26, 2016
Japan's flag is beautiful, simply designed, easy to read from a-far, and has a meaningful history and symbolism behind it

anyone who says it's a bad flag are the kind of people who like Liberian county flags
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Aug 14, 2016
I think Disorder makes some valid points about there needing to be a change in peoples attitude for things to succeed. Although I think thwy could have put it a bit nicer. I do appreciate people being blunt about their opinions, and I have been blunt with people regarding things recently (Especially regarding past grevances). Although thats been done privately, and done without directly insulting them. As much as I want a clean slate with this new gamemode, its hard to do that with some people. I completely get what Disorder is saying, I just think this thread isn't the place to be stirring drama with abrupt and direct confrontation.

WW3RP has led to some great RP moments, and under the right circumstances I've created some great character development. But more often than not, especially on 1990RP, those moments were ruined by people breaking character and choosing to dick around over RP.

I'm guilty of that too. That was predominantly due to the fact thst there wad no point in RPing and developing a char properly when you felt like thw only one enthusiastic in doing so. But with Stasiland we are fostering a new gamemode, and hopefully with it a new attitude towards RP.

I have no interest in old WW3RP, thats because the reliances on S2K over character and atmosphere. Stasiland is the answer to that. I hope that you all see that and you can address your own attitude to the server as appropriate.

And ultimately I hope you guys have fun and enjoy our idea.

I would have probably not have stuck as long as I did if it wasn't for you, really. You were one of the few people which I could roleplay with and enjoyed it the fullest and we had one of the greatest character developments. There were a few too but they slowly disappeared, losing interest in doing mostly s2k all day.
I don't want to sound grim honestly but from what I saw at the /other/ community who died within a few months is that it was literally a carbon copy of WW3RP.

Even if you change the setting, the aspects, gameplay, visuals and any other you will sill need a key element. A set of rules to actually enforce, not be there. If you're going to have more than a half of the administration team messing around with the other players because they're affraid of not going with the flow then this server is prone to doom from the start.

Make clear rules, enforce them. Ultimately be met with the choice of quantity over quality.


Apr 30, 2016
I think Disorder makes some valid points about there needing to be a change in peoples attitude for things to succeed. Although I think thwy could have put it a bit nicer. I do appreciate people being blunt about their opinions, and I have been blunt with people regarding things recently (Especially regarding past grevances). Although thats been done privately, and done without directly insulting them. As much as I want a clean slate with this new gamemode, its hard to do that with some people. I completely get what Disorder is saying, I just think this thread isn't the place to be stirring drama with abrupt and direct confrontation.

WW3RP has led to some great RP moments, and under the right circumstances I've created some great character development. But more often than not, especially on 1990RP, those moments were ruined by people breaking character and choosing to dick around over RP.

I'm guilty of that too. That was predominantly due to the fact thst there wad no point in RPing and developing a char properly when you felt like thw only one enthusiastic in doing so. But with Stasiland we are fostering a new gamemode, and hopefully with it a new attitude towards RP.

I have no interest in old WW3RP, thats because the reliances on S2K over character and atmosphere. Stasiland is the answer to that. I hope that you all see that and you can address your own attitude to the server as appropriate.

And ultimately I hope you guys have fun and enjoy our idea.

I would have probably not have stuck as long as I did if it wasn't for you, really. You were one of the few people which I could roleplay with and enjoyed it the fullest and we had one of the greatest character developments. There were a few too but they slowly disappeared, losing interest in doing mostly s2k all day.
I don't want to sound grim honestly but from what I saw at the /other/ community who died within a few months is that it was literally a carbon copy of WW3RP.

Even if you change the setting, the aspects, gameplay, visuals and any other you will sill need a key element. A set of rules to actually enforce, not be there. If you're going to have more than a half of the administration team messing around with the other players because they're affraid of not going with the flow then this server is prone to doom from the start.

Make clear rules, enforce them. Ultimately be met with the choice of quantity over quality.
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