What's Next? - HL2RP: Early Days

Nov 27, 2022
but he has done it though hence my complaints, I've no delusions that a man who'se spent six years in a community has no care at all for it.
and ur complaints are valid which is why i didnt even bother to factor it into my original post, which was addressing specific claims being made about lewis by those who were making them. if you didnt make said addressed claims, then it's not directed at you and you don't need to shoehorn in things i left out as though i was trying to defend them and thus obfuscating and derailing what i actually WAS talking about. pls don't be contextphobic.

either way, if ur going to be bad faith abt it then i would rather this line of discussion end with this post. im going to bed. gn.


HL2 RP Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Mar 25, 2018
you have to consider that we're all just laborers in a collapsing coal mine that is gmod serious hl2rp at this point

no one is doing it because of any material reward, we're all in it because we want to do create our own thing

this of course means we're running off our motivation to get stuff done and it hits hard whenever people flame the iteration we all spent time on, this one or the next

concerns can be talked about, even publicly, and not rely on quick remarks to get your point across
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GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
and ur complaints are valid which is why i didnt even bother to factor it into my original post, which was addressing specific claims being made about lewis by those who were making them. if you didnt make said addressed claims, then it's not directed at you and you don't need to shoehorn in things i left out as though i was trying to defend them and thus obfuscating and derailing what i actually WAS talking about. pls don't be contextphobic.

either way, if ur going to be bad faith abt it then i would rather this line of discussion end with this post. im going to bed. gn.
lol bad faith?????????????? don't take the moral highground enjoy your sleep
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HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 16, 2017
you have to consider that we're all just laborers in a collapsing coal mine that is gmod serious hl2rp at this point

Gmod staffing
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the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018
but HL2RP² fell into the trap of trying to be a forever iteration which just isn't gonna work anymore.

I at least will be pushing for a proper plan and reasonable expectations on how long we intend to operate so it can be more cohesive and prepared.
On the contrary, I believe what used to be one of neb's biggest strengths was its longevity. You could easily take a break and come back even after a year to a medium you knew and enjoyed.
On top of that, one of the things that enthralled me the most back when I'd first joined was the fact that when somebody was telling you a story about some significant event, it had actually happened on the server. It was crazy back then to imagine that all the battles @Civil Protection was ICly telling me about had actually happened and I could've found more witnesses of the event(s) had I looked around and spoken to more people.

This community has turned away from that trait so much that we're about to face the... Fourth complete database wipe in the last three years. It's gotten bad to the point where people simply remake their characters and pretend it's all a singular storyline regardless - understandably so.

I will not lie; it's one of the reasons I'm skeptical about what's coming. Nevertheless, I hope the novelty offered will be enough to reclaim the favour of the people.
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Sep 12, 2018
ok I actually respect doubling down even after your friend (?) tried to damage control
I hadn't actually read anything yet because I wasn't tagged. Say what you want about me being toxic or whatever, but it's crazy to see the far-right truther guy drop in to say I hate disabled people. Not sure what that has to do with me being incredibly frustrated and annoyed with the state of Nebulous after months of work.


jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
Jarvis, pull up the John McCree N word logs AND his friends actual Rape RP logs.
You could've just mentioned the RapeRP guide I made years ago, at least that would've been funny and relevant

Like if you're going to double down, double down in a way that actually means something instead of this nothing burger
I hadn't actually read anything yet because I wasn't tagged. Say what you want about me being toxic or whatever, but it's crazy to see the far-right truther guy drop in to say I hate disabled people. Not sure what that has to do with me being incredibly frustrated and annoyed with the state of Nebulous after months of work.
What a joke. You're the one cherrypicking what slurs to say and what to not, and refusing/being too ignorant to see what's wrong in that.

If you're going to pick what slurs you do use and what slurs you don't, you're just telling people you're more than happy to insult certain groups but not others. It makes you look like an ableist. The reason I actually give a shit on this one is that I am disabled and I've had to contend with retard being used as an insult at multiple points throughout my life. I don't see what politics has to do with someone being disabled or not, if you want to be selective about the words being used it just makes you out as an ableist.
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Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
While I understand the frustrations on display, It's not cool to take it out on random community members or the community itself as a whole. Please keep it civil and constructive yeah

Your free time is valuable, don't waste it stewing in negativity
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Sep 12, 2018
What a joke. You're the one cherrypicking what slurs to say and what to not, and refusing/being too ignorant to see what's wrong in that.

If you're going to pick what slurs you do use and what slurs you don't, you're just telling people you're more than happy to insult certain groups but not others. It makes you look like an ableist. The reason I actually give a shit on this one is that I am disabled and I've had to contend with retard being used as an insult at multiple points throughout my life. I don't see what politics has to do with someone being disabled or not, if you want to be selective about the words being used it just makes you out as an ableist.
this is an argument you made up in your head and which is not relevant to anything that has been said in this thread

I know you have a tendency to fixate on random things like this, i.e not being given vort lead or having an N.G thread tantrums, because you think its you getting one over me, but please, get over this one, because I don't understand what your point is at all.

It's like, Rob mentioned the toxicity crackdown, I clarified it was for people using slurs, which in our case was the N and F word, then had a le funny moment with @deathwolf over me saying retard in the post, like I and plenty here haven't been for the past 10 years. I don't know how you came to the conclusion that I now hate disabled people, or why you thought it important enough to bring it up, but it's really really creepy when you are in fact a far right individual with a history of genuine bigotry trying to spin this as me somehow being down at your level.

If you're going to @ me for toxicity, take your own advice little fella.
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jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
It's like, Rob mentioned the toxicity crackdown, I clarified it was for people using slurs, which in our case was the N and F word, then had a le funny moment with @deathwolf over me saying retard in the post, like I and plenty here haven't been for the past 10 years.
It wasn't a 'haha look at that'.

You demonstrated a clear doublestandard and then doubled down on it. You're more than happy to say slurs pertaining to the disabled, and still cherrypick saying slurs to other groups. You care about some slurs and not others, and that's why you're ableist.

Then again what else should I expect from someone who reacts to any sort of criticism with dredging up the past as some pathetic deflection. You don't address points head on, you mince base-level responses with personalised attacks to hurt the other person.


Sep 12, 2018
Then again what else should I expect from someone who reacts to any sort of criticism with dredging up the past as some pathetic deflection. You don't address points head on, you mince base-level responses with personalised attacks to hurt the other person.
You have never criticized me. You have only ever whined that you didn't get your way. N.G thread is still open if you'd like to go back and remind yourself of the insane takes you had, and I'm sure the discord logs regarding vort is still there.

I may be toxic and impassioned, but I have and do offer real and polite criticism, and also take it very often, especially between fellow writers and admins on Netspark.
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