Twas the night


Deleted member 930

I don't have a lot of friends here on this Community, I have genuine distrust to new people I met because of my paste experience with others, so I keep it short. Although I want to say I really enjoy staying in this Community, and it's people who reside her, Apologies with my grammar btw.

@D3NN1S I met him back when I was PATROL-2 in I17 and he was one of the active Dispatchers which I got to know, we became friends through time to time and supported us eachother or discussed about subjects which we both we were concerned. Other then that only of the few invidiuals which I can put my hand into the fire.

@Wulfeh I came to know you when switched over to us from WW3RP to Hl2rp and got to know you better as you joined the CP, It was enjoyable really and the situations we encountered the more closer we became, I can't ask for anything better partners I had.

@Cherry I liked your humor and honestly that situation where I accidently radioed something but wanted to whisper you about the OTA how they look like Mashmellows that was the most funniest fail I did, I got to spent 5 minutes in the Amputation chamber with someone putting on the walls "Mashmellows", Funny enough I made a Screenshot

@Numbers Unfortuntatly we don't get to talk a lot maybe because I found that we didn't walked the same track, Although I liked you as a Companion and as a Buddy in the paste.

@Zomba PATROL-1 funny things happend around us both back in I17 and I can't really remember what only with that accident Stun baton incident which I knocked you out accidently, but I didn't forgot about you.

@AdamiX In C24 I was a bit more on the edge and a cunt because I disapproved the methods you used but besides that I can't be mad against my Microsoft Mike.

@Nicrobe Fellow Friendo I didn't knew before until I really got to know him in I17end/C24 and we had aswell enjoyable moments together.

@Wanted I don't know if you either liked me or being totally sarcastic towards me and hated my guts but I still wanted to you thank again for helping me to make it to CP.

@Kraiyick Without you and Wanted I think I wouldn't have came so far and mostly would have sticked in WW3RP as Rudolf Winter but thanks to you I made it to the CP and got to know new people and new view in Hl2rp and I promised myself not to leave the faction until end of the server or if something really really happend that makes me leave.

@Samurai I think you came aswell form WW3RP and began again in Hl2rp but you were someone who I could talk to and enjoyed conversations and sometimes we had disagreements but I was happy to have you as my company.

@Sambo You were new to the CP in I17 and we got to talk a bit and it was enjoyable having you as a buddy in a PT.

@Todias A buddy which I got to know in I17 and we had those really funny adventure back then and I really like you're friendliy attiude.


Apr 26, 2016
@Berke solid lad, literally wrote 90% of my CP app. Had a lot of fun fucking around on other servers. And don't forget Berek Hammer.

@axid crazy nazi headcop that knows how to do everything

@Derpy Rida knows how to keep things organized and is a criminal mastermind

@Wanted young boy captured by roleplay. Italian gang was neat and was a blast playing pubg with you (and other games)

Other good lads: @liew @Hoblit
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shit medic
Apr 26, 2016
seriously though mine's @MrWong

one of the first friends I made on LP that I'd talk to every day and still do occasionally.

Shadow Flex

Apr 26, 2016
@RabidMaggot93 @shad @Jaf @Turhral @Jaxk @Tinbe @Chris @Liraxus @halolegend2000 @WolfSyndrome @Dr. sandu @RGB @TEA @zoo @Lemon Cuntcake @FieldersNL @Chris .P. Bacon @Dunban @Mic15000 @SpookyMaki @Cheka @Gentlemanly Headcrab @Warwick

I inevitably left some people out, and for that I am sorry.

What can I say about you guys? You gave my life meaning here on nebulous. Without your support and patronage I wouldn't have been here (not that I am now). A lead without his kin is a lead of no one. I would like to thank you for putting up with my bullshit. Everything that I did came from my heart, good and bad. I've been a dick, or maybe an asshole, but my intentions have always been to provide a good experience- no, the best Vort faction experience on a HL2RP server. I don't know if I succeeded in your eyes, but do know that despite the hardships, I enjoyed accommodating every single one of you. You are the reason this faction exists. This all might sound like fake flattery, but if you really think about it you'll know it's true.

@Numbers My metal pal. I enjoy your company and for a :heyzeus: you are quite bright my friend. I wish we could hang out sometime, but distance is a bitch.

@Berke Yes, I do hate you. I'm kidding. Despite your lineage, you prove all those bastards wrong by being a very genuine and kind friend. Keep doing what you love best and never let depression get to you. I'm always here if you need to vent.

@Aether Who would've thought someone you dislike could turn into such a friend. You never gave up on me and for that I'll always remember it.

@Chicken Ah yes, my nemesis. I don't know what you think of me now, but do know that you're still the best goddamn german I'll meet. Thank you for the support all these years.

@Blackquill I'm surprised you're not mentally insane from the amount of shit your neurons have to cope with on a daily basis. You'll always be the best SD I've ever seen. Hope to see you be a CEO one day, I think your career lies there rather than going for politics; but who am I to say.

@Mangiyko You probably won't read this. Nevertheless, I've never seen a new player rise so high in such a small amount of time. You left with flying colors and I will be forever grateful for indulging and sharing my passion.

@Hoovie the Apansenok I don't hate you.

@betazero9 The first friend a made on a RP community. Even though we don't talk anymore, you'll always be remembered. Shoot me a message sometime.

@Vortigangster The person responsible for hooking me up and one of the closest friends I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. I will definitely visit your snowy wasteland some day.

@Reinhart merry fucking christmas you magnificent bastard
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Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
I don't know if I am in time for this but it's not like I care about the games, rather I'd like to write a few words for my fellow nebulians.

First off, I'll start with specifics, VERY specifics, not because there's no other people I like/agree with/enjoy spending time with/whatever but because I am like that. There's also people who I won't even mention but they're good friends and they know I appreciate them being there everyday, no need for Christmas cards.

First off, @Blackquill, I think I've said this already, but sorry for the trouble, and thanks. Thank you a hundred times for the work you put in this community, for the constant efforts and for the shit you have to go through everyday so we, the rest of Nebulous, can enjoy the servers and the forums. You may not know it but you're incredible and a natural leader (a leader, not a dictator), someone who really knows how to put people together and push things forwards regardless of the situation. This, of course, also goes for @alex, who does more work than people really want to acknowledge. You two, alongside the rest of the Head Staff, deserve all my respect.

Then, we have my dearest WI. @Nicrobe @Tarannus @Gino :3 @Captain Cardgage @Shrek and the rest, you guys have helped me shape the faction, which I hope will improve over time, even if it's being a really slow process. I started in this faction the third day after I joined the server, and it gave me everything I needed. I found comfort, fun, laughs and of course, great roleplay.

@Atle and @Poopsie, as almost everyone else I have a few words for you. I'm incredibly disappointed and sad on how things ended up, and I don't blame you, nor I blame anyone else, things just crashed too hard and there was no way to do anything. Atle, big man, you left us and probably you won't see this message since you also left the forums, but I want you to know you're incredible, a wonderful person and a great friend. Poopsie, I don't know what you're up to, somebody said you were turning into the next best musician around, but I'm happy enough knowing you're fine. Good luck with your future plans, man, you'll always have a place among us.

@Raouldukejnr I had to make a special thingy for you. The WI thing applies to you, but I just wanted to say you're a fucking pain in the ass and I'd rather jump off a building than stand any of your american pride rants again. And yeah you're awesome man, keep it up.

@Agitha lol kappal I mean whoops yeah thanks for all the roleplay and Discord/TS memes, I've had my fair shair of laughs with you, and you're a super sweet person, don't change that.

@Jet I always say I hate you but I don't. Or maybe I do. Merry Christmas you little retard, next time we meet in TS I'll try to be less of a grumpy bastard.

- The Staff Team: I know sometimes I've not been the most reasonable person. I know I have made mistakes, caused trouble and I'd say some have encountered feelings about me now, even anger or resentment. I want to say sorry for all of this, even if it may sound empty. I wasn't in the best of moods and I let that influence my daily staff duties and relations, that I admit. Regardless of all the things that have happened this year, putting aside our differences and forgetting our past feelings, I'd like to start 2018 anew, from scratch, to build a stronger, friendlier staff team, that cooperates to improve the community.

We're reaching the end now, let's see...

@Elizabeth you fucking twat, stupid trash that I deeply hate, I despise the moment I met you back in City 8, I regret every single time I have roleplayed with you and I'll I wish for this new year is for you to finally disappear off the face of Earth...
Alright, I don't know what part of me wrote that but I'll just say it's a joke, after all that's how people cover for all their insults and offenses ever. Honestly, you're a great friend, bit of a grumpy cat but that just makes it funnier to hear you complain when we disturb your sleep in TS3 (or whatever you may be doing that keeps you from answering..............). I hope we can get along as well as we do this upcoming year, and that you forgive me for being a nuisance to you, I do it because I like to hear you complain like an old man.[/SPOILER]

@Flippy don't you think I forgot about you, man. I said this already and I think I can say it a hundred times more, you're a great person. You have your fair share of haters and sadly a reputation among certain circles that you do not deserve at all. I've had my fair share of fun with you, but you've also shown me there's still people I manage to misjudge - I thought of you differently, but now I respect you. Carry on, big guy, you have a good heart.

@Berke and @Cow, it's been a while since we last played, but I enjoyed a lot playing with you two. Wishing to see you around sometime, great people indeed. Thanks for all the fun times.

@Pumpkin and @Jaydawg I may have had my encounters with you both, but that does not mean I despise you at all. We've had fun and stuff many times, laughed and shit, and I don't want to lose the fun times to some petty discussion. Sorry for the trouble, and I hope we can continue working for the greater good.

And finally, last but not least, or whatever you want to address it as, @Kurumi Nya. We crossed paths before in the community, many times, but never got to know eachother better. You're the best example I have to show how stupid I am for being so introverted and trying to keep people away from me instead of getting to know them. Had I kept said attitude, I would've never met you properly, and of course we would have never enjoyed the games and shit we've done together, thanks for showing me a different perspective. Even if in the future for whatever reason we part ways (which I hope we don't, wouldn't like to be in bad terms with you), I'll never regret meeting you, since you've given me a really good lesson for life (on a roleplay forum/over the internet, lol). I can say this has made my 2017 a bit better, even if at the very end of it, and that 2018 will be for sure a better year.

For the rest, for all those I forgot for whatever reason: Thank you. Many of you are incredible, wonderful people that make this community enjoyable. I wish the best for you all, enjoy xmas with those you hold dearest, and good luck for this new upcoming year that may prove itself challenging, but we'll get through just fine. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
Figured I'd throw a few words in irregardless of the topic, just get some greetings off my chest.
Shout out to @Powley for being such a generous host and creating this in the first place, which surely wasn't easy on his wallet.

@Surrator - Despite the changing times, you've always stayed the same friendly, experience voice of reason whenever you've gone. Most of us wouldn't be the same without you, so it would be ignorant of me not to offer my thanks here. I thank you for all that you've done.

@Cramdam - Even though you're probably going to need someone send this to you since you're [removed] from here, I just thought that I'd mention that your hijinks (although brief) were entertaining for what they were. You even caught the majority unaware, which is a nice feat.
Good luck with whatever happens next, even if it is shooting me in the face again.

@ruble - You're a man walking a pavement of corpses in most situations. Still a good friend, though.

@cookiro - The above, except the road's extra high and you've got a bigger gun. Keep playing a Unit and you might actually join the Gardai, though. Enjoy yourself, man.

@PilotBland - As the forum punching bag, you've taken a beating practically everywhere you've gone, yet you're still maintaining a level of discipline that's impressive. Try not to bunnyhop over zoid again and you might even make another year at this rate.

@LU PURP - Everyone has practically voiced why I'd be thanking you, but I'd like to restate that no matter what, you've stuck with us all throughout the months. Enjoy your future here, Scully.

@Dan - Honestly, watching your hijinks is like someone trying to blend another episode of Seinfeld together, if it wasn't for all the narcotics and squabbling that happens. Props to you for sticking together and engaging in such a dynamic, it's a nice highlight of Nebulous's offerings.

@Blackquill - I don't know how (or why) you've chosen to stay as the Server Director and deal with people (who in some cases, should be sent to an asylum) without anything barring personal satisfaction, but without you, we'd all be nothing more than a primal swamp of CWU cuties, homicidal units and clone-cutout rebels.

@Killstar - Get a good start with that rig and you'll be back in no time. It's been a while, but I wish you well and hope your GPU doesn't explode when you finally reconnect to this place.

@Baker - A recent but duly earned addition to the HC team, the dedication you continue to enhance the faction with (such as stopping human waves running into hazardous tunnels) demonstrates why such a decent player as yourself deserved the rule. I bid you luck with your pursuits, and hopefully you might even convince @Gaben to call off his deathsquad.

@Nicrobe - You. @key and @FieldersNL are one of the most active SA's I've seen around during my moments on the server. You're all dedicated, professional and friendly to the experienced and the new, and the server would definitely not be the same without you.

@medley - I took a huge change joining your sub-faction, and it paid off while you helped manage and set it up, and acted as a mentor for all of us. I'd also like to thank @Megafreak on the same note.

@skeletonman - Jesus christ, it's been quite a while from where we started.
You're the one who lead me here, and for that, I've got nothing but praise and respect for it. If you hadn't, I can't imagine where I'd have gone, presumably for the better. Have a merry Christmas, dude.

@angus - If you need someone unsavory murdered in an insane asylum (begotten) then there's no one better.
Oh, and you're a decent guy when you're not torturing scully in the TS3.

A few others aren't mentioned but of course, I've already said my thanks in person. Irregardless, I bid you all my thanks.

Before I conclude this post, I'd like to wish everyone else a happy holiday and the start of a better year.

Enjoy yourselves.​
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Shit fuck
Apr 26, 2016
uhhhhhHHhh lemme get two emotional pizzA

first we'll go with @Cramdam cause he's a fuckin joker that always lifts my mood with stupid shit, fart gang hours up in this bitch, ive probably known him for one of the longest alongside @Powley and @Remen

I'd like to thank @ramsey for being an all round cool dude thats pretty chill to kick back and play games with, i know i take jabs at you all the time pal but they're all in good spirit xx

@Snowyy for being a massiVe IDIOT, and dealing with my shit, you've been with me since before i even set foot on lp so i mean thanks for sticking around as long as u have ; - D

@Remen for being the extreme asian dud he was always destined to be, and being fucking skits at video games and stupid shit, you and @skyshield are probably the best CS:GO players I have ever met, you lot are crazy man idk how you do that shit

@Blackquill ONLY BECAUSE HE LIKES GORILLAZ, and maybe because he's a cool guy on the side

@Powley @Ein and @harry I'd say I can place you guys into a little section, seeing as when I speak to you lot it's normally as a group, a bunch of lads that're good to spend time with and pretty much play any game and make it broken.

@Englishh give me back my wepon ;/

@Hobo Horse actually the only person I can solidly say is a real human bean because I've physically met him in real life, you're a pretty big retard at times but you're funny as fuck when you come through

@papacopper for being a solid lad, pretty cool to talk to and gives you a laugh when times are pretty fucked, thanks for being there bud x

@Mortenzoni mum said it's my turn to use the xbox.

and also @Kurumi Nya because without her I wouldn't even be here right now, this person is hands down one of the most giving, loving people I have ever met in my life. I know it's only been two years now since we've started speaking but, it's made my time here a lot better, and I just want to thank you for that. You may be a lil bitch sometimes but you sure as hell mean a whole lot to me and I can't deny that, even through our ups and downs, which I know we have had many of (:ok:), I'm just glad you've stuck around as long as you have :^)
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May 30, 2016
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the forum
Not a shitposter was stirring, not even `impulse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St Powley soon would be there.

Dark Souls III
Arma 3
Fallout 4
Army Men II
Black Mesa
Holdfast: Nations At War
Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Killing Floor 2
The Elder Scrolls V: Special Edition
Don't Starve Together
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas

12 games for 12 roleplayers, rules are simple:

  1. Rate this post Friendly
  2. Tag someone below and be nice to them, has to be genuine, else I'll rate your post disagree
  3. Add me on Steam before the 31st.
I'll announce the winners on the 24th since I'll be enjoying Christmas myself

Merry Christmas to one and all x
@Kurumi Nya one of the nicest people I have ever met and a true joy to be around. Never have I met anyone on this community more enjoyable to talk to. I truly cannot stress how lovely and superficially generous she's been. She's and absolute joy to talk to.

I doubt I'd win but if I did I'd like the gift to go to her rather than me.
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Apr 26, 2016
I don't have a huge list (I'd probably just list everyone tbh) and I'm not really here anymore but having followed this place from LP there's not a person on here now who I'd say I don't like - even people I had poor views on from LP have changed and I like to think I changed with it.

I may argue with some of you but ultimately I come back and play for the community.

Hope you all have a great Christmas!


Apr 26, 2016
I don't have a huge list (I'd probably just list everyone tbh) and I'm not really here anymore but having followed this place from LP there's not a person on here now who I'd say I don't like - even people I had poor views on from LP have changed and I like to think I changed with it.

I may argue with some of you but ultimately I come back and play for the community.

Hope you all have a great Christmas!

miss u


Apr 26, 2016
I don't have a huge list (I'd probably just list everyone tbh) and I'm not really here anymore but having followed this place from LP there's not a person on here now who I'd say I don't like - even people I had poor views on from LP have changed and I like to think I changed with it.

I may argue with some of you but ultimately I come back and play for the community.

Hope you all have a great Christmas!

i love you rabid
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Deleted member 1405

I gotta add some love for the staff

Thanks to @alex and @Blackquill for putting up with my shit and being understanding with the incident. U both probably had chances to permaban me, or even leave me banned originally. I really appreciate that you know when things leave the server and get into real life territory and realize there is more important things to a player than what happened. I love u both and respect u both so much.

@DoubleD thanks for helping me to originally get unbanned, ur a cool and funny dude

@zoo thanks for always answering my helps and helping the players even if ur roleplaying or dont want to. I think ur one of the best, if not the best, staff member around here as far as helping players right away even with dumb shit.

@Baker @key @Jaydawg @Erid @Pumpkin u all are good men, thanks for letting me unblacklist the third time around. Eridan i hope u get to talk to ur family I know ur out in the field rn. Love u all

@Pyromancer you got some leaky pipes and you should fix that :heyzeus:
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Apr 27, 2016
@Cramdam unironically one of the funniest people on the planet

@ruble total retard but you're also a virtual punching bag so its ok

@Jimbo is and always will be my fav roleplayer

@Xebra @afric @Gaben all the realest heyzeus' on ww3rp

this is all to say nothing of my real fave community member, khaatamul nasheed, but i think we can all agree it'd be unfair to even bring him up because of how much of a god he is
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Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
Real shout outs now - Also to everyone who has tagged me, I'd like to say the sentiment is returned to all of you and I honestly appreciate it a lot- you lot are the best. I obviously can't tag everyone though rip

@alex @`impulse - For being the people who made neb possible to begin with and giving us a chance to continue where we left off, and being great close friends of mine who've helped me a shit-ton the past year and a bit - never change guys.

@RabidMaggot93 - For legit being one of my closest friends from LP/Neb and having by my side pretty much all the time even though he's no longer an SD or actively playing Neb. Great guy with a great heart, nuff said.

@Ronald - Shame he can't see this but, guy is a great friend of mine who helped out a lot both as a developer and as an SD, even if only for a short while. Guy's really talented, shame he had to leave us so soon.

@Roosebud The most competent SD WW3RP has and probably will ever have, has even helped me through some tough shit in the past; great guy and a great sense of humor.

@Zombine - Despite the shit that happened between us, you're still one of the best developers we've had and probably ever will have in regards to HL2RP and in general; wish we could've left on better terms but either way you deserve every bit of credit you get. Peace man

@Zak (fuck you i'm tagging you) - For always being there to help with development shit when we've needed it and putting up with the shit that people have given him (including myself, at some points). You're a great guy man, merry christmas

@Atle - Same with zombine, sucks you couldn't leave on the best of terms but you're still an extremely talented, creative and friendly guy who brought a great faction to the server back on LP and in Neb. Keep at it man.

@Flippy - For still sticking around and being a good friend of mine for the past year or so; especially after putting up with some unwarranted shit from people.

@James - Best Belgian (Sorry heaven), also quite possibly a computer that likes going to ice rinks.

@Jaydawg - Literally used to be one of the most quietest members, now he calls me rude words on TS almost everyday and bullies me.

And a final note to pretty much everyone, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy New year, Happy Holidays and most importantly - seeing what great memes are around the corner in the current year + 3

Also fuck you @legion for tking me in fortnite


Apr 26, 2016
Real shout outs now - Also to everyone who has tagged me, I'd like to say the sentiment is returned to all of you and I honestly appreciate it a lot- you lot are the best. I obviously can't tag everyone though rip

@alex @`impulse - For being the people who made neb possible to begin with and giving us a chance to continue where we left off, and being great close friends of mine who've helped me a shit-ton the past year and a bit - never change guys.

@RabidMaggot93 - For legit being one of my closest friends from LP/Neb and having by my side pretty much all the time even though he's no longer an SD or actively playing Neb. Great guy with a great heart, nuff said.

@Ronald - Shame he can't see this but, guy is a great friend of mine who helped out a lot both as a developer and as an SD, even if only for a short while. Guy's really talented, shame he had to leave us so soon.

@Roosebud The most competent SD WW3RP has and probably will ever have, has even helped me through some tough shit in the past; great guy and a great sense of humor.

@Zombine - Despite the shit that happened between us, you're still one of the best developers we've had and probably ever will have in regards to HL2RP and in general; wish we could've left on better terms but either way you deserve every bit of credit you get. Peace man

@Zak (fuck you i'm tagging you) - For always being there to help with development shit when we've needed it and putting up with the shit that people have given him (including myself, at some points). You're a great guy man, merry christmas

@Atle - Same with zombine, sucks you couldn't leave on the best of terms but you're still an extremely talented, creative and friendly guy who brought a great faction to the server back on LP and in Neb. Keep at it man.

@Flippy - For still sticking around and being a good friend of mine for the past year or so; especially after putting up with some unwarranted shit from people.

@James - Best Belgian (Sorry heaven), also quite possibly a computer that likes going to ice rinks.

@Jaydawg - Literally used to be one of the most quietest members, now he calls me rude words on TS almost everyday and bullies me.

And a final note to pretty much everyone, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy New year, Happy Holidays and most importantly - seeing what great memes are around the corner in the current year + 3

Also fuck you @legion for tking me in fortnite

Happy kringle quilly
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