Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread


HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 16, 2017
Next time I see shit/fart RP you can expect them to be airborne in record time.
they are called BIOs. no idea what the fuck that's supposed to mean. i want them to go down to the ground like dive bomber, pick up unsuspecting people like they are massive eagles and we are little rodents. they bring you all the way up and make you fall. splat. LOL!
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Apr 14, 2017
Okay serious post time. if you listen to any of them, listen to this one.
This took some splicing of different takes, but basically what I did was I fed GPT-3 (a text-generation AI) a transcript of a Breencast. I then asked it to create a new speech based on oppression. This is what it spat out:


I took this, and edited it through trial and error so that it flowed better in a speech, and made it sound more like breen. My final transcript was this:
It's come to my attention that some have recently criticized our benefactors for the control they hold over us as a species. Some call it oppression. I, however, call it necessary. We're not yet ready to be free from their watchful eyes and guidance. Our species is still in its infancy, and the Combine has taken the role of a wise parent - one who knows that although we may not realize it now, they're doing what's best for us in the long run.

The Combine understands that our existence is fragile. Without proper guidance and control, we will easily succumb to destructive tendencies. They've set limits for us, so we may learn self-discipline and practice restraint in areas where Instinct alone would lead us astray. By controlling this primal urge, they ensure that we remain focused on more noble pursuits. Think of all their focus has afforded us. The exploration of knowledge, understanding of cultures outside our own, and advancement of technology. the list goes on!

Oppression? No. No, I reject that notion. I prefer to view it as protection. Protection while we mature into a responsible society capable of taking care of itself alongside our benefactors. Until then, however reluctantly or eagerly you accept it, let's give thanks to the Combine for keeping our species safe. Let us allow them to perform their role in leading us to our ultimate goal. Enlightenment!

I took this, and fed chunks of it into the AI. I took those chunks and spliced the best of them together in Audacity, to come up with this final product:

Thus, what we have here, is an entirely original Breen speech, generated almost entirely by Artificial Intelligence. All it took was the light shepherding of a human familiar with Breen's mannerisms, and making it all work together.
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Apr 14, 2017
Also, doing that took about maybe 30 minutes of my time. And most of that was just figuring out the workflow. I know I'm not really a part of this project, but if whoever's currently in charge of hl2rp here (I think @Numbers) wants me to generate some stuff for the server, I can realistically probably pump these out once I get used to it.

Imagine making custom speeches where breen directly responds to the events of the server. These voice clips are almost indistinguishable from the real thing. Certainly enough so that if the mp3 was pumped into the server and used as part of a /broadcast, the immersion levels would be out of this world.


Apr 27, 2016
Also, doing that took about maybe 30 minutes of my time. And most of that was just figuring out the workflow. I know I'm not really a part of this project, but if whoever's currently in charge of hl2rp here (I think @Numbers) wants me to generate some stuff for the server, I can realistically probably pump these out once I get used to it.

Imagine making custom speeches where breen directly responds to the events of the server. These voice clips are almost indistinguishable from the real thing. Certainly enough so that if the mp3 was pumped into the server and used as part of a /broadcast, the immersion levels would be out of this world.
Make episode 2 overwatch ai voices
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